W^S^^^^^S&^rjUS: E%%Rmmm^*^^ It is not natural to have a weak growth of hair ; and it is positively unnatural to be bald. If your hair 13 thin or falling, it is a sign that there is active disease, or want of nourishment at the hair roots. This can be remedied, and the sooner you do it the easier the cure will be. There are all sorts of bogus hair-washes on the market that cannr>t possibly effect a cure. While you arc experimenting with these, you are probably merely wasting time and money. Some of them are even positively dangerous, and really ought to be prohibited by law. You.can grow and keep hair, if you go to work sensibly. Thus — f"**\ tffiz mm s*§ \es *>l Mr. Brics has been'established for over fifty years-, J as a iiair Specialist in England and New Zealand, and | has continuously studied the hair in health and disL ease. Rle has cured numbers of difficult cases personI ally, and has thousands of letters from delighted people jjjj who have cured themselves with the use of his |j preparations. ABSOLUTELY S A HEALTHY GROWTH OF HAIR Special WMMMWMWM»ltl«W»taifiWai«fl eliminates scurf from the scalp ; produces natural nourishment. Hie infallible auxiliary if used alternately with the Regenerator. PKICB, 2' SOLD EVERYWHERE BRICE S SON 713 Colombo Street, CRISTCHURCH j---* cin bo obtained at Mr L. B. .Tame?.' Pharmacy, Tiinaru; Mr \V. A. Jordan's Hnirdrosser, Xitnaru; Mr "W. H. Carl, Chei ~ Ipadin.n Cheni throughout New /.ealan yraphb of genuine curt **BmkMmm&&Bm*mxß&m BEi(Biig«yg'>tc'j ASK FOR m& m m mi By Appointment. not merely
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Timaru Herald, Volume XCV, Issue 14706, 25 March 1912, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5
Timaru Herald, Volume XCV, Issue 14706, 25 March 1912, Page 3
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