The Wainmiri County Council met,last night, there heing present: Messrs \S., A. Staples (chairman), C'W. Hervey,'W, 1 J. Walter, J, P. \V. Lee, C. E. Cros»,vW.< P. Spencer, J. A. J. Uren, F. Slsson, and J, Cleland. Messrs J. H. Rowse and J. Lindley, rejlresenting the Burwood Patriotic Committee, m waited on the council to ask for the grant of a piece of land at the corner of River Road and Lake Terrace Road, Burwood, which is under Ihe control of the council. Mr Rowse said that the land was required -for; the purpose of erecting a war memorial in the form of a fountain or obelisk. The committee would undertake to beautify the' land. After the deputation had withdrawn- 1 the chairman said that the matter would have to be considered carefully, as the council might require the land as a shingle dump. Mr Walter said that the land at present ■wai an eyesore, being covered with gorse and broom. It would be a good tiling if,: it were beautified. It was decided! that the matter be left in abeyance until the council had had an opportunity of inspecting the section in question. It was decided that the council should make its annual inspection of the county on January 30, commencing at 9.30 a.m. The engineer reported on work carried out in the county since the last meeting of,the council. The report was adopted. The Canterbury Automobile Association wrote thanking- the.; council for improving the Bower Hotel corner on the old New Brighton Road. The North Canterbury Hospital and Charitable Aid Board wrote asking for information regarding cases .of destitution caused through' the influenza epidemic. It was decided that the ministers in the county should be asked to supply particulars of destitute cases. .- A letter was received complaining of the dust nuisance caused by the training on the track bordering on Wright's Road. It was decided that the Trotting Club should be asked to use its water-cart daily. Only one lender was received lor forming the footpath on Marshland Road frdm Briggs Road to Goodman's.' As this tender was considered too high, it was decided that tenders should' be called for carthig the sand, and that the engineer should be asked to supply an estimate for forming the kerbiug. -■> On the motion of Mr Cross, it was: decided that the whole question of the niain roads in the county should be considered at a ■& special meeting of the. council, ■:■.;• .»'• Messrs Cross and G. E. Curric jver,e appointed as a deputation to wait oi) i,the Pnparua County Council with regard to the state of Russley and Yaldhurst Roads', the boundary roads between the iwq.co.unftes.
Sun (Christchurch), Volume V, Issue 1535, 14 January 1919, Page 9
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