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DOMINION TOURNAMENT. Press Association. AUCKLAND, January 13. The Dominion bowling tournament was continued to-day, when the full rink competition was commenced. The rinks were split up Into eight sections. The results of the day's play are as follow: SECTION A. W. hj. Osmond (Auckland) 3 0 Vugler (Mount Eden) 2 1 Pilkington (Whitiora) 2 1 Cross (Carlton) 2 1 Ouin (Ponsonby) .. 2 "1 Porteous {Wellington) 1 2 Claridge (Hataitai) .. 1 2 Franks (Stratford) .. 1 2 Barlow (Canterbury) .. .... 1 2 Campbell- (Retiluera) 0 3 SECTION B. Maxwell Walker (Ponsonby) ..3 0 Norton (West End) .... .. 2 1 Lundon (Wanganul) 2 1 Alsop (Rocky Nook) 2 1 Spiller (Greymouth) 2 1 Lamb (Carlton) ........ 1 2 Gatland (Onehunga) 1 2 Hetherlngton (Ngaruawahia) .. 1 2 Gray (Kelburne) ........ 1 2 Miller (Epsom) .. 0 3 SECTION C. - Parson (Ponsonby) ..3 0 Truseott (Waikino) 3 0 Martin (Kahutia) .... .... 2 1 King (Stratford) 2 1 Churchward (Wellington) .... 2 1 Harvey (Devonport) 1 2 Say well (Feilding) ; 1 2 Wright (St. John's) 1 2 Hill (Carlton) 0 3 Blgelow (Mount Eden) 0 3 SECTION D. Mclntyre (Carlton) .. ...... 2 1 McLcod (Ponsonby) 2 1 Harraway (Dunedin) .. .... 2 1 Huston (Gisborne) .. .... ..2 1 Woolf .(United). .... 2 1 Chvvls (.Ngaruawahia) 1 2 Wakerley (Rocky Nook) .... 1 2 McMillan (West End) ...... X 2 Johnston (Gtey Lynn) '. 1 2 McKenzie - (Ouehunga) 0 3 SECTION E.
Wylie (Te Hiwi) 3 0 Stephens (Kclburn) 3 0 Smart (New Plymouth) .... 2 1 Grabtrce (Epsom) 2 1 Pelham (Ponsoiiby) 1 2 Dalliriger (Wellington) 1 2 McDonald (Stratford) 1 2 Holmes (Carlton) .... 1 2 Fruish (Feilding) 0 , 3 SECTION F (unavailable). SECTION G. Sandstbn (Christchurch) .. .. 3 0 Potter (Wellington) ' .. .... 2 1 Land (Hastings) ••;.. ...... 2 1 Schnauer (Onehunga) 2 . 1 Kllgour (Carlton) 1 2 Hardley (West End) 1 2 McArthur (Petone) 1 2 Coltman (Franklin) 1 2 Hemus (Auckland) .. 1 2 Buller (Uemuera) 1 2 SECTION H. McNeill (Fitzroy) ......... 3 0 Frost (Wellington.) 3 0 Grey (Auckland) 3 •<• Hollowcs (Devonporf) 3 0 Jury (Karangahake) ...... 2 1 Martin (Hataitai) .. 1 2 Nixon (Castlccliff) ........ 1 2 Davidson (Ponsonby) 1 2 Ure (Mount Eden)'... ...... 1 2 Brookes (Mount Albert) .... 1 2 Mcßobie (Rcmucra) 1 2 Sharp (Stratford) .'. .... :. 1 2 Jones (Grey Lynn) .. .... ..0 3 Moir (Dominion Road) 0 3 TO-DAY'S PLAT. Press Association. AUCKLAND, January 14. The bowling championship was continued to-day in fine weather. Results.:— SECTION B. Fourth Round. • Gray 24' beat Lamb 20, Walker 20 beat Spiller "10. Nortbn 19 beat Lundon 18, Gatland 19 lost to Alsop 20, Miller 27 beat Hetherington 22. SECTION E. Fourth Round. Crabtrcc 22 lost to Pruish 29, Holmes 24 beat Wylie 20, Pelham 19 beat Smart 18, Ballingcr 24 beat.McDonald 22, Stephens 21 beat Forrest Id SECTION G. Fourth Round. Kilgour 21 beat Coltman 17, Land 21 beat Potter 18, Sandstbn 14 lost to Hardley 19, Schnauer 20 beat Buller 10, McArthur 20 beat Heinus 14. • ' SECTION A. Fourth Round.
