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CANNINGTON. The annual school sports and picnic were held on Tuesday, the 22nd inst., in tho Cannington station grounds, kindly lent by Mr "W. T. Ritchie. The arrangements, in the hands of the school committee- with the assistance of willing outside helpers, made the gathering a thorough, success. All the events were eagerly contested, and. through the generosity of the people of the district, prizes were given for those. After assembling the children, tho chairman (Mr Cabot) congratulated them on the fine patriotic spirit they had shown in deciding to acceot special certificates instead of the customary prizes in order that tho money, usually expended thereon, might be devoted to the fund for the relief of the .British and Belgian poor. He also. referred to the excellent work of tho 'teacher during the year, who linn devotedly and conscientiously for the advancement of the children's education. The certificates were then presented by Mrs Cabot, after which three rousing cheers were given by the children for their teaehcr (Miss Lawry), followed by cheers for tho chairman. The following is tho prize list: Std. V.—Proficiency, Evelyn Gainsford ; _ 2nd proficiency. Ist drawing, Ist writing, Eric Dougherty. Progress prize, Agnes Fairbaira. Stds. IV and Hl.—Proficiency, John Williams. Drawing, John Taylor. "Writing. Arch Muir. Stds II and I.—lst proficiency and Ist plasticine, Garnet Cabot; Ist proficiency and Ist drawing, C'has. Dougherty; Ist writing and 2nd drawing, Jas. Klynack; 1 st poetry and 2nd writing. Eileen Gainsford. Infants P. 111. —Ist proficiency and Ist drawing, Ellis Williams; 2nd proficiency and Ist poetry, Reginald Cabot; Ist -writing and Ist plasticine. Eric Gainsford. Infants P. ll.—lst proficiency, Ist writing and Ist plasticine, Areta Gainsford; 2nd proficiency and 2nd writing, Annie Boll; '*lst drawing. Edward Klynadk; Ist poetry, William Gainsford. Infants' P. I.—lst plasticine, John Muir; writing, Margaret Bell. General improvement. John Sewell, Jas. Quill, Jas. Lowe, Margaret Lowo.
PRESENTATION. In tho evening a dance was held in the Cannington school and it was largely attended. After' supper, tho chairman intimated that he had a very i pleasant duty to perform in offering to ■ Miss Lawry a present from the school children. During Miss Lawry's con- j nection wjth the school she had endeared herself to the . children. They much regretted her departure and would ever remember her patience and kindly feeling towards them. Master Reggie Cabot then handed Miss Lawry a silver-mounted manicure : set on behalf of the scholars, wishing her long life and prosperity. Miss Lawry replied in a neat and modest speech in which she feelinglv thanked her pupils for theip beautiful gift and particularly for the sentiments which ! had prompted it. Although severing : her connection with the school she would always watch with interest their ■ advancement, particularly the higher : standards. She also thanked them sincerely for _ their attention to thenstudies which had been a great assistance to her. Threo hearty cheers were given for Miss Lawry, and all joined in singing "For She's a, Jolly Good Fe'llow." ; The music was supplied bv Messrs ! Coffey Bros., and Mr R. Bell kindly I acted as M.C. OTAIO _ Tli Otaio school hekt the animal picnic at Mr Teschemaker's bush on Tuesday, when the children were conveyed by waggon (driven by Mr Dairy Pater son). A fair gathering of parents and friends assembled to witness the distribution of prizes and sports during the afternoon. Mr Teschemaker gave a very interesting address and added a few suitable remarks to each child as he presented the prizes. Mr Tescheroaker added not a little to the enjoyment of all by his weii-'ojown hospitable and genial maimer. On the call of the chairman (Mr J. Paterson) three hearty cheers were given for Mr Teschemaker, to Mi- F. Mar'tin for the use of the waggon and to the other friends who had assisted towards the day's enjoyment. HUNTER. The Hunter scliooli children, held their annual picnic in Mr Gibson's ' bush on Wednesday last, and favoured with splended weather a very enjoy- I
