nHE NEW ZEALAND FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION OF CANTERBURY. LTD. Christchurch. August 25th, 1911. F. FERRIMAN, Esq,, Ashburton. RE FORD'S SCOUR AND LUNG WORM MIXTURE. Referring to our recent conversation with reference to the above. I hnve much, pleasure in stating that this Association lias handled tho above preparation for upwards of twenty years, and so far as I have been ab!e to ascertain, its effects have at all times been most satisfactory. Indeed. I can conscientiously state that I have never met a single complaint. Yours faithfullv. E. W. REI.PH, • JOSEPH FORD'S DRENC.I. Read what Fanners who use it "FORD'S SCOUR AND LUNGWORM MIXTURE supplied to me did all that was claimed for it, and I consider uo fiock owner should be w:\liout it On his premises." ' (Signed) GEORGE SHEAT. "I can certify to the truth of jour statements with regard to tho power of JOSEPH FOLD'S SCOUR AND LUNG-WORM MIXTURE for rurins lime worm. I dosed 140 hoggets which T had left, and did not lose one after. I also bought 50 Cfor experimental purposes). the most miserable' specimens of lambs I ever saw. I lost two. and two collapsed about a month after in the storm. The rest thrived well. 1 can recommend the Mixture to anyone has any trouble with theiir lamb's." (Signed.) JONATHAN SOWDEN. . "I drenched 2000 lambs from South- , land which were in a vers' bad state* ! FORD'S DRENCH was used, and it was very beneficial, and I was satisfied " (Signed) 'J. H. MUIRHED. . "I hove drenched up to 1500 lambs :n one season with JOSEPH FORD'S SCOUR AND LUNC-WORM MIXTU RE at weaning time, and consider it the best drench as a preventive for sccur or lung-worm that I have ever used. - ' (Signed) W. NOSWORTHY. Ashburton, 3rd June, 1911 To Mr F. FERRIMAN. | Ashburton Proprietor- of Joseph Sir, —I have pleas | ins you that during la: had occasion to use 3 Inn" 1 "- 1 ! 1 , my ho ,S'f ets - I had some c-OU ot them and lost some fifty prior to obtaining the Drench., I administered one dose in accordance with the directions and beyond losing two or three which were in a very'low state when drenched the whole' mob were cured m two or three days The Drench undoubtedlv had the" effect -of saving mo a very great loss. I had been doing tho lionets well, had kept them on Rood feed, and am at a loss to account for the bad condition thev were ,n when I purchased the Drench" I have had previous experience with J.ne Medicire and have always found it to .0 the certain cure which von ' claim it to be. I have every cdnfi! dence in recommending it. to far j • Yours faithmlhj (Signed) DENTS McKENDRY. 1 GALLON TIN, 19s, WILL DREKCfI j2 GALLON TTN\ 17s PTTR GUTnw WILL DRENCH 320 For sale by the? undermentioned:— FARMERS' CO-OP. ASSOCIATION LTD., AND . . ' DALGETY AND CO., LTD. TlfflAßU WEST BUTCHERY WATKINS AND COSGROTE Have ' COMMENCED RUSINESS asFAMTTv AND GENERAL BUTCHERS SATURDAY, 2nd MARCH IN CHURCH STREET WES?. A S both Partners are Practical -fi Men at the Trade, only the best of Beef, Mutton and Small Goods will be kept. Orders delivered to any part of town. Watkins & Gosgrove
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Timaru Herald, Volume XCV, Issue 14706, 25 March 1912, Page 3
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