YOU SHOULD BE DETERMINED. Ir. rejecting tho worthless and frequently injurious counterfeits which are sometimes pushed for the sake of greater gain, as "just as good" as the GENUINE SANDER AND SONS PURE VOLATILE EUCALYPTI EXTRACT. Be not deceived! SANDER'S EXTRACT is recognised by the highest medical authorities cs possessing unique healing, stimulating, and antiseptic qualities. The preparation of SANDER'S EXTRACT from the pure selected leaves and the refinement by special process, gives it curative virtues, peculiarly its own. Therefore be rot misled. Dcnand and insist upon tho GENUINE- SANDER. EXTRACT and you will derive the benefit that thousands have reaped from it before. When ill you should not depress yourself more by the common, • bulky and nauseating eucalyptus oils, or so-called extracts. What you want is ouality and reliability in small dosses, and this you will find onlv in SANDER'S EXTRACT VD _ Pre-eminently the car for this Bolr.JTiion is tho Darracq. It i* dependable in a special degree, sturdy, powerful, silent, and distinctive. It possesses perfect radiation, a quality developed where its great hiH-c'imbin" qualities were tested—on the loit£ ■drawn passes of the Alps. AmpTe clearance is provided. In appearance it is second to none, and at the price has no equal. ... Always with you—never in the way —the Vest Pocket Kodak. This compact little camera takes pictures 1 5-8 by 2 1-S inches, and is always ready for use. Daylight loading and daylight development makes tho path of photography easy. Vest Pocket Kodaks 32s 6d each at tho Kodak depot, Baxter's Pharmacy, Theatre Buildings, Tiinaru. ... The actual worth of RHEUMO cannot be computed in pounds and shillings. Ask the thousands- who have tried it, and found relief, what they would.give for RHEUMO, were Rheumatism, Gout, Sciatica, or Liimbago to attack them again. \ou, too, can be cured and a. bottle will only cost you 2s Gd and. Is 6d at any chemist's or store. ..a
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Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 7
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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1
Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 7
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