I CHRISTMAS IN THE FLEET. THE ADMIRAL'S THANKS. "Timet" and Sydney "Sun" carvloe*. Press Association —Br Tel.—Copyright. Received 5.10 p.m., Dec. 29tli. LONDON. Dec. 28. Admiral -Jellicoe, in thanking the Lord Mayor for Christmas gifts, said they had given the greatest pleasure, and had much alleviated the severity of the winter weather. ''The Fleet deeply appreciate the confidence you express in officers and men, and all will do their utmost to merit it." PEACE CENTENARY SENTIMENTS Mr Carnegie, replying to Sir Edward Grey on behalf of Mr Roosevelt in connection with the Peaco Centenary, said: "In this sacred work of endeavouring to adjust international disputes by pacific arbitration our two countries should be foremost. Let the Englishspeaking race unite to reach the goal, and war will be dethroned and peace proclaimed. BUT WHY THE CATHEDRAL? A German General before Rheims was bombarded informed an American correspondent that "German blood was more valuable than French buildings, and when the time comes to take Rheims I shall order its bombardment.'^
-—. —_ ..^ FARM LABOURERS.
NEEDED IN ENGLAND. "The Times" in a leading article, . comments on the surprisingly smal t number of agriculturists among the • Belgian refugees in Britain. There ar< ■ only 600 of them, including 275 far ; niers and graziers. Probably th< i peasants found it easier to escape t< . Holland or France. It is a pity thai there are so few, as there is a decidec dearth of farm labour in many parti of England and Scotland. BELGIAN KING. GRATEFUL FOR AMERICAN GENEROSITY. King Albert in a message to Ameri ca, says: "The magnificent generosity of the American people in forwardim immense quantities of gifts of food stuffs for my suffering people touche me very deeply. In this country'; trial hour nothing has supported mi more than sympathy and superb gene rosity of those who have assisted ii lessening suffering." BULGARIA-ROUjVIANIA; NOT QUITE FRIENDLY. The Athens newspapers "Hestit" de nies the alleged Bulgar-Ronmaniai rapprochement. It adds that a. semi official interchange of views rosulte in no progress being made, becaus both sides were non-conciliatory. JAPANESE NOT ASKED TO HELP. The Japanese Foreign Minister ha announced that no country has r« quested that Japanese troops shoal be sent to Europe. NORWEGIAN NICKEL. FOR GERMAN USE. It is stated that the output of nick in Norway is controlled by Germs interests and is sufficient to supp 1 Germany during the wan GERMAN OFFICER& TN ASIA MINOR, • LONDON, Dec. 28. German officers are feverishly supc vising the placing of Erzeroum on war footing, LATTN AMERIOiu STRICTLY NEUTRAIL ■ Press Association—By Tel. —CopyrighHJ Received 8.50 p.m., Dec 29th. H ■WASHINGTON, Dec. 28. ■ Germany's efforts to induce ArgeHj tina to recognise German in Belgium completely failed, in cordance with the decision of the coHj ference of Latin American diplomafll at 'Washington, which Mr Bryan tended, pledging all American tries to the strictest neutraliflH throughout the European struggle. ■■ PROOF OF INDIAN LOYALTT,M I LONDON, Dec. 25.81 The Maharajah of Gwalior has est^H lished a convalescent home, mannßß by six Indian officers and fifty Sepo^H in East Africa. ■■ NORTH SEA MINES. H In the last three days seven steaflfl ers, including three trawlers, ha^H been sunk by mines in the North S^H ! and an eighth was damaged but reaMM ed port. 91 BELGIAN RELIEF MISSION. JH CAPETOWN, Dec. 28lfl The Belgian Parliamentary dele^Hjj tion had a sympathetic welcome J^B Stellcnbosch. ■■ RISING IN THE PHILLIPINES^H NOT SEEIOUS. WASHINGTON, Dec. 2dß| Details indicate that the rising MM the Phillipines is not serious. OnlyfljE most ignorant aud revolutionary PbMH pinos are concerned. A few of ti49Hl were killed; everything is now qufHR and the situation is normal. 4HH
Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 7
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