WANTED. T7UFTEEN Only Ladies’ Jumper i? . Suits for Tennis, Golf, etc:, offered at Half-Price. For throe days only. Ballantynes. BOOKS! Special Bargains in SecondHand Books. Classic, Biography, Theology, Fiction, etc. Arcade Book Shop. PIANO. Begg and Co., Dunedin. Steel frame, full trichord, check action; walnut and gold case. Magnificent tone and appearance; £55. A. Washer and Co. Ayr double knitting wool, in Grey, Purple, Lemon & Orange. Usually Is fid skein, Sale Is skein, at Ramsay and Miller’s. ONIONS— Pickling Onions. Bag lots, 6s. Open Lots, Id lb. H. Allchurch and Co., Beswick Street. NEW AND SECOND-HAND FURNITURE, Chairs, Ducliesse Chests, Stretchers, Bedding, etc. Cheap at Rennie’s. Timaru Furniture Exchange, Strathallan Street. The sale of the season.— Ladies’ Heavy-Weight Cotton Vests, 2s lid each. Bust and Co., 167 Stafford Street Central. MIGNONNE has only one Fur Coat left. Just new in. Such a smart coat, and beautifully lined with brocade. A real bargain Now is your chance. One only Black Face Cloth Coat, smartly cut. and wellmade, lined throughout. Now halfprice. Two, only lclt, smart- English Tailored Rain Coats. A life time’s wear. Bride’s Frocks, and Matron’s Afternoon Frocks, all considerably reduced to clear. Mignonne, opposite Shewan’s Corner, Canon Siireet. SAWS, Chisels and Lawn-Mowers sharpened and repaired at reasonable charges by 11. Butler, South End Service Station, opposite Carlton Hotel. All makes petrol and oil. Prompt attention guaranteed. TTJ ADTOLA ITo The wirelesn sensaJLII/ trnn of the' year. Batteries entirely eliminated. R. A. Rodgers, Radiola Agent, for Timaru, Stafford Street South. PICTURES! World’s masterpieces. Were 4s fid, balance clearing at 2s fid. Less than cost of frames. Arcade Book Shop. RIBBON lives up to its name, no bettor investment for a racing cycle on the market to-day. Hogg’s Cycles Ltd., Tekapo Buildings. YOUR Toes will tingle with a cosy glow if you have a “Unique” Hot U r !••'•■ at the foot of the bed. Made by North British Rubber Co. 2. THE RTTZ,” High-Class Fr Ul , ,/»d Confectionery Shop, wwio everything is fresh and wholesome. Jennings, 46 Stafford Street. South. COSY Wentworth Hall —Available on Wednesday and Saturday nights for socials, dances, etc., from £l. Particulars at Wentworth Auction Mart. I7IREE advice on Home Boot Repairi ing at Smith’s Leather Shop. (Get a card now). Boot Lasts, 3s 3d, 4s 9d to 15s. One set at £9 9s, suit a bootmaker. We fix domes and locks on all class of bags and luggage. See us. The sale of the season.-Hand-Made Lace, up to 4 inches wide; "id. 9d, Is a yard. Bust and Co.. 167 Stafford tSreet Central. STILL good demand for Furniture. Good prices assured. Ring ’phono 417 and carter will call. Wentworth Auction Mart.
Page 14 Advertisements Column 3
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 14
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