AUCTIONEERS. B.C. FARMERS', AGENCY CO.. LTD, S.C. Farmers' Agency Company, Ltd. temtjka: AUCTIONEERS AND GENERAL MERCHANTS. DISTRICT AGENTS FOR— International Harvester Co. (McCormick and Deering). Highland Sheep Dips and- % Animal Medicines. Cooper Sheep Shearing Machines. O.K Potato Pianters and Diggers. Kempthorno, Prosser and Co.'s Manures. Thomson's Calf Meal. Blue Bell Arsenate of Lead. The Ocean Accident and Guarantee Co., Ltd. NEW SEASON'S SEEDS. Mangels, Turnips, Rape, etc., just landed. Grasses. Clovers, etc., of highest gurity and germination for pring Sowing. "ROCKLAND" MANURES for all Crops; Basic Phosphate, Superphosphate; etc. CALF MEAL. Thomson's famous Calf Meal produces the. best stock. GARDEN SEEDS. New selected Stock of all varieties on hand. AUCTION AND LAND DEPARTMENT. Town and Country Sales conducted to suit Clients. Freehold and Leasehold Properties of all descriptions on ~ our Land Register. S.C. FARMERS' AGENCY CO., LTD., TEMUKA. &.. C. BUIST, Manager. ~ . ' O T O B GEARS. M fa Beat NickFi Chroma Steel*. CYLINDER reboricg new Piston Heads tnd Rings in Best Crucible Iron, and MOTOR ACCESSORIES Mads or Repaired , . . ACETONE WELDING by Expert*. Propeller*. ShaftinE», Tubing*, •to. Pbos; Brom« Rod and Hushing, "". H. Price and Son, AIOTOIs AND MARINE ENGINEERS Gsar Cutters, Braafounders, ate. •4-ie, Manchester and Allen fitiwts, CHRISTCHURCB* A WORD TO THE WISE AND THRIFTY. Have you had your Faded Garments Dyed yet? If not, take them "to PHILLIPS AND CO. and seo how well they will Dye them for you. Wo use fadeless dyes, all our Colours are gu;iranteed fast to light and fast for washing. We do not advertise a low price, and when we receive your ' order charge you another. We have ONE PRICE ONLY to all. Detailed Price Lists Free on application. We Dry and Chemical Clean every description of Wearing Apparel. * We Dye the 6nest fabrics. Glove 3 Cleaned 6y the latest French process in FIVE HOURS. PHILLIPS AND CO., (late of Continental Dye Works London and Paris.) Practical Dyors and Dry Chemical Cleaners. Stafford Street North, next door to Ball&ntyne's. H. L. BARKER, LAND AGENT V ASHBURTON, HAS a varied Selection of Farm Properties on his Books for Sale, and invites correspondence wisi those in search of land- The properties range from light tussock country at £4 per Acre to heavy Agricultural Land, equal to the best in Canterbury, at £4O per Acre. Splendid Sheep Fattening Land, cap. able of growing 40-50 Bushels of Oata to Acre is available at _ £ll 10s per Acre, £1 per Acre d«oosit, and balance j can remain on easy terms. MR FARMER,-... DOES YOUR PLOUGH WANT SETTING? li so, fetch it along to GEO. DELLOW, St. Andrews. iATISFACTION GCAIIA'STEED. CHRISTMAS—I9I-1. A MERRY XMAS FAIRLIE. WE are now Booking Orders fo: Christmas Cakes, Vegetables, anc Fruits. Fresh Rolls can be had daily Country Orders receive prompt attention. T v CLARKE, Christmas Baker and Confectioner, FAIRLIE. P. CAIRNS. LAND AGENT:. CHUROT ST., ■XT AS FOR SALE THE FOLLOW ING PROPERTIES: NEW BUNGALOW, 6 Rooms, gas hot and cold water and shower ovei bath, full i acre, withi nld section PRICE £SOO. HOUSE Saltwater Creek, £275. NEW HUUSE, b' Rooms, all conveni ences, Elizabeth Street. £650. SECTIONS, Rathmore Street, Nortl Street, and Otipua Road Term can be arranged. ROYAL HOTES. TEMUKA. *OM LATA, begs to intimat to his numerous frieade, tourists, fishermen,' commercial travellers, and others interested, that he haa taken over the above comfortable and fashionable Hotel, and intends to conduct it with special consideration to the convenience of the travelling public The Best Only of ALES. SPIRITS AND WINES IN STOCK. •Speight's Light Ales on .Tap. * Thorn's and Cameron's Whiskies, Superior Table. REASONABLE ?ERMS. TOM LATTA, 1 """" ADIES"—The delicious "Mili tary Pickle" suits all palates J and is better than the rest. Buv ; [bottle to-day. Price reasonable. "
Page 12 Advertisements Column 7
Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 12
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