"It is ill arguing with a hungry man" says the old proverb; but it is worse playing tricks with a sick one. When the doctor orders Brandy lie means real good stuff. Give the patient Martell's and both he and his doctor :s ill be satisfied.... THE BT/ER OP" ROMANCE Maori legends are full of the great Wanganui—<New Zealand's most beautiful river. To take the trip from Taumaranui to "Wanganui on one of the commodious river steamers is to rest, to recreate, to LIVE. Inquire A. Hatridk and Co., "Wanganui; Cook's and Government Tourist Bureaux everywhere. 12 If you catch a cold you can't help it. If you keep a cold it's your own fault. 'NAZOL" is a safe and certain cure, and gives immediate relief. l s 6d. ... The old tonic is.the best. You have tried it before, you know what good it did you then,, it will do you the same good now. When you take Baxter's Quinine Port Wine you are not experimenting, you will soon feel its bracing powers. Each dose does good. Price 2s 6d per bottle at Baxter's Pharmacy, Theatre Buildings, Timaru CHECKED AN EPIDEMIC. "I have been periodically attacked with dysentery," s ays Mr Thomas Sainton, Sussex Street, Grey Lynn, Auckland, N.Z., "and have never found anything to give me the immediate relief that Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy does; it certainly checks the attack. When I was in the grocery trade I found Chamberlain's Collie and Diarrhoea Remedy verv popular among the Maoris, it having done good work towards checking an epidemic of dysentery among them." Sr-ld everywhere. ... 5 "Better a little good than., much bad, ' say the Germans. So a small drop of Martell's will do you more good than a whole bottle of inferior Brandy... "You may take a horse to the water, but you cannot make him drink." Shout your friends a drop of. "Mart/ell," and you will have no difficulty.. ,„
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Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 7
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Page 7 Advertisements Column 2
Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 7
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