AUCTIONEERS. WEBB & BRUCE, LAND AND HOUSE PROPERTY. SALESMEN, HAY'S BUILDINGS, TIMARU., OFF OTIPCA ROAD-Nice 4-Roomed •Bungalow, right up to date.: Or. ?lL fenced and sheltered. Price ±-AA>. Govt, loan £3OO, 4J per. cent. Very easy terms! XE^nT-'^°? iIED BUNGALOW ■HUbbi., built sis months, h. and c. water, bathroom, basin, highwaisted doors, easement windows, with 3 Sections, three chains frontage. About J-Acre in each, iotal area, 1 Acre 33 Perches. I'nce, £650. Govt, loan £320. at 4J per cent. li MILES from Timaru—6 ACRES well fenced, lying to the north! large frontage; suitable for bees poultry farm, etc. A splendid place for a home. See us for particulars. 5} ACRES L.1.P., and New 5-Boomed -tlouse, good orchard, frontage to & r0 v ds ' lere, o lan<L Pric * W6O. Easy Terms. Situated about) rz miles north of Timaru. WANTED—A MOTOR BIKE, a 4 Deposit on a Section. W. J. ROONEY. Salesman. BARROW BARROW TO BUS. TO BUS. We are'prepared to build any. thing from a barrow to a bus. Special attention given to Motor Car Repairs. BODY-BUILDING A SPECIALTY, A. C. Watson, TEMUKA CARRIAGE AND IMPLEMENT WORKS. SHEEP FARMERS' LABOUR EXCHANGE, (Established 1905.) * 155, HEREFORD STREET CHRIST* CHURCH. TO FARMERS AND PASTORALIST&, THE above Labour Exchange, which is nnder the supervision of the CANTERBURY SHEEP OWNERS* UNION, offers the best medium to Farmers and Pastoralist3 "for the en* gagement of Country Labour, Shearers. Shed Hands, Wool Classers, Experts, etc., engaged for the Shearing Season* PROMPT ATTENTION GIYEI TO ALL ORDERS. ■OHN MEB AND BOS Have in StockCoal, Coke, Firewood,. Oats, Ckaff, wheat, Straw, Pollard, Drain Pii and Colonial, Hydraulic Lime, Pla«tee of Paris, Pulp and Cement Plaster. Plaster Boards, Gore Oatmeal and Rolled Oats. . , . . Importers of— LIPTON'S CEYLON TEAS, HAVANA and MANILLA CIGARS ETC.. ETC. ataxia JOHN MEE AND SON, gfcrathallan Street. Now Open UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. THE STORE LATELY OCCUPIED! BY KOQG BROS. NEW AND UP-TO-DATE STOCK. ALL GOODS AT TOWN PRICES. GIVE US A TBIAE. TERMS CABH. For Sals. NEW AND SECONDHAND CICS, TRAPB» AND LIGHT DRAYS, Do you want to BUY? Do you want to SELL?. Do you want your CAR PAINTEDR Dp you want your TRAP PALNTED.S Bring your REPAIRS. WE CUARANTEE ALL OUR WORK. 'We have inquiries for Cheap Second hand Gigs and Traps. LET US POB YOURS ON OUR SALES LIST. P/K. Lamb & Co., BUS, CAR, AND COACH WORKS, 6TAFFORD STREET SOUTH,
Page 12 Advertisements Column 8
Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 12
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