&* JfB » E POWER £65 * Sterling. MODEL 59 T is tho most modestly priced car on the mai power and Epecxl to meet all Nitional requirements. A big. carrying fivo passengers with nil comfort. on the market; Ifasoira s. A big, roomy bnay, Refinement possibSe to be made is found - In-this 1912 wonder. The Changes, perhaps unnotionablo without close inspection, are of aient jmportanco and aguro materially in enabling tho OverUnds 'to ova lh» value tnoy do. Ltd. S.4RN.ARD STREET, TIIHARU ... C.F.C.A. Ltd., Agents. AND ASHBURTON.
cicncy of the "ORION" Range ii borns evidence to in the follow>r,s extract fro] [ Lady's Letter. 'he Range has been in use for ''about 2S years and I would "would not jmrt with it for any "new one in the Dominion. It ia "a Eood cooker and the boiler 'ater ia always hot." Wf. this, the ' " " " ~ VOU iwvvlP If so, ask your ironmonger ui show you an . SHACKLOCK, LTD j Auckland and Wollingto i JOHN ME£ MIQ SON, COAL AND GENERAL PRODUCE MERCHANTS. CIOAL (ail kinds). Firewood, Oats, J Chaff, Bran, Sharps, Oatmeal, Drain Pipes, and all accessories, English and Colouial Cement, Hydraulic Lime. IMPORTERS of Lipton's Celebrated Teas. Genuine Havana and Manilla Cigaia. AGENCIES: N.Z. Crown Portland Cement Co., Ltd. Cement and Hydraulic Lime. Carrara Ceiling Co., Ltd. Pulp and Cement Plaster, Oregon Latha, Mouldings, oto. Gore Oatmeal, Cameratis Concrete. JOHN MEE AND SON. Btrathailan Street. ■WHATSTHAT? •JSoTXIKELy I'LL ■ 1 FORGET WAT ORDER MY OEARI After all, you wouldn't buy I cheap eggs ; why buy cheap | teas ? Quality tells. I 1/6 1/8 1/10 2/-
Page 3 Advertisements Column 6
Timaru Herald, Volume XCV, Issue 14706, 25 March 1912, Page 3
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