3>« S=S 3£ The Good Samaritan ms mi swi m jgffi ftps SSRiSS BRONCHITIS CURE The Grandest Remedy for COUGHS and C A dose or two is generally sufficient KEEP A BOTTLE IN THE HOUSE SOLD by all CHEMISTS and STORES m A good fire, an interested cook — and success with your cooking is certain. BEHIND TIME Is the Keynote of the failures of lire. v_> v , m The Man or Woman on time is the \|^ii* one who succeeds. *£&&•%■■* OWN OHE OF HANDLE'S NICKEL ALARM CLOCKS, fitted with Solid Steel PaHets, and you will be in tlmo for your business, the Train and Engagements, •pese Clocks are now recognised ly Railivayinen as standard and best value for the monev. NO NEED TO BE LATE JEWELLER. TS&iARU. OTJR SUMMER SALE HAS ISSEN A SUCCESS nECAUSF np Ti|" ALL" ROUND REDUCTION'S WE HAVE MADE ON OUR iOODS' '- AND FOR THE REASON" THAT WEXEVER SF.LL SHODDY MATERIA.} WE NOW OFFER TO CLEAR THE BALANCE OF OUR." LUTHN DRESS MATERIALS —INCLUDING VOILES, ZEPHY.HS ORGANOI HCSLiNS, COTTON SHANTiTNUS ETC AT PER YARD. STAFFORD AMD WOOLCOffIBE STREETS. Hope Lewis, Draper, will be shortly removing into larger and more Commodiouis Premises in Buildings. NOTE THE NEW ADDRESS. NEXT NO O'CALLAGHAN &. LtCRENS AUCTION I &ART. STAFFORD STREET NORTH. 1
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Timaru Herald, Volume XCV, Issue 14706, 25 March 1912, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1
Timaru Herald, Volume XCV, Issue 14706, 25 March 1912, Page 3
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