NEW TUSSORE AND FANCY SHIRTS, TIES. COLLARS, UMBRELLAS, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, ' NEW CAPS. HARD AND SOFT HATS, Newest Stvles, PYJAMAS, ETC., LATEST IN MENS' AND BOYS' SPORT AND STOCKMANS SUITS, ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF MENS'-TAILOR-MADE "WORSTED BOXED SUITS, DERATE PRICES. PAREORA BUILDINGS. 'HE Housewife's "f riend" is vovr . the title generally given to the S.C Laundry Its customers increase weekly, the. town is brighter, and the lanndrv bills are less. Address: Sophia Street. Phone 449- Wood and Mitchell. Proprietors. JACK NIGHOLLB, BUILDER: ARCHER. ST. b'F yon are thinking of Euilding c* -ft. making any alterations, entrust your work to a first class practical man. Write me your requirements, and I will call and give you an estimate free. Country work .promptly attended to. RANTED KNOWN—That Holmes | t t and Sons supply Wooden Beds at prices to suit all buyers. JILLITO BROS.I | • Builders and Contractors, I J Joinery and Mantelpiece Manufacturer^ L LeCREN ST., TIMARU. A FAC-SIMILE OF THE FAMOUS £117.000 PEARL NECKLET HANDSOME CASE At BALLANTYNES. ENJOYABLE AND BENEFICIAL. . ri H KSE ere <he words firononneoj .«. by every user of MELHUISH'9 j Sauces and Pickles. ' First, they axa i enioyable because their richness and delicacy appeai to the most jaded tast* and beneficial because tfcey aid til* digestion wonderfully. BE SURE YOU USE Sold by all Grocers. WANTED got such a ■ Nice Enlargement with my Photos at Mahan's, the Picture Photogrpher. Arcade. Tim&rn. m m i m Eft m m is determined fa so to wsMm where every roan gers *~ clean stylish hair cut for,, 6. ANTEDAt once. Competent Shepherd, good wages to suitable man: Also several Youths for Farms, 17s 6d to 20s per week and found. Apply: A. THOREAU. Farmers' Union, Arcade/ ' " \ STUBBORN Fact"—The delicious "Military Pickle" is the n-reatest maker of aopetites on the market. Biiy a bottle to-day. Price 1 reasonable. :T EEKLY Collection of Goods, I yV prompt delivery, absolute hygienic: ' conditions, all tend to the increasing' - popularity of the S.C. Steam Laundry. Wood and Mitchell, Proprietors. Phone 449- [ NOTICE. "IGH-class Tailoring in all branches. m « Latest Tweeds, Serges and Worsteds shown. Also Fashions in Gonts' Suits and Ladies Costumes. Your own Material made up. Fit guaranteed. Repairs neatly executed, D. GRUBB, PLEASANT POINT. Gentlemen's and Ladies' Tailor. BOARD AND RESIDENCE. HSRBORNE" Private Board kj and Residence for Gentlemen; three minutes from Post Office. Address corner of Arthur and Theodacia Streets. BEVERLEY HOUSE. WAI-ITI RD.: 'i IMARU. >RIVATE Residence for Boarder* .-. or Visitors. Close to Caroline Bay and Town. Splendidly laid out Grounds. MRS CHALMERS, Proprietress.
Page 10 Advertisements Column 6
Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 10
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