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Tons IS THE CARRYING CAPACITY OF THE ' Mew Ford Truck Chassis £205 The New Ford Truck is one of the greatest advances in modern transport. It offers special features, such as | floating axle, worm drive differential, 40 miles per hour on top, very light petrol consumption, 3-speed gear box, pump feed lubrication, and many other features. It is particularly well adapted for the fitting of a tip body. It can also be used for a sheep truck with a double deck body, and is extremely well suited for this work. Chassis £205 On View Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 12th, 13th and 14th July AT OUR GARAGE THE CECIL WOOD COMPANY, LTD., Sole Ford Dealers, Timaru Territory
WANTED KNOWN. WANTED TO SELL —The Lease and Fixtures of tho Shop occupied by J. E. Reid, BootmaKei. Immediate possession, very low rental. Call to-day. J'or further particulars, apply Perpetual Trustees, Stafford Street. WANTED TO LET—Partly Furnished Front Room in town, or would board business lady. Apply “Home,” “Herald” Office. MAKE Big Money canvassing outlines. Apply for particulars to Escotts, 8 Picton Avenue, Wellington. N" OTHING but the best is good enough for that boy. “Sunshine Packet Soups.” WANTED KNOWN—Have you tried Burley’s Coal—the clean coal from Westport. Westport Coal Co. WANTED TO RENT—As soon as possible, 4-Roomed House; central. Apply ' “No Children,” “Herald” Office. TEA SETS —12s 6d, 13s 6d, 14s 6d, 16s 6d, up to 50s. English, China. Dainty designs. Bond’s Crockery Warehouse. ‘ ' ’ RANFURLY SHIELD— Passengers wanted for Christchurch. Car leaving early Saturday Morning. Fares reasonable. J. A. Templeton, Church Street Taxi Stand. ’Phones 599—666. USE N.Z. “Sunshine Soups,” they are the goodest of the good goods. M ORISONS LIMITED. —150. Pairs Ladies’ Assorted Colour, Art Silk Hose going at Is a pair. These ranged from 2s 6d to 3s lid a pair. Don’t delay.
GENTS! FOR A QUICK, GOOD SHAVE < V ‘ Try ; ' : Flrkltt ? s The Most Hygienic and Up-to-date Saloon in South Canterbury. Three Chairs —No Waiting. Three Skilled Attendants under the personal supervision of Mr E. Firkin. NO OIL “STACOMB” NO GREASE Wear your hair any style you like —only, have it always in perfect order, smooth, just as your hairtjmsh left it. Use “STACOMB” and have that well-groomed appear ance. Full Stocks at FIRKIN’S ONLY ONE ADDRESS NOW—Opp. STAFFORD TEA ROOMS. Bio Winter Sal& y 11 Huge Reductions in Ladles’ Apparel and Millinery." Coats, Frocks and Costumes at Half Usual Prices. Silks, Hosiery and Underwear all Greatly Reduced. “Tf*e Ijiberts” SPECIALISTS IN SILKS AND LADIES’ APPAREL 294-296 STAFFORD STREET NORTH (NEXT WASHER’S) <§ FI demands the use of the very best grained J woods and ply-woods. We make a speciality of supplying the cabinetmakers’ needs at the lowest ruling prices. Inspect our stocksbefore you buy. John Jackson & Go., ltd. STAFFORD ST., timaru;
WANTED KNOWN. FIFTEEN Only Ladies’ Jumper Suits for Tennis, Golf, etc:, offered at Half-Price. For three clays only. Ballantynes. ENGAGED and Married Couples — [ Come along to Wentworth Hall to-night, at 8 o’clock, and hear, how to build and finance your homo on easy terms. . MIGNONNE, for Alterations and Renovations. Now is the tune to have your Dance and Evening Frocks made up-to-date, and now is the time while the sales are on, to buy lace or georgette, and remodel your last year’s frocks. Call and get Mignonne’s advice. ’Phone 790.' Address, 303 and 305 Stafford Street. BOOKS and Records bought, Sold or Exchanged at Wentworth Book and Record Exchange. Wentworth Auction Mart. TEA —Famous Wentworth Brand. Fresh shipment just arrived. 51b ’ for 10s 6d only, at Wentworth Auction Mart. L ADIES’ FABRIC GLOVES—Fur l Trimmed, Fleecy Lined, m Grey onN'. Usually 5s 6d, Sale 2s lid, at Ramsay and Miller’s. ,rpHE SALE OF THE SEASON.— I Ladies’ Hose, All Wool 'Cashmero, 2s lid, Silk and Wool 3s 6d, Heavy Ribbed Cashmere 6s lid for 3s 6d. Bust and Co., 167 Stafford Street Central. STOP 1 Look Listen 1 Repairs better, quicker, cheaper. F. B. Sanders, Church Street Bootmaker, near Staf- ’ ford Street. MIGNONNE’S Is Paper Patterns, cut to your own measurements, will enable you to make .your new i Coat, Dance Frock, Coat Frock, or I Underclothing very "cheaply, now that 1 materials are selling so • reasonably at the sales. Call whenever it is con- . venient to you, to have your measurements taken. Bring in your stockings, to have the ladders invisibly ! mended, and your hemstitching to do, at fourpence a .yard. You will find I us a practical, helpful firm at 303 and 305 Stafford Street North.