able afternoon was spent in games, races, etc. After the xaces an adjournment was made to the library hall) where a bountiful tea was clone full justice to. The children, with their parents and frienils reassembled in the evening, when a very good eoncert was opened by a. neatly rounded speech by the chairman, Mr T. Ayres, who gave a brief outline of the. work done in connection with the school. The first part of the programme was furnished _by the children, in class songs, recitations, dialogues, duets and choruses. The second part of the entertainment consisted of a. farce "Aunt Jemima's Visit" by Misses A. Steel, E. Gill, F. Gibson and C. Magon, and Messrs Walter Jackson, L. Magon and "\V. Gibson. The play was very creditably performed and ereated a great deal of amusement, receiving well deserved applause. At the close of the concert- the distributed the prizes after which a vote of thanks was tendered to all those who had contributed to the success of the entertainment. The teacher, Miss Steel, deserves great credit for the manner in which the children were trained, the whole concert going through without a hitch; also the school committee for the way in which the function was managed. After the concert a plentiful supper was handed round, followed by a dance which kept al! merry till a late hour. The following is the prize list,.Mrs Gibson and Miss Taylor being the judges of the sewing— Std. VI. —Bessie Ballantyne, Barbara Ballantyne. Carrie Magon. Std. V.—Cecil Gibson, Evelyn Keenan. Std. IV.—Bell Ballantyne. Std. lll.—Ken HeddelJ, Albert Gibson, lan McNeill. Std. ll.—Myrtle Shears, Jean Ballantyne. Std. 1.-—-Herbert Hicks, Ken Milne. Class list: Std VI. —Mary McNeillStd. V.—Adeline Gill, John Prattley. Std. IV—Edith Gibson, Marjory Ayers, Willie Gibson. Std. lll.—VeLna Bate, Tessa Hicks, Tom Avers, Jim McNeill, Will Prattley, Bella Young _ Std. II Lulu Vincent, Marjory Heddell, Nellie Arnold, Ethel Gibson, Hector Giles, Phil Prattley. Std I. —Ena Cooper, John Schofield. Infants Tpper.—Minnie Ballantyne, Flossie Will, Hilda Shears. Lower. —Bonnie Salisbury, Robbie Geddia, Jim Milne, Eric Schofield, James Bunting, Irene Gibson. Sewing: Senior—-Carrie Magon, Barbara Ballantyne, Edith Gibson. Junior.—Ethel Gibson, Jean Ballantyne. Infants.—Minnie Ballantyne.
KINGSDOWN. The annual picnic in . connection with the Kingsdown School was held in the school grounds on Boxing Day, and being favoured with excellent woath eir proved an enjoyable day's outing. The usual distribution of prizes w r as not held this year as the pupils had donated their prize money to > elp the British and Belgium Relief Fund. The school committee however arranged to have the picnic, and an interesting gathering of pupils, past and present, parents and friends was the result. The ladies had generously provided an abnudnnt supply of various kinds of refreshments, and their efforts, to provide for all present were evidently successful. In place of the usual prize list we append the l'St of promotions in each das S up to Std. V.:—Std'. T—Edith Holmes, "Willie Roonev, Allan Thomson. Std. 11. Margaret Daniel, MeVa Glass, Elsie .TaKkson. Std. lIT. George Butt, Mervyn Daniel. Thomas Roonev, Arnold Stew-p'-t. Std. TV.—H>nrv B"+t, Stnnrfc D<ivis"n. Lizzie Bervl Ral'nr/h, Pp'" l B°e. "Winnie Coster. Mary H/rno. E'l'e-'-i Simmons. M«v!s S"i,mon.s and Annie Roonev. Std. V.—N;nvnnn .Tackson.
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Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 5
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1,198THE SCHOOLS. Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 5
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THE SCHOOLS. Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 5
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