Mil SALK. OR SALE—CAGGAGE, CAULIFLOWER PLANTS. Also:—RANUNCULUS AND ANEMONE BULLS. ELLIS MILLS. No. 71 Cuui'ch Street, Timaru. 3 East, Unitarian Hall. SALE—Shaddock Range, 3ft C inches by 20 inches. In FirstClass order. Price £5. Apply 19 Scaly Sireet. FOR SALE Magnificent Oak Cabinet- Gramophone. Very powerful spring' motor. Beautiful design Only £lB 10s, great bargain. Latest model, “This Ciiftophono Portable.” Wonderful tone instrument. Brunsden’s for best value. FOR SALE —Dry Firewood, Pine or Bluegum. Blocks, Cord and Half-Cords delivered. Apply R. H. Morgan. ,17 Brunswick Street. FOR SALE—Ford Car in good order. Any reasonable offer considered. H. Allchureh and Co., Auctioneers. jLIOR SALE—Edison Bell Portable JL . Gramophone. Latest Model, £4 17s 6d. Latest Parlophone Records •‘The Argument,” and “Henry’s Made a Lady out of Lizzy,” 4s each. Very funny records. Brunsden’s. SALE —Magnificent Piano by John Brinsmead and Son, London. A rare chaneo to get a very superior instrument at a moderate price. In perfect order, guaranteed. Brunsden’s, 179 Stafford Street. EOR SALE —New Records, Imperial : Is, Perfect 2s 6d, Regal 3s, 3s 6d, Columbia 4s, Parlophone 4s. Best Recordings at low prices. Good Sec«nd-Hand Gramophones, cheap. Brunsden’s. 17K3R SALE —Pine and Bluegum Timber, cut to any order; also fruit cases. J. Scott, Box 63, Geraldine. WORKING MAN’S OPPORTUNITY. £75 Deposit. Central Position. Four-roomed cottage, with conveniences, gas lighting, bathroom, washhouse, copper and tubs. Full J-Acre section. PRICE, £375. Balance, Weekly Payments, 22s 6d. GEO. HALL. Stafford Street North, Agent. 171 OR SALE—Nice little L.I.P. . Dairy Farm, as a going concern. Consisting of 46 acres. Rental, £55 per annum. Good buildings, welisholtered. Situate close to school and about ono mile from factory. Stock, 30 cows, 3 horses. Replete range of implements, including 3-cow milking plant. Can be financed with £SOO cash. Particulars, W. M. Cotterell, Beal Estate Agent, Tcmuka. ’Phone 188.
OR SALECORNER SECTION NORTH STREET Valuable Property. OWNER PREPARED TO SACRIFICE AT £l6O. Apply— MORTON AND CO., LTD., Auctioneers. jgRICK RESIDENCE, NORTH '"ST. £IOSO. £IOSO. £IOSO. Large 6-Roomed Residence, beautiful sunny. section (over (-Acre). A genuine snip at the surprisingly low figure of £IOSO. We can arrange terms. There is room for another house on the section. F 809. A. N. OAKEY AND CO., Strathallan Street. ’Phone 41. 171 OR SALE, GENT’S EVENING X SUIT. Size 5. Wanted, Gent’s r Tothing and Boots; also Children’s lothmg and Boots. Best prices iven. Apply— MRS PAYN, (Opposite Lister’s Garage.) 64 Stafford Street, Timaru. SALEFIREWOOD AT KINGSDOWN FIREWOOD AT KINGSDOWN.' C. E. KERR. Telephone 974 T. SECTIONS IN TOWN. Close to Waimataitai School, two frontages, lying to sun. PRICE, ONLY £IOO. W. S. LONG, Land and Estate Agent. HERE’S A BARGAIN. N EW 15 STOREY BRICK BUNGALOW AT £IOSO. WITH £l5O DEPOSIT. 5 Rooms and large sun balcony, well constructed with cavity brick walls, fitted with best conveniences, including numerous cupboards and tip bins, large wardrobes, linen press, electric light, h. and c. water, etc. Sunny 1-Acre Section, with Front Fence, Concrete Paths to Front, and Back Door. THIS IS WORTH INSPECTION. W. S. LON\ Land and Estate Agent. MORTON AND CO. “THE MART.’* COUNTRY BLACKSMITH’S BUSI- - NESS, com prising 6-KOOMED HOUSE and Conveniences. Blacksmith’s Shop and 4-Acrc of land. No Opposition. Good District. PRICE £550. Tools, etc., at Valuation. GOOD, GRAMOPHONE BUSINESS. Splendid Position. ACCRUED COMMISSION OVER £3OO Lease Over 4 years to run. As a going concern. PRICE £550. PRICE £550. MORTON AND CO., LTD., Auctioneers. ATISHOOI ATISHOO! Run quick , Inr the '‘Unique” Hot Water Bag and Etop the Mlu from catching you. Best because made by North Butish Rubber Co. 4.
Page 15 Advertisements Column 3
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 15
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