Holiday Season. lteady-to-vear Summer ftocks in Latest Styles and Colouring*. Save Dressmaking Worries Alterations Promptly Attended to. WHITE .VOILE FBOCKS. piWE COLOURED FROCKS IN SPON GE CLOTHS, CREPE, AND PIQUE. Dainty Blouses. WHITE AND COLOURED YOLLE. WHITE AND COLOURED CREPE. JAPANESE SILK SHIRTS LN LATEST STYLES. COLOURED SILK JERSEYS. PINE ASSORTMENT OF LATEST SHADES. FASHIONABLE SPORTS COATS IN SHOWERPROOF ASSORTED SELF TWEEDS. Black and White, and Coloured Checks THE Canterbury Farmers' Co-operative Association, Ltd,, Timaru.
MONEY IN THE IEAPOT. Cash prises ranging from 5s to £5, and consolation prizes of 2s 6d, are awarded twice a year to consumers >f that superb tea, " Stand-Out." fiu scheme is not a. lottery, but a-Casu Distribution on a liberal scale. Competitors qualify by sending in Coupons value at least fifty points. These coupons are enclosed in every packet of Stand-Out Tea. Entries close 15th June and 15th December. Hold baok totals less than fifty, ard add to far the succeeding: distribution. Post Coupons, in one batch, wich name and address, to " Stand-Out Tea." care B. Wilson and Co., Dunedin. ... BEVERAGES FOE, THE HOLIDAYS. —PURE,'? REFINED, GENUINETHOMSON'S RASPBERRY VINEGAR. THOMSON'S LIMEJUICE CORDIAL. THOMSON'S GINGER WINE THOMSON'S LEMON SYRUP. If cordials are bought (and most people purchase' them at this time), make sure of getting those which are pure and wholesome. No difficulty need be experienced. Read the labels, and refuse cordials w'hich do not carry the word* "pure" and "genuine." Under the existing Pure Foods and Drug Act, Thomson and Co. are allowed to use the words "pure," "natural," "fruit," "genuine" on •their labels, because their cordials are free from adulteration and chemical additions. They are made from pure fruit juices only. No essences or artificial flavourings ar«. used. AH the ingredients are tested for purity, j while every bottle is pasteurised. For purity, quality, deliciousness, the"? , stand alone in the Dominion. Against the world's best, they'have won 26 | gold'medals and 31 first-class certifi- i cates.. ... J :»UHV/iIW Oil UVBL UUK VVUIIU XIC© 1 .13 the "Clincher Dreadnought i Motor Cycle Tyres," which are made J for'hard wear on rough roads- Try. them. I
Page 4 Advertisements Column 3
Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 4
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