A. 11. FENN. THE RIALTO. A H. F E N N , Licensed Land Agent and Auctioneer, Temuka. SPECIAL SALE of PUREBRED POULTRY Will be held on SATURDAY, JULY 14, At 1 o’clock. i Will Clients Please Advise Entries to Facilitate Advertising. A. H. FENN, Land Agent and Auctioneer. ’Phones: House 167; Rooms 146. J7VANS AND BULL J. R. EVANS ROLAND BULL (Licensed Land Broker). (Established 1881.) GOOD TERMS GIVEN. 200 ACRES (just over). Few minutes from station and school. Has grown 57 bushels wheat per acre. All round good farm. 15 acres turnips, 150 acres grass. 5-roomed house, electric light, washhouse,, dairy, granary, 5-stall stable, implement shed, etc, PRICE,. £26 per acre. No mortgage. Owner retiring and will give very good terms to experienced farmer. We invite inspection. 114/50 MORTGAGEE SALE—OFFER WANTED. 110 ACRES RANGIORA (just out of Borough). Good medium land, suitable for cropping, lucerne, etc. 6-roomed house, and outbuildings. £IBSO, or offer, and any terms given. Write or call. / 28 8/ 37 ABSENTEE OWNER. MIGHT LEASE WITH PURCHASING CLAUSE. 1800 ACRES within 20 miles of Christchurch, in good going order. All flat, ideal tractor country. Carry sheep per acre and grows good .turnips and rape. Splendid, sweet, sheep fattening country. 5-roomed house and outbuildings. PRICE £8 per acre. Excellent terms, as owner is residing permanently in the North Island. Any buyers wanting a sheep property of this size are invited to inspect. -TO LANDLORDS. We have numerous inquiries for Leaseholds of every description. If you wish to let to advantage, send us particulars. No charge unless business results. . ■ ’ EVANS AND BULL, 63 Cathedral Square, CHRISTCHURCH. new stocks to hand NEW STOCKS TO HAND NEW STOCKS TO HAND STANDARDS ■ sheep Getting. RABBIT NETTING JOHNSON’S WIRE. LIMITED QUANTITY— G. C. IRON G. C. IRON' £25/10/- PER TON £25/10/- PER TON NETT CASH. NATIONAL MORTGAGE AND AGENCY CO., OF N.Z., LTD.,
Timaru, Geraldine, Temuka, Pleasant Point, St. Andrews. Fairlie. FOR—SAFE REMOVALS THE N.Z. EXPRESS CO. ARE THE BEST! ’Phone 385. the new wonder LA GLORIA GRAMOPHONES FOR A LIMITED PERIOD ONLY. You can Purchase a La Gloria Gramophone for NO DEPOSIT. WITH FIFTEEN DOUBLE-SIDED RECORDS FREE. Free Repairs and Free Needles. Beautiful Oak Cabinets and DoubleSpring English Motors. Hear a Demonstration. This Winter. Purchase a LA GLORIA GRAMOPHONE ON THESE GOOD TERMS. JUST ARRIVED — A LARGE SUPPLY OF THE LATEST RECORDS. THE ONLY ADDRESS—LA GLORIA GRAMOPHONE SHOP 126 STAFFORD STREET, (Near Theatre Royal.) D. EDMONDS AND CO., Distributors. OH, those icy sheets! Why worry! Buy a “Unique” Hot Water lottlc and worm them up before you ‘turn in.” The best bag on the larket, because- British. 9-
Page 16 Advertisements Column 7
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 16
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