Tht Canterbury Pigeon Flying Club flew off a race from Napier on December 28. •Thirty-two birds were sent, divided amongst 11 owners competing. The birds were in the care of Mr J. L. Sage, and were liberated at 6 a.m. in fine weather and a nor'-west wind. Three hours later the weather changed to a strong southerly, and rain, which made it very hard for the birds to face. The race, was open for two days, and only three owners timed in before the close of the race on the second day. The winner of first and special prizes turned out to be Mr F. D. Wilson's No. ,194, winch flew the distance 0f'367 miles 35 yards airline in 21hr •23miu 45sec. The following are the velocities:—F. Wilson's minute; F. Kingsford's Onoto, 170; Barfer Bros.' Baldie, 441. Barter Bros, win the special prize for Napier races. The club also flew off a race from W'aiouru on January 4. Twenty-seven birds were sent, divided amongst nine owners. The birds were liberated by the stationmaster at 0.30 a.m. in flue weather and a fairly strong westerly wind. As the birds readied Wellington they flew into a thick mist. None of the birds reached home on day of liberation, but three owners timed in next day. Mr E. Fuchs's Queen of Clubs was the winner of llrst and special prizes, flying the distance of 340 miles 509 yards airline in 16hr 52min 48scc. The following are the velocities: —E. Fuchs's Queen of Clubs, 591 yards per minute; F. Kingsford's Black Cress, 515; Woodhouse Bros.' Scotland, 486. Mr E. Fu'chs wins the average for Waiouru races.
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Sun (Christchurch), Volume V, Issue 1535, 14 January 1919, Page 9
Word Count
Sun (Christchurch), Volume V, Issue 1535, 14 January 1919, Page 9
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