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AUCTIONEERS. CANT. FARMERS' CO-OP. ASSN. CANTERBURY FARMERS' CO-OP. ASSN., TO LET. 4 ACRES, situated between College Road and Otipua Road, together with good 8-roomed . House, all conveniences, Stable. Trapshed, Motor Shed, Fowl Runs, etc.; 3 paddocks, largo garden and orchard. Rent, 25s per week. COUNTRY HOME. 3J ACRES Freehold, and 13 ACRES Leasehold adjoining (small rental), situate Geraldine district. Good 6-Roomed House, verandah, dairy, washhouso, stable, trapshed, etc.; nice garden and orchard, all beautifully sheltered. Any amount of work in the district. This is an ideal country homo in every way. PRICE, £4OO. Easy terms if necessary. IDEAL MIXED FARM. 160 ACRES, convenient to Pleasant Point, school, etc. Rich limestone land, clean and in splendid heart; well subdivided, fenced, and watered. Splendid Building Site. If improved with buildings this would make a model little farm. PRICE, £l9 per Aero. Terms, £750 Cash. SPLENDID VALUE. 190 ACRES L.1.P., Rosewill Settlement, low rental, situated close to school and 3 miles from railway station. All the very best of agricultural downs, well fenced and watered. 30 acres oats, 14 acres swedes, 20 acres rape. Owner carries 300 ewes and fattens 600 to 700 stores each year. Fattened over 1100 sheep last season. Modern 5-Roomed House, beautifully sheltered orchard and garden, necessary buildings, sheep yards, etc. This is a class of farm that seldom comes into the market. A really good living without much agricultural work M health solo reason for selling. The first bona fide buyer to inspect will secure it. PRICK £1750 for Goodwill. Easy Terms arranged.' SPLENDID MIXED FARM. 400 ACRES L.1.P., rental 5s Bd, situated closo to school and convenient to St. Andrews. All the best of agricultural and graving downs, well fenced, watered and subdidivided. Modern 6-Roomed House, stable, granary, trapshed, etc. PRICE, £2BOO for goodwill. Terms, £750 Cash. ' SUPERIOR FARM. 590 ACRES, situated within 2 miles from railway station and saleyards, convenient to Timaru, comprising splendid agricultural downs, rich flats and good sheep country. 10 paddocks, well fenced, permanent water. About t?0 acres in wheat and oats, and 30 acres rape. Buildings—Modern fi-roomed House, return verandah, bathroom, h. and c. water system, dairy, washhouse, etc.; good woolshed, implement shed, trapshod, large stable, granary and vards, motor shed, etc. Stock—--500 ewes, 530 lambs, 50 cattle (10 in profit). 2 Splendid teams of horses, full range of implements, etc. PRICE, only £l4 per acre, going concern. The best t,f terms arranged. SMALL GRAZING RUN. 2500 ACRES S.G.R., situated convenient to railway station, South Canterbury. Ideal warm sunny sheep country, well fenced, splendidly watered; subdivided into 5 tussock blocks and a number of small . paddocks. About 100 acres tf good agricultural land, suitable for artificial feed. Wo]]-built 5- i Roomed House, washhouse, dairy, etc; nice garden and orchard, all beautifully sheltered; la.rge shearing shed, stable, granary, yards, and dip. Stock—Nearly 200 ewes, ewes, 2, 4, 6 and S-tooth. All stock in excellent order, having been heavily culled each ■ year. -Fine team of horses, cattle, and full range of implements, etc. 1 PRICE, £7500 as a going concern. Very easy terms arranged. ALLCHUPCH AND CO.. The Rialto. H Allchurch & Co. AUCTIONEERS. SPECIAL NOTICE. /"\WING to Saturday being a holiday our usualy WEEKLY SALE will be held TO-DAY (Wednesday), at H. ALLCHURCH AND CO., AUCTIONEERS. TO FARMERS. lAVING purchased a good Stock of Massey-Harris Binder Extras, they will be now obtainable from me. I have also a few S.H. Vehicles for Sale: V Farm Dray £7, 1 Tip Dray £5, One Rustic Cart £ls, One Gig £l4, Two new Gigs. (Repainting Cars-a Speciality). E. T. LIENERT. Car Body and Carriage Builder, Pleasant Point. )1D you wake up with Cold Feet last night? A "Unique" Rubber Hot Water Bottle ensures sound refreshing uleep. Look out for the Patent Unique Stopper. Made by the North Britsh Company, and sold by all Chemist*. CITY BREWERY. DUNEDIN. *AS. SPEIGHT AND 00., THE PREMIER BREWERS OF NEW ZEALAND. IPEIGHT AND CO.'S Celebrated ._f Sparkling Prize Ales can be obtained at all the leading Hotels from Timaru to the Hermitage. Bottling Store: , MAITLAND STREET, DUNEDIN (Under the supervision of Messrs fewk* uud. &eagtl»
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Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 12
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684Page 12 Advertisements Column 2 Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 12
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Page 12 Advertisements Column 2 Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 12
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Timaru Herald. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.