WHAKATANE HARROWS. . WHAKATANE HARROW?. WHAKATANE HARROWS. THE THREE-IN-ONE IMPLEMENT THE THREE-IN-ONE IMPLEMENT There is no better Harrow made, and none as good for the treatment of grassland to be top-dressed. - ; • A sod-bound pasture deprives the roots of the plants of sufflcieint air. It pays to Harrow the Whakatane way. ■■. ; See for yourself at the Timarfij ) Ploughing Match on Saturday. , “MAY" MANURE SPREADER. “MAY” MANURE SPREADER; By permission we shall also deS monstrate this Machine. This chine spreads up to 40 feet, and. the quantity—l hundredweight to ton per acre—can be regulated whilst it works. , The “MAY” Manure Spreader is fixed to an ordinary Farm Dray. Do not miss our demonstration . at the Ploughing Match on Saturday. WRIGHT, STEPHENSON AND CD., LIMITED, Strathallan Street, Timaru.. w S. LONG, LICENSED LAND AND ESTATE AGENT. ’Phone 855 P.O. Box 119. CORNER STAFFORD & STRATHALLAN STREETS. Chief Agents— COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE COY., LTD. £BOO AT 4i PER CENT. £BOO AT 4i PER CENT. £BOO AT 4J PER CENT. On Account of Owner leaving. Timaru, we have. For Sal© a NEARLY NEW BRICK BUNGALOW! with 4J per cent. Govefnment Loan of £BOO. Best Locality off Wai-iti Road. ' - Every modern convenience installed!. Wardrobes, etc., built in. All the advantages of a prand NeW| .Bungalow / With the hai% work of laying out th© garden done with. PRICE £BSO. £2OO DEPOSIT), 1 £BSO , ' . . £BSO NORTH END,' £2OO £BSO ; £2 °® £BSO NEW BUNGALOW OF £2OO £BSO 4 ROOMS & GLASSED £2OO £BSO IN SLEEPING PORCH £2OO £BSO . 2200 £BSO Attractive Design. £2OO £BSO Plastered Throughout. £2OO, £BSO Fitted with Electric £2OO £BSO Lighting, h& c waiter, £2OO, £BSO Cupboards* Bins, Meat £2OO £BSO Safe, etc. ■ , £2OO £BSO , 2200 £BSO Washhouse arid Coal- £2.00 £BSO house under roof. £2OO £BSO Section 1-8 Acre, 'high, £2OO £BSO and giving very fine £2OO £BSO view over Harbour. £2OO £BSO This is a cosy, up-to- £2OO £BSO date House, and is £2OO £BSO great value at the £2OO £BSO money. £2OO £BSO Easy Terms Arranged. £2OO £BSO 2200 PRICE £IOSO. £l5O DEPOSIT, £IOSO 2150 £IOSO HANDY TO TOWN. £l5O £IOSO £ls ° £IOSO MODERN BRICK. £l5O £IOSO BUNGALOW £l5O £IOSO . Of 4 Rooms & Sleep- £l5O £IOSO ing Porch. , £l5O £IOSO o £15 2 £IOSO- Electric Light, h and; £l5O £IOSO c • water, Bathroom, £l5O £IOSO Porcelain Bath . and. £l5O £IOSO Basin, Cupboards, £l5O £IOSO Meat Safe, etc., built £l5O £IOSO in. Washhouse under £l5O £IOSO main roof. £l5O £IOSO. High, sunny Section, £l5O £IOSO facing north, concrete £l5O £IOSO paths and front fence. £l5O £IOSO Best of Easy Terms. £l5O £IOSO . 215'0, ft. S. LONG, Land and Estate Agent. HAVE YOU GIVENJ. M. STICKING^, Hydro Service Station, THE CORNER OF STAFFORD AND LeCREN’S TERRACE,. - A TURN FOR. PETROL AND OIL. THE PRICES ARE RIGHT, AND YOU WILL RECEIVE PRpMPT AND COURTEOUS ATTENTION. OUTH CANTERBURY LOAN ID FINANCE CO., LTD, HAYS BUILDINGS,.... STAFFORD ST., TIMARU; . MONEY TO LEND. Mortgages and other securities* counted, approved Life Insurance icies taken as security. Ither short term loans may be arsed. Applications to be made to the ®n* signed: A. C. MARTIN, Secretary. P.O. Box SS: Tel. 235.
Page 16 Advertisements Column 8
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 16
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