FOR SALK. INNES-JONES, JENKINS AND CO., DOMINION BUILDINGS, TIMARU. Telephone 379. Estate Agents, Commission Agents, Valuators, Sharebrokers. FOR SALE. A SPLENDID CAMP AT PEEL FOREST. Four-roomed furnished cottage, with motor shed, etc. There are three acres of bush with creek running through. J acre of land on flat could be sold off if deslied. All furniture and chattels necessary go with the property. See us about this. WAI-ITI ROAD. Five-Roomed House and Kitchenette, porcelain bath, clinker fire places, electric light, gas stove, brick garage, and brick fence. The price is exceptionally low, and can be had on application to us. BEVERLEY ROAD. Six roomed, 2 storey dwelling, with tiled roof, garage, and telephone. Porcelain bath, hot and cold water, electric light and gas, two built-in wardrobes, tiled grates and tiled range. Price and terms on .application. ELIZABETH STREET. Seven roomed House, with J acre land, gas lighting, gas stove, hot and cold water, etc. Price £l4O0 —Easy Terms. We also have a cheap section opposite Fraser Park. A Reasonable Offer will be entertained. JpOR SALE—PRETTILY SITUATED BUNGALOW IN THE ITOIITH END OF TOWN. (Seven Rooms.) MOTOR GARAGE AND FOWL RUN. QUARTER ACRE GROUND. As the Owner is leaving Timaru, he i 8 prepared tc consider any reasonable offer. L. ORBELL, 'Phone ’Phone 477. WENTWORTH. 477AUCTION SALES AT MART FRIDAY Sales Conducted at Your Home by Expert Staff. SATISFACTION ASSURED. ‘ JUST. OFF OTIPUA ROAD. CLOSE TO BOYS’ HIGH SCHOOL. £9OO Government Mortgage £9OO Five-Roomed BRICK BUNGALOW, with Sleeping Balcony and Sun Porch. Fii’eplaces in all but one room. Electric light and power points. Modern “Champion” Bungalow range, and electric li.w. heater. Built in cupboards, linen cupboards, meat safe, tip bins, and cupboards and drawers in kitchen. Porcelain bath and basin. Washhouse, h and c water over tubs, coalhouse, all under main roof. High, Sunny Section, area 1-6 acre, concrete paths, and concrete garage. PRICE—£I3OO. £9OO Government Mortgage. JUST BEYOND BOUNDARY. HEALTHY LOCALITY. Situated right on a hill, with land sloping to the Sun. 4 Acres Land and seven-roomed Mo-1 dern Bungalow. I Every convenience, built-in cup- I boards, electric light, h and c water, porcelain bath and basin. Garage, workshop, and other outbuildings. PRICE—£IBSO. On Reasonable Terms, or Owner will exchange for good house in town. When you are buying Property try the Wentworth first. Whatever you want, we have it. Houses, Sections, Businesses, Shops, or Farms. .AT ALL PRICES AND TERMS TO SUIT EVERYONE. RUNCIMAN, PRYOR, LTD., Valuators and Real Estate Agents. 9 Church Street, Timaru, HIGGINS FOR HOMES! BUSINESSES. SHOP DWELLING.—A first class little Freehold Property, Up-to-date Store ' with 4 living rooms and all conveniences. The building is practically new and well equipped. The business —a General Store —is doing a steady trade in a very good locality. The freehold is for sale with Stock and Appliances at Valuation. Suit either one or two persons. See me about it. Also —A Small Leasehold Shop with a good Cash Connection, General Store, Confectionery, etc. Handy to town. Cheap Rental on Lease. Suit one or two people. Price £6OO walk in and out. . HOMES. Very Central. —A Splendid Little Bungalow of 4 Rooms, Sleep Out, and Kitchenette. Everything latest and best. Grounds nicely laid out, situation one of the best. A very desirable home. Price £1450 is cheap. See me about it. BIARK HIGGINS, 21 ARCADE. DISTANCE is no object if you are mounted on one of our easy running sturdy machines, Brittnnia Gamester of Teaspur. Hogg's Cycles Ltd., Cycle Manufacturers, Tekapo B uildiugs. DUNN, Perkins Company, 269 Staflord Street, wish to draw your attention to their large reductions in footwear. FOR all your Boots and Shoe Repairs try Dunn, Perkins Company, ‘-'■69 Stafford Street
Page 15 Advertisements Column 5
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 15
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