Your Ring and Your Country Need You! K This clarion call, like a veritabla S fiery crbss, lias gone from one end «j? of the Empire to the other, burning .'. its stirring message into the hearts of Britons all over the world. > \ And already thousands havcan- t| swered the call and donned the khaki % uniform of the King. f> Ireland, men are flocking to the % standard in their hundreds of % thousands. S \ Large Expeditionary Forces from fc the Over - Seas Dominions have If been despatched to swell Lord j§ Kitchener's Armies. , s;>-* If And still the call comes —" Your King and your Country need you !'" *b Among the employers who are showing practical patriotism in this crisis is the firm of Lipton Ltd., which employs something like 50,000 people in different parts of the British Empire. The large number of Lipton employees who have gone on active service are. i drawing half salaries and are assured of full re-instatement upon return ' "■ to business. Since the outbreak of War there has been a steady increase in the : ' sales of the world-famous Uptons ""• Tea, grown on British soil, tended by British labour, and enjoyed by Britons of every degree, from King ' to cottager. TJ Uniform quality—and that of th« - highest—is the unique feature of Liptons Tea, which, by the way, is still sold at the popular prices that obtained prior to the War. Ask your Grocer for liptons Tea —either at 1/6, 1/8,1/10. or 2/Send two penny stamps to Lipton T . 1 Ti *WI tw 11" c r i lb. sample of the 2/- grade. Canterbury Distributing Ageata f<* UPTON'S TEA— -:' : \ MESSRS DAVIDSON AND iiWAUQHOP, MERCHANTS^. MADRAS CBSaSUCSXSBfSB^Mg Hurts liver! Liver! - and it «Impl r pnta jronr whole , sj*tem "out of key." Take Stevens* J It • a. mild b nt effectiTe coitactfre, and an aid to digestion. It caret tickhetdichc and bit' «jr« bremtut thatm aIL Cat it to-day—l/ 6 Jot h~bottla.
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Bibliographic details
Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 11
Word Count
Page 11 Advertisements Column 6
Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 11
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