.MEN'S FOOTBALL BOOTS ' a I TRICES FROM 10s Gd TO 15s 6d A PAIR. ' cL IiIEX'S WHITE CHROME FOOTBALL BOOTS (Association 12s (id a pair. ft MEX'S TAX CALF FOOTBALL BOTS (Association Boot), witl)j§§ I extra hard toes, 13s Gd a. pair. PJJ HEX'S BLACK FOOTBALL BOOTS (R u( rhv Boot), "Embokay "if -brand—an Enghsli Boot imported specially for the back lino m§ - men Patent Cane Shank. A very liiilit boot. Prieo 15s Gr(sj3 I apa lr . g 1-MEX'S TAN CALF WATERPROOF FOOTBALL BOOT (a Forward El S Boot), extra hard toes, " Embekay" Brand. Prico 13s Gd a pairgrd MEN'S BLACK FOOTBALL BOOTS, the "All Black " Boot. Price M j lUs Gd a pair. p, | SOLE AOENTS FR "EMBEKAY" SPORTING FOOTW'EAHgy |" EMBEKAY" BOXIXG BOOTS, all sizes n Stock. || JCAXYAS BOXLXG BOOTS, Chromo Soles, 10s Gd a pair." I| SLIGHT CALF BOXIXG BOOTS, Chromo Soles. Hand Sewn, 15s Gd Wk j RUNNINC SHOES. pijj \ HARRIER BOOTS. fa I ft J. W. BOOT IMPORTER, :-: Gookham House, g HE BUSY BOOT STQRE, TIMARU, H
At this time of the year "•~ery mother is anxiously watching aftor-the health ol' her family. V t r hen Coughs and, Colds are in the hou.se she wants the Can Bay. She wants a medicine that will cure the cough, heal the lungs, 'and add flesh and strength to the whole body. Laee 9 s I Such a Medicine. llt contains the best Cod Liver Oil, chemically pure Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda, the finest Beechwood Creasote, and Fresh Eggs. These are thoroughly and permanently emulsified in such a manner as to preserve the full medicinal value of each. It is astonishing how just a little of it three or four times a day changes pale, weak and nervous boys and girls into smiling, happy and healthy children. Ask for LANE'S EMULSION. At all Chemists and Stores. ' 2/6 and 4/6 per bottle. 93 3. M. NOLAN, M Baker Mt. Cook Road. ~' "" R J. M. NOLAN wisht notinee that he has tnken over the Bakery Business and Store at Mount, Cook Road, Fairlje. frc "" O Dowd, and hopes through str tenfron to business for a oontir of the patronage hitherto given to his predecessor. Carts ro to nil parts of ', 'ho district. Caterinr *- -" ;+ -
Page 3 Advertisements Column 3
Timaru Herald, Volume XCV, Issue 14706, 25 March 1912, Page 3
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