AUCTIONEERS, NATIONAL MORTCAGE ft ACENCY CO .OF N.Z., LTD. Newcastle Coa!, V I7"E hope from now onwards to have more regular shipments, and expect a steamer every mouth. To avoid disappointment BOOK YOUR ORDERS EARLY. TYe havo opened an Office and a Store at FAIRLIE, where a full stoak of , al * cla sses of Goods will be kept, and Farmers can rely en having their requirements attended to thoroughly. We stock all Colours in One and Five GaJlon Drums, which we offer you at LOWEST CURRENT PRICES. TRY OUR NATIONAL RAPS. NATIONAL TURNIP. NATIONAL GRAIN. NATIONAL MANGEL NATIONAL POTATO. Manures, after which you will us* no other. BASIC SLAG, BONEDUST, SUPERPHOSPHATE ana GUANO in stock. Seeds OUR STOCKS for the present (season are now to hand, and Farmers will find on inspection that they are up to on' usual high standard. We stock all varieties of HURST'S AND SUTTON'S High-grade Agricultural, Garden, and Flower Seeds. AGENTS FOR— Shaw, Savill and Alhion Co., Ltd. Union Steamship Co. of N.Z., Ltd. National Insurance Co., Ltd. Lloyd's. AGENCIES AT Waimate, Geraldine. Temuka, Fairlie, Pleasant Point. AMARU STOCK SALESWaiareka—TUESDAYS. Duntroon —FRIDAY, January Bth. WORTH NOTING! Cncket Bats Cs, 5s 6d, 6s Cd, and 9e. Footballs ss, Gs, 7s Gd, 8s 6d, 10s 6d. Meccano Outfits Boy Scout Outfits, Belts, Knives, Whistles, Axes, Water Bottles, etc. Bamboo Fishing Rods Is, Is 6d, 2s 6d, and 5s 6d. Hemp Fishing Lines—All Prires. A COMPLETE STOCK OF ALL SPORTING GOODS AND ACCESSORIES. TORRIE'S SPORTS DEPOT. WHEN BUILDING you require reliabls Senscred Timber and prompt dolivery. It hns been our endeavour for nearly half a century to meet J this demand. STOCKTAKING has revealed larga quantities of the very beat TIMBER procurable, ready for immediate use. In addition to ordinary Building lines we carry a good assortment of the following:— Figured Red Pine, Oak, Walnut, Mahogany, Cedar, Blackwood, Ash, Hickory, Honeysuckle, Maple, Clear Pine, Gal. Redwood, Australian Hardwood*, iarrah and Oregon. OTHER BRANCHES j Sawmilling, Jointly, Woodbending, Turnery, Fencing Material, Gate*, eto. Price Lists and full particulars s«nt oa Request. John Jackson & Co., Ld. J. LOGAN & SON, COAL AND PRODUCE MERCHANTS ON SALE, ALL KINDS OF COAL AND FIREWOOD. Oats, whole/ and crushed. Wheat, whole and crushed. Peas, Prussian Blue, Gray Partridges Sharps. Bran, Hay, Straw. Poultry Foods a Specialty. Try our ABC CHICK FOOD. We can deliver to any part of ths town. Telephone 421. J, LOGAN & BARN MID STRRET. RED CLIFF HOTEL. (Under new management.) MR- J, WALKER has pleasure in announcing that he has taken over, this well-known half-way House, between Glenavy and Hakataramea. The best of Wines,' Ales and Spirits will be stocked. Excellent Paddock Accommodation for Drovers. OKO—The Great Cough Cure for I j.*-*. Coughs, Bronchitis, Asthma and I Consumption; \a tkl, Grocers, Cugniigtc,' I everywhere.
Page 12 Advertisements Column 3
Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 12
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