AUCTIONEERS, CUINNESS AND LeCREN, LTD., Guinness & LeCren, Land, Stock, Station. —andProperty Salesmen TIMAET7. Farms for Sale. FREEHOLD PASTORAL PROPERTY WOO ACRES, 2 miles from Rail, li tiif?«g from School. More than half tho land can be ploughed; part is heavy coast land capable of producing heavy white ana green crops. Subdivided into U Blocks. Six-roomed House. Men s Hut, 2 Stables. Woolshed. Coneroto Dip, good Yards. Carries 1000 Sheep without winter feed. PRICK, £1 15s per Acre. Terms—£soo Cash to a Rood man; baliiico on mortgage. COOD FATTENING FARM. 600 ACRES, .ill rich Downs and Flats, in great heart, well watered; GO acres in wheat and oats; carries 000 ewes and 00 cattle in addition to crops. Modern Residence_and Farm Buildings. Close to Rail, School, and Saloyards. Price, £l4 per Aero. (Terms.) EXCELLENT MIXED FARM. 250 ACRES, rich heavy wheat land, lying nicely to the sun. 126 acres wheat and oats, It acres turnips, balanco in grass: carries 3 ewes_ to aero. Fine Residence and Buildings, close +o school, convenient to Timaru. Price. £2O per Acre. Terms £IOOO Cash, balance at 5 per cent. COOD CRAZINC PROPERTY. 1.10 ACRES FREEHOLD and 51 ACRES LEASEHOLD, in 5 Pad"Ocks, wll watered and fenced. Houso and Outnildings. 10-stalled cow byre, 2-stall stable, fowlhouse and sheep yards, orchard and Garden. LTVE STOCK—IOO Breeding Ewes with Lnmhs n fc foot. 2 Rams, 30 head Mixed Cattle, Horses, Express, Implements, etc. 1J miles to Rail. Township, School, and Post Office. PRICE—£I3OO as a. coing concern. ' This pronertv is in eood order, TERMS "£6.30 CASH. FIRST-CLASS DAIRY FARM. 75 ACRES. Rich Heavy Dairying and Cropping Land, well subdivided and watered; carries 35 Cows, 4 Horses, 40 Pigs. 6-Boorned Houso, and all neeessnry Buildings. Close to Creamery and School. Rent, 1.4s 3d per Acre, 8 years to run with right of renewal and valuation for improvements. Price. £550 for Goodwill, Improvements, and Crops. WANTED, FOR TWO CLIENTSSHEEP RUN", carrying 5000 Sheep. Also— SHEEP RUN carrying 10,000 or 12,000 Sheep. Runhoklers wishing to sell should send full paitieii.Lvrs to ' RICH LIMESTONE FARM. 500 ACRES— Splendid Limestone Downs, with rich heavy drained swamp land, well watered and subdivided. 30 Acres are in Turnips, and tho balance in Grasses and Clovers. Carries .1000 Sheep and 100 Dairy Cows. New 6-roomed House with nil conveniences, Woolshed, Stable, Chaff Shod. Trapshed. Cowshed, Sheep and Catt'.o Yards. Close- to School. 1 Tandy to Saleyards and Rail. PRICE: £l4 PER ACRE. TERMS, or Owner will exchange for a Smaller Farm. GUINNESS AND LeCREN. LTD., Land Salesmen, Timaru. WITHIN 3 MILES OF TIMARU. SMALL FARM 12 ACRES, FuMy Fenced, and down in Young Grass. NEW TWO-ROOMED COTTAGE, with Scullery, etc. GOOD MAIN ROAD. NORTH OF TIMARU. FOR ABSOLUTE SALE, PRICE, £650. EASY TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED. SECTIONS FOR SALE. JUST OFF WAT.TTT ROAD.—Quarter Aci-e Section, largo frontage; room for two houses. £llO. ARTHUR. STREET—37 Perch Building Site. £B7. OTIPUA ROAD.—J-Acre, level and annnv. £l6O. PARK! LANE.—Splendid Bmldinr- Site £l9O. 6ELWYN STREET—J-Acre, level and Bunny. £l2O. ,' FURNISHED HOUSES. AHf-TTI ROAD—New House of Five Rooms, for three months; rental, £2 10s oer week. HOUSES TO LET. HIGH STREET.. New 5-roomed House, electric lijibt and every convenience: £1 ver week. OTIPUA ROAD.—6 Rooms, all conveniences. 15s nor week. WAT-tn ROAD—O Tfoorns, all conveniences. 17s fld. SHOPS AND OFFICES TO LET. Guinness and LeCren, LAND, HOUSE. ESTATE AGENTS, TIMARU. Seed Season, 1914 Gt'tNNESS AND LeCREN. LTD., are npw BOOKING ORDERS lor ''R£X" BRAND AGRICULTURAL RYEGRASS, ITALIAN RYEGRASS, COCKSFOOT, TIMOTHY, CLOVERS. ETC. RELIABLE SEEDS AT REASONABLE MONEY. RESERVE YOUR REQUIREMENT NOW. CUINNFSS AND LeCREN, LTD. TIMARU. ' WAJMAJEs GERALDIWS, TEA! UKA
Page 12 Advertisements Column 1
Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 12
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