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Mitchell, White and Co ■m|-ITOXBiLL, W'HITJB AKD OO Dib stbbbt, next McGregor's BtablM. AUCTIONEERS, LAND. STOCK AJTD STATION AGENTS. wool and grain brokers and valuators. horbeTaleb— Regular Sales' on Saturdays in the CriUJiM Yard)!, at 11 a-m. SHEEPSKINS, HIDBS, TALLOW, *0. Regular Sales at our Beomi every Monday and; at the Wallaeatown Crossing Slaughter Yardo as required. stogeTsalhs Fortnigktly, at the Invercargill Bale Yard*. aa4 Monthly at the various Country centres, ditw of which will be duly advertised. CASH ADVANCES made on WooL Chain Skins, *a, placed in our hands for Abeelat* Sale HORSE SALE, CRITERION YARDS. SATURDAYr26TH APBIL, At 11 a.m. MITCHELL, WHTTB 4 Go., will oell by auction, on above date, On account various vendor* : O A DRAUGHT & Light Hnmees HoriM * L\J Hacks O DAIRY COWS, newly calved Harness, Riding Saddles, tax aM STOCK SALEWAIRIO. WEDNESDAY, 30TH APBIL. At 1 p.m. MITCHELL, WHITE 6 GO. will m]l by auction, as abovePresent Entries about— fiOO CBOSSBEBD EWES OAA DO LAMBS -t O BOMNEY MABSH BAMS Q A HEAD PURE AYRSHIRE OATTLB Ov (cows, heifers and bulk a2l SHEEP SALE, WIHTON. THURSDAY, Ist MAY, 1890, At 1 o'olook. -Jl/TITCHELL, WHITE"* GO. will sell by jJA. auction,as above— 1 000 GBOSBBBED LAMJJ3 KAA DO MEBINO EWBB Kf)f) BBEEDINGEWEB Wllsod, Tame and Co SATUBDAY, 26th APRIL, 18»0. At 8 o'clock. SALE RACING PRIVILEGES. WILSON, TAINiTaND GO. will Bill at their rooms, Dee street, as above, tha Privilege* in connection with the InvercargUl Racing Club Races to be held on April 30th— No. I— Publican's Booth No. 2— Refreshment Booth and Temperance Drinks No. 3—l he Gates N0,4-The Privileges of selling Race Cards, aU ready printed. So. 5 Paddock for Horsen. Particulars on application to the Auctioneers. aS* THURSDAY, Ist MAY. WILSON, TAINB AND GO. will aell at Winton as above — 500 Crossbred Rwes and Lambß 300 Crossbred Store Wethers. Entries will bo received by Mr O. D, Moors Q T the Auctioneers. alB R. B. Williams [A OA&D.J T> B. WILLIAMS AND 0.0 * STOCK AND STATION AGENi 1 AKD UEinjßAli BBOKIBB, Don street, Premiaaa lately ocoupied by theßritua and A«w Zealand Mortgage and Agency Company). Farms, Town Sections, Wool, Grairt aM Rabbit Skinß sold on commission. Leatt negotiated, et etc. Liberal cash advanoel made on anything sent in for absolute mle. R. B. WILLIAMS AKD CO WAIRIO, STOOK SALS. WEDNESDAY, APRIL BOTH. T> B. WILLIAMS & GO; Entries to date— P?KA BREEDING EWBB 360 lAMBS OA FAT SHEEP (freezers) EDUCATION RESERVES. RB. WILLIAMS AND CO. have received • instructions from the School Commissioners of Otago to offer for lease by publio auction, at the offices of Mr J. L. McDonald, Esk street, Invercargill, on SATURDAY, THH 26th APBIL, 1690, At 1.30 p.m., the following Reserves. Particular* of terms and conditions, &c , may be obtained from Mr J. L. McDonald, Southland agent for the Commissioners, Esk street, InvercargUl :— Seotion Blk. Locality. Area. 43 VI InverwraUHd 41 526 13 II Aparima' Hd *60 028 Pt 66 VII Jacobs Biver Hd *216 082 64 XIII New Biver Hd *80 000 Pt 23 I InvercargUl Hd *28 12$ 58 I MatauraHd *127 1 2 59 I Do *168 226 25 VII InvercargUl Hd 85 0 9 Pt4B XI do *30 0 O 7& 8 IX do *140 8 26 10, 11 &12 IX do ) M 74 Ito 9 IX do / *65 2 0 20 IV Aparima Hd 108 319 11 II CampboUt'nHd 40 0 0 15 in do 60 0 0 (1&4) tunsurveyed I& IV Mokoreta 510 0 0 f Thin area wUI be let subject to survey situate betwsen the Boundary Creek and Blocks 6 and 2, Mokoreta. * These are subject to valuation for improvements to be paid at sale. Education Reserves Office, Invercargill, 2lst March, 18?0. tat G. Froggatt SOUTHLAND HIGH ECHOOLS ENDOWMENTS FOR SALE. GFROGGATT will sell by publio auction, • in his rooms, Kelvin street, Invercargill, on Saturday, 3rd May, at 2 p.m., Lot I— Section 122, Byre District, being part Run 214, adjoining township of Gariton, and containing 492 acres} npsot prioe, £1 10s per acre Lot 2— Seotion lof 8, Wairaki District ; 260 aores ; upset price, £1 per acre \ Terms -One-foorth cash; balance in equal annual instalments extending over five years.— Interest, 6 per cent. p»r annum. ' For particulars apply to the Auctioneer ; Or to OHARLBS ROUT, 1 Secretary Southland High Schools Board. ; a25 F. S. Canning , J^ i 7 C ANN I N O AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR, MERSEY STREET, GOBS. SALES of Sheepskins, Wool, Babbitskini Hides, Tallow, 4c, held every MONDAY, at 2 p.m at the Gore Auction Mart, Gore. SALES of Stock every alternate TUESDAY at the Gore Corporation Yards. , " - SALES of Horees every alternate SATURDAY at Milne's Farmers' Arms Stables, Wysdham : : : Entries roofttved. by Mr Jofcfl Win tf^lfnA S ham boiaGßtUg |
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Southland Times, Issue 11440, 26 April 1890, Page 3
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791Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Southland Times, Issue 11440, 26 April 1890, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Southland Times, Issue 11440, 26 April 1890, Page 3
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