Pnhllc Notices I>HE undersigned are Cash Purchasers of MILLING OATS. al9 MAOPHERSON & CO. THE GOOD OLD-FASHIONED STONE MADE FLOUR. Tbe most WHOLESOME, most NUTRITIOUS, SWEETEST, CHEAPEST, and BEST. ASK FOR THE " MILLSTONE " BBAND. Kept by all the Grocers and used by all the Bakers. al OMELLIE BROTHERS (LIMITED), B U|S N S I D E, Are Cash Purchasers of OLD HORSE SHOBS AND SCRAP IRON. alB OUBINEBB NOTICE The undersigned have muoh pleasure in notifying to the public of Invercargill and Southland that they have taken over the old established Grocery and Wine and Spirit Business, lately carried on by Messrs J. Stock 6 Co., and trust by strict attention to the requirements of customers, to merit a share of support. IV. SHEFFIELD A CO., TAY STREET, INVERCARGILL ml* La oakd.] T\ H. J E~N KINGS, HOUSE AGENT 4 COLLECTOR. Addeuss: Australian Mutual Provident Offices, Up stain, No. 2, Esk Strbbt, Ijotboakoili.. m WELLS, CORN, SEED, HAY & STRAW MERCHANT Hasan's Buildings, DSE STRBET, INVESCARG ILL. For Sale at lowest prices for CASH and special quotations for large quantities . — Hay, Straw, Oaten Chaff, Bed Chaff, Oats, Wheat, Barley, Groats, Peaa, Maize 4c. Flour Wheatmeal, Oatmeal, Pearl Barley, Bran, Linseed, Potatoes, Turnips. Lentils and Haricot Beans for cooking. All kinds of Bird seed, Olovers, Turnips and Grass Seeds. Agent for Nimmo and Blair's, Farm and Garden Seeds ; ako for Whyte 4 Co., Dunedin, Food Specialist. Cash purchaser of above mentioned commodities i; also second hand bagsAll communications may b« addressed 4 J. M. WELLS, Dee Street. NOTICE. T OOK OUT! LOOK OUTII FtVDLAY AND COMPANY, DRAPERS AND CLOTHIERS, WILL OPEN AT WINTON ON TOESDA?, APRIL 22nd, Next door to McLeod's Store, with a Large Stock of Drapery and Clothing* &c , AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES A large assortment of MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS— VERY CHEAP. ' INSPECTION INVITED. FINDL&.Y AND COMPANY. By buying a parcel at F. and Co.'b you will save 20 per cent. a2l TJIOR REAL BARGANB GO TO MOSELEY'S CORNER, THE LARGE IRON BUILDINGS ESK STREET. FOR SALE— Suite of Furniture (nine pieces), L 9 10s ; Rosewood Harmonium, Walnut Sideboard, with mirror panels ; Handsome Duchess Dressing Tables and Wasbstands. Books of every description, and 500 pieces of Music to chooße from. Chiffoniers and all kinds of furniture very cheap. Boots, Drapery, Clothing, Earthenware, Cooking Utensils, Tools, and a host of goodß too numerous to mantion, at the very lowest prices. N.B.— Furniture made to order. Win. MoiELBY, BUYS AND SKLLB NEW AND SECONDHAND GOOD 3, W-M. has no connection with Second-hand Store at opposite corner, formerly known as The Beehive. aid ' v £n A P 1 T? T V iill^r lili CONVENIENCE E? WLM l^^l l^[" <i \'* I **ifl^^' Cv \f \J %M W^ Iwl ■ ¥ ATTAINED PiURCHABI|NG f* ■ LAMPS AND EEEOSEITH FROM W. C. VULHIIVS, IRONMONGER AND IMPORTER TayStbhbt, InvbboarchMi. Q.RAND CLEARING SALE OF Ironmongery, China, Glass, Sec «T FOR ONE~MONTH. J» HALL & CO. Are compelled to remove from the premises they now occupy to others more suitable for the present depressed state of trade. They will therefore offer to the Public the whole of their LARGE STOCK AT COST PRICES, AND IN SOME CASES AT LESS. This ia a grand opportunity for getting CHKAP IRONMONGERY, GLASS, OHINA, \ GENERAL HARD WARE GOODS, PAPER- : HANGING, GUNS, BRUSHWARE, 4c. ; SaT Don't forget it is the early bird that gets j the bent of it. N<Tfi — As oar stock of ammunition, powder, &0., ia low, there will be no reduction in theßt lines. SALE COMMENCES On MONDAY, the 7th APRIL, ' and continues for ONE MONTH ONLY;. * Note thh Adkebs— HALL AND CO., I IRONMONGERS, "THE CORNER,'
Page 3 Advertisements Column 4
Southland Times, Issue 11440, 26 April 1890, Page 3
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