Cross 17 beat Glaridge 15, Quin 14 lost to Barlow 15, Pflrteaus 16 lost to Campbell 23, Franks 17 lost to, Vugler 24, Pilkington 25 beat Osmond 22.- i .i ..- • SECTION F. Wright 21 beat Rankin 15, Warren 23 lost to Mackay 28, Smart 25 beat Potter 13, Jury 37 beat G'eddes" 20," Wright 17 lost to Crawford 18, Henderson 21 lost to Clarke 27. SECTION H. Sharp 29 beat Jones 20', Gray 21 beat Moir 19, Bi'ookes 22 beat Nixon 14, Jury 25 beat Hollows 18, McHobie 25 beat Davidson 19, Frost 23 beat Ure 18, Martin 21 beat McNeill 20. Johnson 15 lost to Huston 17, Woolf 24 beat Mclntyrc 23, Wakerley 10 lost to McLcod 18, McKenzie 10 lost to McMillan 12, Clavis.lß lost to Harraway 21. CENTRES IN CONFERENCE. Press Association. AUCKLAND, January 14. iU a conference of delegates appointed by the various bowling centres of the Do-minion-and the Council of the New Zealand Bowling Assoclatipn, Mr McCalluin (president of the council) explained that the conference was arranged for the purpose of discussing suggestions made by Mr J. Allan, of Duiiedin, for the alteration of the constitution and rules of the association. The suggestions could be discussed . and delegates could pass resolutions recommending to the council the adoption of ►any alterations (hat might be agreed upon. Members of council could take part in the discussion hut would not vote on any motions proposed. . . , . Mr Allan said the present system of electing the council, consisting of live, members from each island in addition to the president, vice-president; and treasurer, did not provide equitable representation, inasmuch as there were 17 centres, and the smaller of those had little chance of electing a representative. A lengthy discussion took place, and resolutions recommending the adoption of the principals embodied in the proposals were carried, The matter of the adoption of uniform conditions for all tournaments provided ■ considerable discussion. Several speakers referred to the fact that luncheon (had not been provided for players. The chairman explained that arrangements had been made by the council with a view to obtaining as much money as possible for patriotic purposes.. Moreover, when details of the tournament were under discussion only 33 entries had been received, and it \vas extremely doubtful whether the tournament would be'held. • A recommendation from the Wellington Centre that the council endeavour to arrange Tor visits to the Dominion of bowling teams
from Great Britain was carried unanimously. < CANTERBURY GREEN. The following competitions have been played:— Champion Singles.—Borland 20 v. Benzie 19, Yager 22 v. Hastie 15, Drayton 22 v. Hagger 13. Finnegan's Two-bowl Doubles.—Kirker and Burgess 16 v. Hoffman and Borland 14. Champion Doubles.—Ronayne and Haworth 22 v. Crum and J. C. Smith 15, English and Bedpath 18 v. Gray and Benzie 8. BECKENHAM v. LYTTELTON,. A very pleasant afternoon was spent the Beckenham green on Saturday las|j, r ;3 when four rinks from Lytteiidn tried conclusions with the new club. The following McCallum, Dun] op, Irwin, Sinclair t.17 .Wm Peek, Williams, Robson, Chcgwin .....,*-■. tmSm Turnbull, Garrard, McCormick, "y B Simpson, Firman, Thomson, Bott .. ■!s*> Lufaro, Sutton, Gower, Page .. .. 13 -~ leavers, Mathieson, Blackmore, Mc- , S Hastie, Burnip, Coilins, Bromley .. 18 S Cornish, Henderson', Herbert, Jack .--.'|HB
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Sun (Christchurch), Volume V, Issue 1535, 14 January 1919, Page 9
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1,012BOWLING. Sun (Christchurch), Volume V, Issue 1535, 14 January 1919, Page 9
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BOWLING. Sun (Christchurch), Volume V, Issue 1535, 14 January 1919, Page 9
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This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Christchurch City Libraries.