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Specialists in Highland Costumes For Boys and Youths. TO THOSE INTERESTED IN TARTANS.—We Vould call special attention to our Larue and Comprehensive Stock of these Exquisite Goods, the product of SCOTTISH HAND LOOMS, which for ' appearance and wear are unequalled. MACKENZIE, STUART, AND FORTY.SECOND TARTANS, comprising Doublet, Vest, Kilt, Plaid, Cap Silver-top Sporran, Tartan Hose, Cairngorm mounted in Silver, Cap and Shoulder Brooches, Extra Caps, Hose, Sporrans, Brooches, and Buckles. COWAN'S Colonial Clothing House.
uggesf Dressing Cases for Ladies and Gents, Blotters, Tourists' Brush Sets for Ladies and Gents, Jewel Cases, Lined Work Baskets, Work Baskets, Work Boxes, Desks, Ladies' Hand Bags, Scissor Cases, Photo Frames, Photo Albums, Photo Scrap Albums, Letter Cases, Wallets, Purses for Ladies and Gents, Glove' and Handkedchief Sets, Autograph Albums, \ Post Card Albums, Birthday Books, Poets, Prayer and Hymns, The Garden of the Soul, The Key of Heaven, Bibles. Novels, Booklets in Dainty BindChums, Boys' and Girls' Annuals, Chatterbox, Sunday, Australian Boys' and Girls' Annual, etc. CARDS In Endless Variety. Timaru Agents for THE SWAN FOUNTAIN PEN, And THE ONOTO SELF-FILLING FOUNTAIN PEN. FOR SALE. GOOD Secondhand Pianola, with 241 Records, cheap. Apply Bargain, I Herald Office. 7\ OR SALE—New Potatoes in any j .JL quantity. T. Stevens, . South . Street. SALE—Bargain, . Good Set A. Child's Long and Short Clothes, unused; also Handsome White Laceedged Pram Canopy. Address H. 0., Herald Office. iOR SALE. Bargain. Real Sable Js' Tail Stole and Muff, also Lady's Solid Silver Fitted Morocco Dressing Case. Both equal to new. "Very suitable Birthday or New Year Gift. Address, XL., Herald Office. SAWN BLUEGUM TIMBER, suitable for Sheepyards, Gates, and Hurdles,' also Gum Stakes. C E. GREENALL, Landsborough Pid. WANTEDS. £7 ANTED TO RENT—Two Fur-J V nished Rooms for Three Weeks. from January sth. Apply No. 5, _ Charles Street. ; ;T ANTED—Smart Boy. One , \ left school preferred, for Parcels' Department, as aprentice to the trade, j Apply, J. Ballantyne and Co. I ''ANTED TO LET Furnished V V House of five rooms, every convenience, handy to town and • bay. Apply 35 Dee Street. \UR PREMISES will he Closed all ■K." Day on Friday and Saturday Next, January Ist and 2nd. Carpenter's, Draper. ONLY Two more Days this year to secure some of the Greatest Bargains at Carpenter's First Annual Sale. 7USHIONABLE NECKWEAR, still .1. going at half price at Carpenter's Annual Sale.' Closing all day Friday and Saturday. / JAPANESE SILK BLOUSES, Latest Styles, were 6s lid each, „ow os. Embroidered Camisoles Is I lid. Carpenter's Annual Sale. JAPANESE CREPES, Plain, Bro- ?> caded, or Floral, usually lOd to 1-s 3d. Carpenter's Sale Price all 6-Jd i/HITE SPOT MUSLIN, 6d yard. V White Pique 9d yard. Double width Sheer Lawn Bjd yard. Carpenter's Annual Sale. TTOSIERY, Plain, Lace, Ernbroi_H_.i- deied or Clocked, all Is pair. Fabric Gloves in White, Black, Grey, Beaver, or Brown Is. Carpenter's. EN'S SADDLE TWEED TROUSERS 7s 6d. Tennis . Shirts, .. tl j ss, now 3s 6d. Harvard working Shirts now Is lid. Carpenter's Sale, s J TNSHRINKABLE UNDERFLANU NISLS Is 9d. All Wool Sox 9d Pair. Irish Cambric Handkerchiefs 3s 90 dozen. Carpenter's Annual Sale. OUR PREMISES will be Closed all Day on Friday and Saturday Next, January Ist and 2nd. G. Carpenter, Cash Draper. ~\XJ ANTED —Twelve Women for Vt Waiting and Washing up on. Ist and 2nd January. Mrs Cornelius, Stafford Street, Timaru. Phone 410. [TANTED—Married Couple ' for j T » Mackenzie : Country, salary £l2O. j Waitress to relieve, assistant Cook for Town Hotel, General for elderly lady 12s. Mrs Cornelius. 'Phone 410. [7 ANTED—Young Man. to help in f Dairy Farm. Apply D. Smith, Dairyman, Washdyke. 7 ANTED—Night Porter and Third ' Cook, for' Town Hotel. Apply, Mrs Cornelius, Telephone 410. (OSES! .ItOSES! We have the 1 .!_».' largest] .stock in South Canterbury, including latest varieties, Teas, Hybrid ; Teas, Hybrid Perpetual, W'ichuriana, Ramblers and Climbers. H. Edginton, Nurseryman, Stafford .Street North. Phone 465.
