CYOLIBTSI DO YOU DESIRE Increased Mileage from your Freedom from avoidable "^vnctnres? Greater Life t- your Cycle, Every Comfort and Ea*e 1 ' ' '"'' IF YOU DO—THEN COME TO A. GALDER, TEMUKA'S "CYCLE MAN." JAMES CRAIGIE, Direct Importer, Artistic Wall pap a and Friezes. PLATE GLASS. SILVERED PLATE GLASS, WINDOW GLASS AKD EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FANCY GLASS: ALL PAINTERS' REQUISIT ES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. SHOWROOMS—CAIN'S TERRACE, TIHIARJ. TELEPHONE 82. Give Them a Picture at New Year! < THAT'S A LASTING PRESENT— one that will be prized and will keep you in constant remembrance. HERE YOU HAVE A LARGE CHOICE of Engravings and "Water Colours— LOVELY SUBJECTS. Artistic and Efleetive to a degree—ready framed in handsome style,. or we will FRAME THEM specially io your Taste AT REASONABLE. PRICES. For those who Paint, we have full Assortment of ARTISTIC MATERIALS, WATER AND OIL COLOUR BOXES, CANVASES, etc. - - . ■ J. RADCUFFE, Renovate Your House Now WITH A COAT OF PAINT THAT WILL BRIGHTEN UP YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD AND PRESERVE THE WOODWOREL \ PRING is the time for this, in order to obtain the best eflect'. , When the men are there, what about PAPERING AND DECORATING THE ROOMS? It would be just as well to make one A job of it. -■' ESTIMATES AND SCHEME of Colouring and Decorating eiven FREE OF CHARGE on application. * s A GREAT ASSORTMENT OF PAPERS OF LATEST* DESIGN • . - TO CHOOSE FROM. " ; GEORGE MURDOCH, Painter and Decorator, Arcade, Painters. Signwriters. Paperhangers. Plumbers. AGENTS FOB SHERWIN WILLIAM' r"AINTS AND VARNISHES. J. COOPER, King St., Temuka. Piom 55. established 1879.." SflS.VsJ™.:. j.,* --■: W> l££ «' ii - * -" "
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Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4
Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 4
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