MORTON AND CO- LTD. THIS DAY At 2 p.m. BERTS FURNITURE SHOP (Opposite Post Office). Wilton Carpets, Rugs, Modern Household Furniture, also Machinery. MORTON AND CO., LTD., Auctioneers. TO-MORROW At 11.30 a.m. POULTRY SALE. To Fit in with Jubilee Celebrations Poultry will be sold AT 11.30 A.M. MORTON AND CO., LTD., Auctioneers. jyj ORTON AND CO., LTD., GRAIN, SEED AND PRODUCE MERCHANTS. LAND, ESTATE AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS. HOTEL BROKERS. Chief Agents— UNITED INSURANCE Co., Ltd. (Fire, Marine and Accident.) Selling Agents—■ Otago Fruitgrowers’ Co-op. Nelson Fruit Control. Agents— S.C. Egg & Poultry Society. j Fresh Supplies of Eggs Daily. Auction Sales of Poultry EVERY FRIDAY, at 12.30 p.m. I • Full Range of Poultry Foods Always in Stock. Prime Quality Lamb and Mutton on Sale Daily. Sales of Furniture. Grain and Produce. | '• Gramophones, etc. WE WANT A BUYER FOR THIS GOOD LITTLE HOME. NEAT LITTLE BUNGALOW of 5 Rooms, and all conveniences, artistically papered and well designed. Section nicely arranged. High, level and sunny. Handy to Town and Bay. PRICE—£IISO. | AND GOOD BUYING. MORTON AND CO., LTD., Auctioneers and Valuator^. D. C. TURNBULL & CO. WHEAT FOR STORAGE. We have Accommodation for 30,000 Sacks. Cash Buyers— WHEAT. OATS. PEAS. SEEDS. For Sale —■ MaNURES--All Descriptions. D. C. TURNBULL AND Agent at Geraldine —J. R. LACK, R. H. JOVCE, LTD. Land and Town Property Agent, 16 BESWICK STREET, TIMARU. A GOOD LITTLE FARM. 33 ACRES L.I.P. Rent £B/15/-half-yearly. 5-roomed house, stable and sheds, windmill. 6 acres in oats and grass, 12 acres stubble, balance in pasture. The property is situated less than a mile from railway station, school and post office. Price £1270. Soldier’s Loan of £9OO for 26 years, remains on. Balance cash. Well worth inspection. 8.28. 43 ACRES FREEHOLD, 8 miles Timaru. 4-roomed house and sheds. Nice free land, watered by water tace. At present the land is all in wheat. Will sell now for delivery after harvest. Price £l7/10/- per acre. Only £l5O cash wanted. Balance mortgage for 5 years at 6 per cent. Suit poultry farmer, drover or working man. Inquire about this. 8.22 M. STONYER AND CO., TIMARU. 5000 ACRES. 5000 ACRES. 600 ACRES HOMESTEAD FLAT. All Ploughable and fenced into 17 Paddocks. Well Watered. Splendid Homestead. Carries 6000 Sheep Summer and Winter. PRICE ON APPLICATION. Stock and Plant at Valuation. . H. M. STONYER AND COMPANY, LAND, ESTATE & MACHINERY AGENTS, ARCADE, TIMARU. J. SHEEHAN, Manager Nash Motors, TIMARU. A GOOD OPPORTUNITY TO PURCHASE USED CARS. 1 DODGE SEDAN .. .. £250 1 HUP. TOURER . . . . £l5O 1 NASH TOURER .... £l3O THESE HAVE A SIX MONTHS’ GUARANTEE. 1 INDIAN MOTOR-CYCLE AND SIDE-CHAIR, £SO. APPLY—NASH MOTORS, Or Ring 'Phone 1396,
Page 16 Advertisements Column 5
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 16
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