THE HIGH GRADE MGTOR OARS The Fiat Cadillac. SOLE AGENT. SOUTH CANTERBURY. Catalogues on Application. REPAIRS by EXPERT TRADEBMEN A SPECIALITY. MODERATE CHARGES. PHONE 43, GERALDTNE. MOTOR ENGINEER, CERALDINE. WANTEDS, THE Name PATEMAN Is now recognised to mean the best in the Pastry-cook Trade. Appetising Cakes and Pastry, well serve- i Afternoon Teas. Expert Catering for Wedding Parties at H. PATEMAN.. Pastry-cook and Confectioner, Odo. Shamrock Hotel. /TOW is the time to book your -i_ i Orders for Roses. Come and see the display of Blooms, in window. All locally grown at Nursery, Otipua Road. H. Edginton, Nurservman. Shop Stafford Street North. Phone 465. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL. nnHE New Year can he made more . happy by visiting THE GEISHA TEA ROOMS. The dainty Service of Afternoon Tea or Supper, the Strawberries, Ice Cream and Fruit Salads, are the talk of the town. - The Strawberries are specially chosen and are the best in town by popular verdict. On your way to the Bay call in for your Fruit and Confectionery Supply. THE CEISHA TEA ROOMS. MRS McGILL: Next Dominion Hotel. rTANTED—Lady-Help for country V 17s 6d, interview Thursday; experienced Children's Nurse 20s, urgently, Housekeeper for Claremont, Cook-Generals for Dunedin, good wages, small families; wanted for Fairlie, 2nd January, 1915. Cook and Parlour-maid, same place, good wages, also Housemaid-Laundress 20s. Genera's 20s —Mrs Cornelius. Stafford St. Phono 410. I T ANTED i t in private family by sister and brother. Urgent, Herald Office! IJ ANTED—Married Couple for ¥ V Fairlie, £IOO per year. Apply Mrs Cornelius, Stafford Street, Timaru. Phone 410. j [T ANTED all Visitors to r .iimnru V to call and inspect the display of Roses, at our Shop. We specialise in Roses, all true to name. H. Edgi.i ton, Nurseryman. Shop. Stafford Street North. Telephone 465. "VR/ANTED—Cooks and Cook-Gene- i Y T rals for town and oountry 22s 6d, 20s, 17s 6d, 15s, Hotel Cooks for town 425, 30s, Kitchenmaid 255 ; Hotel Cook for Temuka 30s, Housemaids for town 15s, Housemaids for country 15s, 12s 6d, 10s, Waitress for town '2os, House-maid-Waitresses for town 15s, urgently. young Girls as Generals and to assist 15s, 12s 6d, 10s, Girls for morn-1 irffs, Cowbovs 15s. —Mrs Cornelius, Stafford Street. Phone 410. /ANTED —A prosperous, joyous 1915 at Collins's Neapolitan Tea Rooms. Increased public appreciation of the celebrated Ice Creams, American Sundaes, and Soda Fountain Drinks will fulfil this wish, and be mutually beneficial. Be a C.N.T.R. Patron. BATHERS SHOULD SEE THESE. Boys' Trunks 3d. Bovs' Swimming Suits Is, Is 3d. Youths' Is 3d, Is, 6d, ls'9d. Men's, Is 9d, 2s. 2s 6d. Men's Two Piece 3s 9d to 5s 6d. SUTHERLAND and McKITTERICK. "^yANTEDFor Farm, YOUTH to Milk and make himself generally useful, good wages. Apply: D. T. McPHEDRAN, Geraldine. 71LORAL WORK executed at short JL notice, in latest designs, with choicest flowers and ferns, by expert florist. H. Edginton, Florist, Stafford Street North. Telephone 465. RANTED KNOWN— From Ist January, 1915, LUNCHEON AT CROWTS HOTEL, from 12 to 2, Is 6d. R. BERTI, Proprietor. QUR SPECIAL TROUSER— I FINE S. TWEED, CUFFS AND HIP POCKET. 15s 6d. From— SUTHERLAND and McKITTERICK. 7ANTED—Married ' Couple for / Maekenzi* Country £l2O. Cook Generals 20s: Cook Hotel 30s. House-maid-Waitress 20s, Cook-General 22s 6d. General, sleep at home 17s 6d. Cook General 255. Light Generals 15s, 12s, 10s. Handy Man for farm 22s 6d. Married Couple £llO. Central Agency, Stafford Street North. 'Phone 457.' 'AITTNG ENGAGEMENT— First , . Class Man for Binder or Team, Ploughmen. Bouseabouts, Shepherds, Cowboys, etc. Central Agencv, Stafford Street' North, Phone 457,'
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Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 10
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1,231Page 10 Advertisements Column 4 Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 10
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Page 10 Advertisements Column 4 Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 10
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