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WANTED. WANTED. I>F,AL STLK HOSIERY MILLS, of lb Wellington, require an energetic, keen salesman, to handle their products in Tiinaru and District. The arLido is not sold through retail shops, but sent direct from the Mills to the Consumer, the representative building up a permanent list of customers. Applicant must be pvepaml to start at once. All replies to be addressed to ‘.‘MANAGER,” Caro “Herald” Co., Ltd., Tiinaru. ANTED TO BUYMANURE SACKS TN ANY QUANTITY. Must be sound. 2s per dozen, cash. A. H. FENN, Temuka. Or JAS. STEVEN, Geraldine. 'ANTED KNOWNWe can now olfer Delicious Apples from Gs 6d to 10s 6d per case. Island Oranges 6or 4 for Is. 501 b bag of Potatoes, 4s Gd. Swedes, 2s 6d per Sugar Bag, delivered. F. BOSHER, Fruiterer, 1 King Street, Timaru. TEACHER of Pianoforte, desires pupils; prepare all music examinations. Terms 25s quarter. Apply “Cunvcn,” This Office. W* ANTED TO LET —5-Roomcd Modern Bungalow ; no agents. Wai-iti. Road District. Apply Box 180, Timaru. WANTED TO LET—6-Rooomed Art Bungalow, close to town. AH conveniences. Apply 8 Arthur Street. W 'ANTED—Nice Furnished Room for Gentleman; handy to town. Apply 136 Stafford Street, Timaru; W' ANTED —We are Cash Buyers of Trapped or Shot Hares. AY • Ritchie and Sons, Fish Merchants, Timaru. CM APABLE Young Lady would like J position as Housemaid or General Help. Apply “X.Y.Z.” “Herald” Office. ROSE MARIE,” On Friday, will have their Oyster Soup, Kidney Soup Fish Pics Steak and Kidney Pies by 10 o’clock to enable anyone to have a good meal before taking part in the celebrations. The Arcade, next Don’s. W "ANTED KNOWN—Purest and Finest Italian Lucca Olivo Oil. Any quantity obtainable at V. Lurajud’s, Dominion Cafe. A LUMJNIUM Hot Water Bottles, 4s 3d only. Vacuum Flasks, 3ach 3s, 4s 6d, 17s Gd. Bond’s Drockery Warehouse. m.O-NTGHT. at 8 o’clock, at WentJL worth Hall, free lecture on “Homo Financing on Easy Terms.” Reserved seats for ladies. FIELD Mowers Required for Clients. Both 1-llorse and 2Horso Machines. Must be sound and reasonably priced. Boyd’s, Machinery Merchants, Rattray Street, Dunedin. W* ANTED—Respectable Working Man requires Board and Lodging in Private Family. No other boarders kept. State terms to “Permanent,” care This Office.
WANTED— By Young Man, Board and Residence in respectable private home with garage preferred, but not essential. Apply “Private,” This Office. W‘ ANTED —G enerals, Cook-Gen - orals, waiting engagement. Middle-Aged Lady for light position. Apply Cornelius Labour Exchange, opposite Ballantyno’s. ’Phone 410. TjUYER with £4O, wants Piano. _D Reply make an(l condition, to “Good Value,” “Herald” Office. HANSARD’S Gramophone Record Exchange. Books Exchanged, Books Bought, and Books Sold. Note new address, Gabites’ Corner, ITS Stafford Street. FIFTEEN Only Ladies’ Jumper Suits for Tennis,' Golf, eto., offered at Half-Price. For three days only. Ballantynes. WANTED— By Young Man, Position on Sheep Station; experienced. Good references. Apply “L.F.8.,” “Herald” Office, Timaru. ANTED TO SELL—Privately, Lovely-Toned Piano; Broad-wood-Whito" £45. Cash or terms. Apply 246 Otipua Road. "WANTED KNOWN— Mrs Williams, Second-Hand Dealer, has removed two doors further up Woollcombe Street. Ladies’ and Gent’s Clothing of every description bought and sold. Highest prices given. ’PHONE 505. DON’S Mid-Winter Sale in the Showroom has commenced. 250 Model Frocks, Bargain Priced. Don’s Value House, The Arcade. TRY Williams’s South End Cafe, 38 Stafford Street South, for the best Fish Luncheon in Town; Is 6d. Also Fish and Chips and Fried Oysters to take home. Our fish is fresh daily. For satisfaction, give us a trial. M ORISONS LIMITED’S advice this . week to act quickly, and buy White Blankets, All-Wool, Single Bed Size, were 26s 6d, sacrifice price, 21s. Were 36s Gd, .-acrifne price 28s Gd. KEEN Demand for all classes of Furniture. Good prices being realised. Ring 447, and carter will call. Wentworth Auction Mart. CIOME to Porter’s Great Annual ' Stocktaking Sale. Bargain Tables ranging from Is to 7s 6d, abounding in useful articles awaiting your choice. D.O. CHICKS. I AM NOW BOOKING ORDERS FOR D.O. WHITE LEGHORN CHICKS. Is each. Also Sittings of Eggs and Incubator Lots from specially selected stock. D. G. WHITTEKER. Waitaki South. AS A BIRTHDAY OR WEDDING GIFT, nothing will be more appreciated than a gift of Silverware. And it will not be an extravagance, if you visit. McNab’s, for they are making really genuine reductions on their entire stock. J. McNAB. Watchmaker and .Jeweller. 277 Stafford Street North, Timaru. THE Thomas Battery Co., 59 Stafford Street. South.—Prest-o-lito Batteries and Bosch Electrical Equipment. Official Service Station. They carry all plant and accessories, and aro battery and ignition specialists.
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Bibliographic details
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 14
Word Count
752Page 14 Advertisements Column 4 Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 14
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Page 14 Advertisements Column 4 Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 14
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Timaru Herald. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.