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ANNUALS *. LL VARIETIES of these showy i. Flowers now ready. Stocks, Asters, Phlox, Nemesia, Verbena, Dimorphotheca, Antirrhinum, Calliopsis, Cosmos, Lobelia, etc. PERENNIALS, Violas, Aubretia, Geums, Oriental Poppy, Salvia, Perennial Asters, Dahlias, Gaillardias, etc. All well grown, and thoroughly hardy. TOMATO, CABBAGE AND CAULIFLOWER PLANTS in any quantity. P. G. ALLEN, SEED MERCHANT AND NURSERYMAN: TIMARU. Nursery, Maori Hill. Phcne 233. WANTEDS. MISSES CHILTON BUTTON. SKIN AND HAIR PHYSICIANS, First Floor Hay's Buildings. Opposite Crown Hotel", Timarn. ADIES! Summer is here, and with it Sunburn and Freckles. Consult us without delay for e'.ectric vibratory massage to tone the skin and remove all blemishes. Skin Tonics, and Skin Foods, Hair Tonic, Hair Pomades, and our famous Hair Restorer for grey hair. Shampooing. Clipping, Manicuring and the latest skin treatments. Consultation Free- Take the Lift. 7 ANTED KNOWN—That Holmes v f and Sons are carrying a large stock of the famous X Quality Linoleum. "OTOMES made happy by Holmes and JLJL Sons, House Furnishers, Stafford Street. Give us a call.. [7 ANTED' KNOWN—That Holmes and Sons are showing a fine selection of Oak Bedroom Furniture. Call and iuspect. WANTED KNOWN—That Holmes" and Sons can supply you with a cingle Iron Bedstead at wholesale price. i ANTED KNOWN—You get such a pretty Enlargement with the Dozen Cabinets, at Maban's, tha Pic ture Photogrpher Arcade. Timaru. JOLMES AND SONS for Beddins, i Blankets Sheets, Quilts, Casement j Cloths, Hearth Rugs. Mats, Carpets, ! Runners, Squares, and all Soft Furnish- . N Enduring L Curtains by the S.C. Laundry. Dust will not cling to Curtains done by them. Address: Sophia Street, Phone 449. Wood and Mitchell, Proprietors. and Records of all I \J descriptions are sold by Holmes j and Sons, House Furnishers. Give us a rail. 1 BURNISHED and Unfurnished Rooms to Let.—Mrs Cornelius. Stafford Street. Phone 410. cINTYRE'S Extra Stroug Female Pills, absolutely safe and effectual, 4s 6d; obtainable Mr Baxter, Chemist. Timaru and Fairlie. [TOLMES AND SONS are famous for their Samarang Kapoc Bedding and Upholstered Furniture. Give us a j call ! :7ANTED KNOWN—Before huying v T your Furniture give Holmes and Sons a call. No one pressed to buy. H, 8. Lamb 8t Co., The Taiiors, Church Streat, Timaru. GREETINGS. YOUR CARDS or CIRCULARS in good time from GEORGE R. JOYCE, PRINTER. HAY'S BUILDINGS. Prices and Printing are both Riant. FERRIER, FERRIER, FERRIER, THE recognised Photographer's name in Timaru. You can procure there a dozen Photos on Postcards at 7s 6d. A suitable Xmas and New Year Present. OLD False Teeth Bought.—Wanted to Buy, Old False Teeth on Gold, Silver, or Vulcanite, sound or broken. We give highest prices in New Zealand. Cash value bv return mail. Forward to T. J. Dunstone, Box 345, G.P.0., Christchurch. PRIVATE Board and Residence for _ several gentlemen, homely comforts and ai! conveniences; 3 minutes from Bay. "Kingswear,'' 33. Wai-iti Road. RUSTIC PORTRAITURE makes an acceptable Xmas Gift. Makes a Specialty of such work, artistically treated for Souvenirs. !HE South Canterbury Laundry JL have opened the following Receiving Depots:—Mr George Hilton, Fruiterer. Stafford Street; Mrs Beaumont, Confectioner, Stafford Street, next T. and J. Thomson; Miss Bessie Budd, Confectioner, corner Main North Road and AVai-iti Road; Mrs Gaitts's Store. Church Street West; Mr C Kelly, Tailor, George Street—where parcels will be called for daiiy. SHEEP DRALERS and FARMERS to know I Shear, Crutch, and Dip Sheep as usual, tha best or work done. J. M. FA±ufiY, Geraldine. 7ES, Spring is here with the usual Spring Cleaning; rob it of its horrors by letting the S.C. Laundry "do" your curtains for you. Address: Sophia Street. Phone 449. Wood and Mitchell, Proprietors. SCOTLAND'S Best Experts" manufacture "Clincher Tyres" for the Dominion's hard roads. Guaranteed nine and fifteen months. Give them a trial.
Ola THE BEST STANDARD MACHINE ON THE MARKET. £7 10* SOU GET THE SAME Tyres, Tubes, Chain, Mud Guards, Saddle, Brak«, Free Wheel, Eoarings, AND GUARAi\.EE as you would get by buying a Machino for £IS. THE GENUINE B.S.A. CYCLE, mad© in the Birmingham Small Armß Coo* pany, Ltd., Birmingham, England, for £22 10«. Q. B. LAMBORN (Late Dunsdin), (English and Colonial iix"erieiice). MOTOR-AND CYCLE WORKS. STAFFORD ST. SOL'TH, TIMARU,
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Bibliographic details
Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 10
Word Count
690Page 10 Advertisements Column 5 Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 10
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Page 10 Advertisements Column 5 Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 10
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Timaru Herald. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.