H. ALLCHURCH AND 00. —THE RIALTO— H ALLCHURCH AND CO., AUCTIONEERS, Licensed Land anti Estate Agents. Insurance and General Commission Agents. 'Phone 174. P.O. Box 201. SPECIAL NOTICE. TIMARU JUBILEE. OWING TO FRIDAY NEXT BEING TIMARU’S JUBILEE OUR WEEKLY RIALTO SALE Will Commence at 11.30 A.M. 11.30 A.M. WITH POULTRY AND PIGS. Followed by Fruit and Produce. PLEASE NOTE 11.30 A.M. In place of 1 o’clo^v. H. ALLCHURCH AND CO., Auctioneers, Beswick St., Timaru. M. COTTERELL, Property and Business Salesman. Opp. G.P.0., TEMUKA. Private 'Phone 140; Office 188. TWO GOOD SHEEP PROPERTIES AS GOING CONCERNS. AREA—IIOO Acres Freehold, well fenced, watered and subdivided. 60 Acres turnips, balance grass. Land practically all flat and easily worked. Stock, 950 ewes, 6 cows, 5 horses and all implements. BUILDINGS. —Five-Roomed House, „ stable, granary, cowbyre, garage, etc. Well sheltered by fine old trees. Situated only h a mile from school.and rail, alongside main road, and close to progressive town. PRICE—As a Going Concern, £B/5/per acre. Exceptional terms given. The present owner, who is a man of advanced years, is right out to do business. (Sole, agent.) NICE LITTLE G.R.L. FARM. 501 ACRES. Rental £llß per annum. All clean, sweet, sheep country. Good farm buildings. Stock, 400 ewes, 6 cows, and all implements. PRICE as a Going Concern, £2850. BUSINESS-rrCountry Bakery Business, replete with el. machinery. Showing a profitable turnover. Price, walk in,walk out, £7OO. Books shown to bona fide buyer. Butchery Business. Doing 23 sheep and 3 bodies of beef per week. No opposition. Can be financed with £SOO. WILLIAM M. COTTERELL, Agent Alliance Assurance. A. WASHER AND CO. A. WASHER AND CO., AUCTIONEERS AND LICENSED LAND AGENTS. ’Phone 365. * Stafford Street. Chief Agents— STATE FIRE AND ACCIDENI INSURANCE. SECTIONS. SECTIONS. SECTIONS. SECTIONS. Sections from £SO to £SOO. These can be bought on terms SECTIONS. SECTIONS SECTIONS. SECTIONS. A. WASHER AND CO. FAIRLIE AUCTION MART. Cash Buyer of Rabbit Skins and Fat. FOR SALE IN FAIRLIE. Price £BOO. Good terms. FOR SALE IN FAIRLIE DISTRICT. 50 ACRES FREEHOLD, 5-roomed House. Good Govt. Mortgage. Price £4OO. About £l5O cash. SMALL FARM FOR SALE. 96 ACRES FREEHOLD, 1J miles from Fairlie. 5-roomed House, subdivided iitto 5 paddocks, suitable for dairying, sheep or crop. Price £l6/10/- per acre. Good terms. G. C. MARTIN, Auctioneer and Land Agent, FAIRLIE. -
Page 16 Advertisements Column 6
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 16
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