IK MOTOR CARS FOR 1912 I THE BEST AMERICAN CAR—BUILT ENTIRELY ON ENGLISH I LINES. 1 FOUR. MODELS ARRIVING THIS MONTH, comprising 20 H.P. 2 j Beaters, L'O ]I.P. <S»; ; irr-, i!.j H.P. 2-Seatttrs, 2lj H.P. 5-Soat«r«. Sj Full Particulars ami I'ri.e:, om Application. Trial Huns arrang |1 MATCHLESS MOTOR CYCLE 3 invnrimis Models 2} with Froo 9 Engine and 11 Spued Gears for Gents m and Ladies. 3J I''isi«l and Five. Engines, 3 Spend Gears, fi, 0, 1 m and 8 H.P., tivin-cjiiiulers. Fixed jU go Models fitted witl fa 2 Speed Gear, Froo Engine—unequalled for heavy touring ami Sido a ear work. !*\ OILS. GREASE. ACCESSORIES, always in Stock. FOR. SALE CHEAP—2 rVenndhrmd 3J ' in first-class order., 1 3 Sooondhiind Lisiht-woipht. Inspection invited. FOR HIRE— 2S \B.V ■J Bmok Tourir.-.: C:ir, :inv hour day or night. GARAGE PHONE 132. PRIVATE,^B4S | IBIARU .MOTOR REPAIR ANB SUPVLY DEPOT. | -OUTH CANTERBURY AGENT. STAFFORD ST.. NJRTH. Paperhanging and •CH, Arcade, Timaru. H pLor'i S 'Lm AK:r ' ED ,? HT'?,; 1 Well Chosen lot of Artistic WAUQ corationTti,o hS." 1 "' UY TJfiS ' l ' IDBAS iD th « ArUitio D * ALL WORK EXECUTED UNDER THE PEHBONAL SUPERVISION r.,.„,„r , ol ' THE PROPRIETOR. Quotations given for ail classes of Work No job undertaken unlet PAIVI-t: \ui?p -„ P u .* "} 'j anJ within reasonnb'.a time. . IAI.Mb MADE i,p Aivf QUANTITY AND COLOUR TO SVVB l-ARAIERS AND COUNTRY RESIDENTS. REDUCI'IOXS FROM vnmixmu SALE WATCHES, JEWELLERY, SILVER GOODS. During my Annual' Stocktaking, you •ill haro tho opportunity hoi", to buy, iootls at Much Less than ti.«y <iro ortli. Wo have- Separated from the .'i.lniH-o of our btoirjc, many articles n which wo tihall make many large Goods with their NEW PRICES ni« FROM TEN TO FIFTY 11011 CENT. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, TIMARU. Z?amiaMmmKim**i m g_ IS GRAIGIE, OIfiECT IMPORTER, ARTISTIC WALLPAPERS AND FRIEZES. J mi' AfiltlVEß. HEW SEASON'S WALL PAPERS. EX TONGARIRO. INSPECTION INVITED, 1 SHOWROOMS, 1 Oain's Terrace - Timaru. ALL, PEDDER & CO., TEMUKA AND GERALDINE. BRAIN. SEED AND PRODUCE MER'CHANTS,. AUCTIONEERS, ACCOUNTANTS, LA NI) L TATE AGENTS. FIRE STOCK. AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE, Highest Prices/given for Grain and produco of all ttwotifttttft. Periodical Produce and Skin Sales. \(.cnts for Dona R hy's Binder andSewina Tviam Nsinp.K) and Blair Seeds. /^. Agricultural and Dairy Machine*/, juranca Company
Page 3 Advertisements Column 7
Timaru Herald, Volume XCV, Issue 14706, 25 March 1912, Page 3
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