AUCTIONEERS, MORTON AND PEARSON. Morton and Pearson, GENERAL AUCTIONEERS, FRUIT- AND PRODUCE MERCHANTS, jAND AND PROPERTY SALESMEN VALUATORS. STRAWBERRIES. STRAWBERRIES CONSIGNMENTS DAILY. FROM WAIMATE. The Season is now on. ORDER t EARLY to secure supplies, as owing to the dry weather growers advise a These are expected from the North NEXT WEEK. CHUCK CHUCK. A limited supply left. The Best food for Young Chicks on the market MORTON AND PEARBUN. AUCTIONEERS. PLEASE NOTE! NOW IS THE TIME TO OBTAIN A GOOD HOUSE AT A LOW PRICE. I WILL LTUILD you a Four-roomed Cottage from £225: or will build you a Four-roomed House with hot water service and conveniences. Bungalow etvle, casement 'windows, from £270. Call, Write or Ring -up- 511. ALF. ROUNDHILL. CRAIGHEAD. THE MAN TO GIVE SATISFACTION. H, M. STONYEB. I,AND AND MACHINERY AGENT, ARCADE. TOR SAL*. BO ACRES close to Timaru. firstclass land. House of 6 Rooms and Outbuildings. £350 Cash, balance foi fre years. £4OO CASH, balance easy terms 170 ACRES, Splendid Agricultural Land, 6 miles from Timaru. Good House ard Outbuildings. 240 ACRES, Hous© of 4 Rooms, 3 miles from School and Post Office; daily mail. Price £6 per Aero. £3OO Cash. POULTRY FARM COMPLETE, Complete or Separately, COMPRISING THE FINEST HATCHING INCUBATORS IN THE WORLD. 1,1 Fine Incubators, combined Hatching Capacity of Ono Thousand, One Hundred, and Fifty Eggs. Brooders to rear all Chicks Hatched. Fowl Houses and Penning and Appliances too numerous to mention. Proprietors leaving about February to take up larger Farm. SEE J. W. ROUNDHILL, GLEN-ITI, for full particulars. C. BEACH. COAL. AND PRODUCE MERCHANT, NORTH STREET. ELAWMAIN, WESTPOBT. and other Coals stocked. Firewood. " —ILINCHER Dreadnought" (Rub- > her Studded). Motor Cyclo Tyres, are made specially for the hard roads in the Dominion, by Scotland's best expert. Give them a trial. TIP-TOP FARM FOR SALE. SB9 ACRES, Freehold, Land all level, of which 300 Acres are young grass, 190 Acres ploughed, balance 2 and 3-year-old grass. BUILDINGS: 8roomed House, etc., Stable, Loosebos, Chaff-house, Shearing Shed, Sheep Yards, 16-stalled Cowbyre, and Engine Room, Men's Huts, etc., 3 miles from rail, 1 mile from School and P.O. Will carry 1600 Ewes. PRICE: £lO 10s per Acre. Good Terms. E. H. Smith, Land Agent: Dee Street, INVERCARGILL. THE TYROL TEA AND LUNCHEON ROOMS. MORNING—IO to 12— Tea and Coffee with Hob Sconea, etc., Beef Tea and Roll. LUNCHEON, 12 to 2 p.m., (Saturday 11.30 a.m.'). VISITORS may reserve Tables without extra charge. ■ Rooms are available for "Afternoons" and : 'Evenings" by arrangement. AFTERNOON-Tea and Hot Scones. Tea Cakes, etc., Sandwiches and Dainty Cakes. LIGHT TEAS, GRILLLS, etc.. 5 to 7 p.m. Cakes, etc., for Sale and to Order. Pascall'a Delicious Sweets in Oval Tina. HAND ALWAYS BEATS MACHINERY. , Y LAUNDRY guarantee*- beantiL fully finished and well done work by hand only, including Dry Cleaning aud Dyeing. MRS YPTJN3. . iOtftwsits St. Wwy'*. Cuurvh/.
Page 12 Advertisements Column 6
Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 12
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