LAND AND STATION AGENT, SHARE AND STOCK BROKER, I HAVE A CLIENT who wishes to purchase a SHEEP BUN carrying about 5000 to 7000 Sheep. TO LET, FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED, NEAR TIMARU, RESIDENCE OP ABOUT 9 ROOMS, TOGETHER WITH 13 ACRES OF For, SALB, CHEAP SECTION, NILE STREET, 2 chiifn frontage. BRICK HOUSE, SELW7N ST., 8 Rooms, all conTcaionoe*. J-Aor» ABOUT SIX ACRES, Glen-iti, Two Frontages, New House, 5 Rooms, good Orchard, etc., handy to School. A BUSHELL, Grain and Produce Broker, Commission Agent and Accountant, | Cash Bayer—Seeds, Wneat, Oats, eto. New Year Presents. \ NEATLY FRAMED PICTURE ,/\. is one of the choicest. Call and have a look at my Stock of most Artistic Pictures, with latest Mkraldings i and Mounts. PRICES VERY REASONABLE. A. L. THOKEAU PLEASANT POINT. Besides the above I have always on hand a complete Stock of Building Material, eto. PUBLIC NOTICE. 'E are CASH BUYERS of FAT, , » BOTTLES, OLD RUBBER and METALS. Highest Price* Given. We want to Buy 6 Toas of Ragt—< any sort. D. ASHTON. Marine Dealer, 'Phone 660 Maltby Bt.„ Timaru. Your New Year Ham 0. Carpenter IS TAKING ORDERS FOR HIS CELEBRATED Mild-cured Hams. In Various Weights, from 6s UPWARDS. COOKED FREE OF CHARGE. SHORTLY TO ARRIVE— I PICKLED GHERKINS. ' Procurable only from | CARPENTER, I THE SMALLGOODS MAN. j STAFFORD STREET NORTH. TARKIES IMPROVED SKY LIGHTS. | WATER AND DUST PROOF. A&ente: HUNT AND CURRIE. Plumbers. George Street. TIMARD. »OST CARD Views of Timaru, larg assortment, all prices, at FEB ""*" ADIES' s —Why is the deliciou ! "Military Pickle" the most tast; condiment on the market? Buy , bottle to-day and supply the answer. PROFESSIONAL A. C. M A R T I N,. i A.1.A., N.Z., A.P'.A. (N.Z.). ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR. SECRETARY, LICENSED SHAREBROKER, Hay's Buildings .. .. Timaru P.O. Box 58 Plione 235. W T . D. REVELL, F.1.A.N.Z., PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTANT ' AUDITOR, ! LICENSED SHAREBROKER. Chief Agent Sun Insurance Office Hay's Buildings, Timaru. Coulthard Mullions, F.N.Z.I.A. James Murray, 8.A., A.N.Z.LA. ARCHITECTS. Hay's Buildings: TIMARU. A. B R I D ,G E S Assoc. M. Inet., C.8., CIVIL ENGINEER AND LICENSEJ . BURVEYOR. ATLAS CHAMBERS. BESWICK ST TIMARU,
Page 12 Advertisements Column 4
Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 12
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