■\TCTANTED— Sowing by the Day or Y V at Home. Also Knitting. Apply 65 Guise Street, Temuka. GUPS and Saucers, breakfast size, 4s half-dozen. Bond’s Crockery Warehouse. RANTED KNOWN— A Substantial Meal Obtainable at Any Hour of the Day at DOMINION CAFE. Fish. Oysters. Grills. 3-Course Luncheon Is 6d, from 12 to 2 Fresh Ovsters to take home, any sized Pottles, 9d dozen, or Fried with Chips'! Also ‘ Fried .Fish and Chips, Muvton Birds, cooked or raw, at V. lAJRAJUD’S. Is> EMEMBER 8 o’clock to-night at Wentworth Hall. Free lecture on “Home Financing,” by prominent business men from Dunedin. All invited. , CIUPS Only, 3a 3d, 2s 9d half-dozen. > Bond’s Crockery Warehouse. WANTED —For a Cash Buyer, a Modern Five-Roomed Bungalow, within ten minutes of town. Price not’ to exceed £ISOO. Particulars prompt to Geo. Hall, Stafford Street North. LITTLE Miss Moffett was not eating curds and whey, but “Sunshine Packet Soups.” C"IAR Driving Tuition by an expert; J fee £3 3s (£5 ss, if car supplied). Expert advice given on second-hand ear values. Address at “Herald” Office. TiJIOSE contemplating building should not miss the lecture at Wentworth Hall to-night at 8 o’clock on “Loans for Homes.” No collection. COIR Ffior Mats, thick quality. Each 3s 3d, Is 3d,’ 5s 6d, Gs 6d. Bond’s Crockery Warehouse. BOILTNG PEAS, 4lbs for lid. At Star Stores. “OJING a song of sixpence.” This is the cost of “Sunshine Custard Powder.” M ORISONS LTD.—For Timarn Coloured Dress Flannel. Single Width. Is lid. and Double Width, 3s lid yard. These are bargains reduced for sal efrom 2s 6d and 4s ILd. ■yjy- ANTED FOR A CLIENT WITH ABOUT £3OO CASH. SMALL FARM OF FROM 40 to 60 ACRES. Please send particulars to— GEO. RETD. Beswick Street. GLASS BOWLS—III set of 5. Ranging from 5 inches to 9 inches diameter." heavy quality for 9s Gd, at Porter’s Emporium. ELECTRIC Globes, full range. 2s up to 4s. Bond’s Crockery Warehouse.
MAKE 11. Green’^vyour last call on the way home Choicest Roasts, Beef, Mutton and Small Goods at lowest possible prices. Robert Green, Butcher, Arthur Street. BICYCLES— New and Second-Hand, in all models. Accessories, tyres, and everything for the cyclist. R. A. i Rodgers, Cycle Dealer, Stafford Street I South. T' HE BEST TEA, tho best listTof cash prizes. Enter for the big Raven Tea Competition. No entrance fee. Particulars in each packet of Raven Tea. Start collecting to-day. Bill’s bagged zhe Bag!” J.VJ. Never mind! Invest in another “Unique” Hot Water Bag anil 1 domestic calm will reign. JYoh’t leak > or burst. All SIM*. tL Hemstitching, smartly done by an cxperti for 6d yard. No extras charged. Send or post to Ramsay and Miller Ltd., Stafford Street, Ti- | maru, SECOND-HAND Furniture just arrived. A large assortment Single Beds and Bedding. Cheap at Rennie’s. Timaru Furniture Exchange, Strathallan Street. T,HE SALE OF THE SEASON.— Double-Bed, All-Wool White Blankets; 30s a pair. Bust and Co., 167 Stafford Street Central. NOW is the time to order your Tomato Plants for the coming season. Apply H. Stuart, Maori Hill Gardens. Residential ’phone 987. COOKING APPLES —7s 6d per case, at the Star Stores. THE SALE OF THE SEASON Double-Bed Flannelette Sheets. 2 x 2i}yds; 7s lid each. Bust and Co., 167 Stafford Street Central. SNIPS in Second-Hand Motor-Cycles. Some excellent used machines for quick sale. Inspect at R. A. Rodgers, Motor Importer, Stafford Street South. PORTER’S Stocktaking Sale, for Bargains in Household Goods. Coat-Hangers 6 for lid. AVritiug Pads of 250 pages, 3 for 2s 6d. Envelopes, 4 packets for Is. Toilet Rolls, Is lOd per half dozen. M ORISONS LTMTTED for greatest value in Colonial White Blankets. Full three-quarter bed size, were 35s Od and 455, sacrifice price 28s 6d and 355. THEATRE ROYAL BUILDINGS. Agents For: diabolo separators. I 10 Gallons to 115 Gallons per hour. SIMPLE. SOLID. RELIABLE. Terms Arranged,
WANTED KNOWN. M ORISONS LTD.—For Timaru Coloured Dross Flannel. Single Width, Is lid and Double Width, 3s lid vard. These ore bargains reduced for salo from 2s 6d and 4s lid. The bale of the season.— Ladies’ Wool Junipers from 5s lid, Cardigans 6s lid. Bust and Co:, 167 Stafford Street Central. START COLLECTING Raven Tea cqupons to-day, and win a big eush prize. Every packet of this super quality toa contains full particulars ar.d prize list. M ORISONS LIMITED.—ISO Pairs Ladies’ Assorted Colour _ Art Silk Hose going at Is a pair. These ranged from 2s Od to 3s lid a pair. Don’t delay. MEAT! MEAT! The quality and price of our fresh prime Canterbury mutton and lamb is proved by the increasing numbers of customers coming to A. \! ashcr- and Co. SOUND sleep impossible with cold feet, therefore buy a “Unique” Hot Water Bag and keep warm and cosy the livelong night; guaranteed. All sizes. *•
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Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 14
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1,548Page 14 Advertisements Column 5 Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 14
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Page 14 Advertisements Column 5 Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 14
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