WAITED KNOWN. DAINTY Glass Dishea, 6(1, 10d, 1 3, upwards. Cake Plates from la 3d. Bond's Crockery 'Warehouse. The sale of the season.— Ladies’ Heavy-Weight Flannelette Nights, 6s lid each., Bust and Co., 167 Stafford Street Central. O-l K FIRST, £lO second, £5 third cijLt) and over ninety other cash prizes in the big Raven Tea Competition. Start collecting coupons today from each packet of llaven Tea. P~ "lain CASHMERE HOSE All Pure W r ool; good shades.. Usually 4s lid, Sale 3s lid, at Ramsay and Millers’, Stafford Street South. SILK AND AVOOL HOSE—FuIIFashioned. Extra good quality in Dark Fawn, Sunset and Beige. Usually 5s lid, Sale 4s lid, at Ramsay and Miller’9. ONE Shop in Timaru for School Bags; 2s Oil to 15s. Boys' Footballs, good and blown up, solid leather 6s 6d to 9s 6d. No.’s 1 to 4. See big basketball, 255, 325. Siul Rugby, 21, 24, 18s 6d. Come on. to Smith’s Leather Shop, Timaru. POORMAN ORANGES, the best for Marmalade', and the cheapest at the Atlas Fruit Shop. Ring ’phone 959. OVALTINE— The Perfect Food.: Small Is 10(1, Medium 3s 2d, ' Large 5s 6d. JOHN M. GOAV, General Merchant. ’Phone 65. North Street, Timaru. l^/TOTORISTS —Cleerglass used on Its. your windscreen will ke.ep it bright, and clear of fog and rain. John Edmond Ltd., agents. EATERY USER of Raven Tea has the chance of winning a big cash prize—save tho coupons found in every packet. Raven is no dearer than ordinary good tea. TRY our New Season’s Prunes. 31b for lid. Star Stores. WANTED To Buy, urgently— Bones, in any quantity; highest prices given ; Bone and Shell Fowl-grit for sale, in small and large quantities. Prices on application. Timaru Bonedust and Fowl-grit Manufacturer, R. G. Laplanche, Saltwater Creek, Proprietor: or 12 Craigie Avenue. ODDMENTS in Wallpapers. To be cleared at prices to suit you. ii’v size of room. F. Lewis, Hay’s Buildings. J7IOR all your Boots and Shoe R®- . pairs try Dunn, Perkins Company, 269 Stafford StreetDON’T put Baby to bed between freezing sheets. AV’arm them up with a “Unique” Hot Water Bag. Best for Baby, because safest. See “Unique” on ptopper. 5. Distance is no object if you are mounted on one of our easy running sturdy machines, Brittania Gamester of Toaspur. Hogg’s Cycles Ltd., Cycle Manufacturers. Tekapo Buildings. SMITH’S Bonnie AA T eo Leather Shoppie, require two or three Second-Hand Bootmaker’s Machines. Must be in good repair and reasonable in price. 169 Stafford Street, Timaru. Do it now. *■' O 959, 959. Remember the Oy* number It’s the Atlas Fruit iop, who aro selling Boorman Oranges iry’cheap at present, and will cut em ready for the pat.
Page 14 Advertisements Column 2
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 14
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