| Public Notices I TTNITED MARINE INSURANCB CO, Tha undersigned has been appointed Agent in Invercargill for tke above, and is prepared to accept marine risks at enrrent rates. a2l R. F. CUTHBERTBON. HOWELL AND 00, Bacon Cubees, INVERCARGILL, TAY STREET BRANOH— Open DaUy, exc«pt Wednesdays, from one to five p.m. for the purchase of FAT PIGB and Sale of BACON and HAMS. »22 T A GRIPPE — RUSSIAN INFLUENZA Sir Oscar Clayton's PREVENTIVE. Post free, with directions for use, 13 pence in stamps; GEOBGE BAILEY, Medical HaU Tay street, InvercargUl. QIR MORELL MACKENZIE'S Certain Cure O for DSFLUENZA or LA GRIPPE. No I— To be taken during the attack, la 6d per bottle ; by post; 2s. No 2— To be taken afterwards to prevent a relapse, Is 6d ; by post, 2s. DB ROBSON ROOSE'6 Preventive for La Grippe— lnfluenza, Is 6d ; by post, 2s. BAILEY, m2B Chemist, InvarcargUL J EVERETT BEGS to state that he has taken over the KAITANGATA COAL DEPOT, LiddeU street, and that he wUI continue to supply coal as hitherto; Also — NEWCASTLE, COALBROOKDALE, QREY AND NIGHTCAPS GOAL. All kinds of Firewood, Lime, Straw and Chaff always on hand. Orders may be left at the Depot, LiddeU street, or at bis shop, Spey street. LOWEST PBIGES. Carting done on the shortest notice. al6 A. M._& CO. NEW WINTEE GOODS INCLUDING Ladies' Plush Jackets and Dolmans, Cloth and Jersey Jackets, Ladies Ulsters and Rainproof Cloaks, Girls' Ulsters, all sizes, and a large variety Misses Reefer Jackets, dec, Ac. ALSO,— NEW DRESS GOODS vi BORDERED ROBES, FRENCH SERGES and MELTONS BPECKLBD TWEEDS SNOWFLAKE CHECKS COSTUME CLOTH, Ac, Ac. FURS ! FURS ! FURS ! FURS A. MAIB & CO:, DRAPERS ASD CLOTHIERS, DEE STREET, fIV Next the Southland Olttb. .0 pVREPUKI COAL AND SHALE CO. PUBLIO NOTICE. The Orepuki Coal Company are now prepared to deliver COAL from their new mine, which will be found much superior to any other coal in Southland for Household and Rtcam purposts (See Government Assays of N. Z. coals in Exhibition Catalogue.) Obtained SECOND PRIZE POR COAL, at the New Zealand and South Seas Exhibition. STUDY ECONOMY AND BURN OREPUKI COAL FROM NEW SEAM. It is cheaper and last? longer than any other in the market. PBIOES .-—HOUSEHOLD 20s PER TON. Delivered in any quantities. Allowance for truck lots. Special Rate for Factories and M~iTl«. AGHNTB— C. W. BROWN, InvercargUl, G. O. CASSBLS, Riverton. T. MoWILLIAM, Storekeeper, Winton. ; a 24 William Todd. THIS DAY (SATUBDAY), At 1 1 a.m. WILLIAM TODD wiU sell by publio auction in the Exchange — OA CABESOBANGES OA BOXES PLUMS BAG 3 NEW WALNUTS. a 26 SATURDAY EVENING, 26th APBIL, At half past seven. WILLIAM TODD wUI ecU by publio auction in Exchange, Lease (12 years to run, £3 10s per annum) of section 9, block 42, Eye street, near the Caledonian Grounds, on which is erected a very comfortable 4-ROOMED COTTAGB, Stable Ac,, at present in the occupation of Mr Harrington The circumstances surroundinir this property renders it necessary to be Bold and wUI go a gift on almost any terms. a 24 MONDAY, 28th APRIL, At 12 noon. WILLIAM TODD will sell by auction in the Exchange, as above— THE BOOK DEBTS IN THE ESTATE OF E. H. WHITMOBE List to be seen at Auctioneer's office. a 26 TjiOß PRIVATE SALE Agricultural Land 160 acres, fenced, half in splendid English grass, 12 milea from Invercargill. Metal road to door. Price, £3 per acre. Apply at once to a 5 WILLIAM TODD. A. A. KacGibbon ARCH. A. MaoGIBBOH AUCTIONEER, STOOK, WOOL, GRAIN, AND GENERA i COMMISSION AGENT, MATAUEA AND GORE AGENT NEW ZEALAND INSURANCB COMPANY. Stock Sales conduct* i at Hataura, Gor*. and Wyndham, Liberal Oaah Advances made on Stock, Wool *c, Ac. fJTL OiANS NEGO.TIATK DJO SALE AT MATAURA, THURSDAY, Ist MAY. ARCH. A. MaoGIBBON will seU by auotiorj on above date — K(\C\ CSOSSBBED LAMBS 1 K(\ FAT LAMBS rjAA BREEDING EWES OAA FAT SHEEP 10 HEAD FAT CATTLE 20 BOHKEY MARSH BAMS 25 HEiD STEERS ft HEIFERS BHTRJS& ITOTEQ, »2
Page 3 Advertisements Column 5
Southland Times, Issue 11440, 26 April 1890, Page 3
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