AUCTIONEERS. O'CALLAGHAN & LaCREN. LTD TO-DAY, IN THE MART, Pigs (including Special Entry 2 Porkers). 3J h.p. Humter Motor Cycle. Household Furniture and Effects, LESLIE O'CALLAGHAN, Auctioneer, O'Cailaghan & LeCren, AUCTIONEERS, LAND AND INSURANCE AGENTS. THE MART, TIMARU. SPECIAL NOTICE. ITSUAL WEEKLY SALE will be ~ ; linld on owing to Saturday being a PUBLIC HOLIDAY. For TOP PRICES, Consign TO US. OUR CARRIER MEETS ALL TRAINS. LESLIE O'CALLAGHAN. GEORGE BOWKER, LAND AND ESTATE AGENT, SHAREBROKER. AND INSURANCE AGENT "ONEY TO LEND on FREEHOLD B SECURITIES in Largo or Small Sums at CURRENT RATES OF INGeorge Bowker, STAFFORD STREET. 'OWDEN AND INNES-JONES", . CHURCH ST., TIMARU. P.O. Box 186. Telephone 354. Licensed Land and Estate Agent*. Licensed Sharebrokers. Licensed Customhouse" Agents. Local Agents for — United Insurance Co., Ltd., Australasian T. and 6. Mutual Lifa Assurance Society, Ltd P. Helmore, Christchurch Correspondent. Thos. Cook and Son (Cook's Tours). Robert Wales, Patent Agent and At- | Forney. SAXON DAIRY FACTORY COY. IHE ABOVE COMPANY will pay at the rate of 14 pence per lb for Butter Fat from November 1 till May 31. Prompt payments and accurate, weights and testß guaranteed. A. W. SURRIDGE, PAINTER, PAPERHANGER, AND SIGNWRITER, TEIV.UKA. FULL STOCKS OPChampion's » n <l Hubbuck's White Lead. Hubbuck's, Blundell and Thistle _ Brand Oils. Hubbuck's and Ferguson's Stains. Only Competent Men Employed. REASONABLE CHARGES. EXPEDITIOUS WORK. Have absolutely no connection with the Firm of C. Bates'and Co. A TRIAL SOLICITED. A. W. SURRIDGE, Xemuka. MRS FITZGEEALD, MILLINER AND DRESSMAKER. (Late Mrs Coira.) SPRING 1914. SPRING 1914. C*IOME here this week and see our ./ SPECIAL SHOW OF SPRING STYLES IN MILLINERY, COSTUMES, BLOUSES, and NECKWEAR, Etc. . ■ - \ ' _ Come now, while our stocks are hi gh- | grade, our prices quality for quality are always the lowest. t The trend of correct fashion is indicated in OUR STYLES. McINTYRE'S Extra Strong Female Pills; 4s 6d; agont for Timaru l«ud Fairlje. Mr W. Baxter. Chemist,
Page 12 Advertisements Column 5
Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 12
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