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Public Notices. rO SPORTSMEN— Just received, per mail steamer, a small consignment of 5.8 and D.B Breech and Muzzle-loading Guns . Th« se are of very superior quality, and are specially made to Oder. Apply immediately to the AMERICAN CAB at AGE FACTORY. a 23 WE are Oa.<h Purchasers of PRIME DAIRY O a GRAI N FED PIGS, at highest live and dressed weight prices. THOS. QUINN & CO., alB Belfast Factory, Conon St, , /^OAL ISLAND & PRESERVATION INLET V> The S.B. DISPATCH .- iU sail for Preserve - t ion Inlet cal'iug i\t Coi. Island on Thursday, Ist May. Intending passengers can be booked from Saturday till Monday at the office of B, B. WILLIAMS, a 26 Don street. UiE TUE ": 1 G- i '.'■ " BRAND OF CEYLON T'A. a 24 OOUTUUND BOARD OF EDUCATION t'CHOOIi C J AIM IFT SE ELECTIONS. Hon'eholders are reminded that the Annual Klection* of rtohooi Committees throughout ihe district t-»ke on Monday, the 28th intt., at half-paat seven o'clock p.m. JOHN NKILL. a 24 Secretary. TPRANSFER OF SOLICITOR'S BUSINESS 1 have this day difpossd of my business as a Barrister aud Solicitor of the Supreme Court of New Zealand to John Rankine Cowan, Barrister and Solicitor and can recommend him favourably to those clients who have favoured me with their bnsinat-a during the past fifteen years. Dated at Invercargill, tbis fifteenth day of April, 1890. LAWRENrtK E. READE, Office No. 2 Australian Mutual Providtnt Society's Buildings, Esk street. Referring to the above I am prepared to carry on the above business in the Chambers recently occupied by Mr Reade. al6 JOHN R. COWAN. T^r OTICB OF REMOVAL R. C. niLLKR, BASKBTMAKEB, Begs toi announce to bis numerous customers that he has removed to the SHOP UNDER THE THEATRE ROYAL where he is prepared to execute orders On the Shortest Notice. A FULL SUPPLY ALWAYS ON HAND. QT COUNTRY OBDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. m2l JONES' (JOHN QUBE, (JURES FACT. m 22 DIPHTHERIA. How to get rid of this dread disease is the question of the day. r>OBERTSON'S~ GARGAREON -*-* 1 used in its full strength is a C£RTJLII¥ CVBB FOR DIPHTHERIA. And if taken diluted as direoted in pamphlet, the GARGAREON will act as a sore preventive against an attack. IST ROBERTSON'S OERTAIN CURES JB* Should be in every household. Notb— Jurors fawards, N. Z. and South Seas Exhibition, Dunedin, 1890. Collection of Household Remedies, comprising Gargareon, Entera Pulvis, Pectoraline, Unguentnm, and Magnetised Oil, William Robertson, Woodlands, First Class Award. Bold Retail by Chemists and Storekeepers, and Wholesale by Walter Guthrie & Co. Ltd., Whittingham Bros, and Instone, and WILLIAM ROBERTSON, al9 Woodlands and Dunedin. C. BEGG & CO., MUSIC SELLERS, 21 PRINCES STREET" Dunedin. SIX FIRBT-OLASS AWARDS. IIKOLPD[NG THE ONLY ONB FIRBT-CL ASS AWARD FOR AMERICAN ORGANS, AT THH NEW ZEALAND AND SOUTH SEAS EXHIBITION, 1889-90. EXHIBITION Everybody is Buying It MODEL Everybody is Buying It PIANO Everybody is Buying It £38 NET. Everybody is Buying It "Kelso, 10th March, 1890. 11 Messrs Ohaeleb Begg & Co., Dunsdin. " Gentlemen t — 1 received the Exhibition Model Piano in good condition. Am well please with it, and will do all in my power to recommend the instrument to my friends. Yours faithfully, 'A. Offkjbr," (y The Exhibition Model Piaho can be seen and tri;d at MESSRS WESXEY BROS. SOUTHLAND COUNTY ELECTORAL ROLLS. Notice is hereby given that copies of the Electoral Rolls and Defaulters' Lists for the several Ridings of Southland Conrty are open for public inspection at the Southland County Council office, Inverca T gill, until the 15th day of May, 1890, and that a copy of the 801 l and Defaulters' List of each Riding are also deposited for public inspection at the following places, namely — Waihopai Riding— Mr E. Taylor's store, Woodlands. Awarna Riding — Schoolhousp, Makarewa. Wallacetown Biding — Sohoolhonae, Wallacetowrj. Winton Riding— Police Station, Winton. Oreti Riding— Police station, Lumsien. Hokonui Riding — Police station, Mataura Waikaia Riding— Police Btation, Waikaia. MatanTa Riding — Messrs J. MacGibbonand Son's store, Gordon. Toi Tois Riding — Police Station, Wyndham. Any person who considers himself aggrieved by his own name or that of any other person being entered ob or omitted from the roll of the Riding, or by the number of votes allotted to him or to any other person therein being more or fewer than that to which he or such person is entitled under <«The Counties Act, 1886 ;" and " any holder of a Miner's Right, and any person who considers himself « ggrieved by the name of the holder of a Miner's Right being inserted on the Roll of County Electors for any Riding of the County wherein such holder does not actually repide, may on or before Ihe last day of May, 1890, apply for relief to the Resident Magistrate's Court which is nearest to the place where the Roll of the Biding j B kept. B B. P. MACGOUN, County Clerk and Treasurer. Southland County Council Office, r Invercarg'll, 26th April, 1890. a 25 s. . . WOODLANDS AGENCY.— Mr C. Bigwood saddler, Woodlands, is now the loca agent for the Southland Times and th< Timbs. Copies of theße journals ma] te obtained from him immediately on th< > rrival of first train after publication. M Bigwood will alec receive orders for adverttsinf ? and information concerning loqsJ mattttawhiQl > 5 X«? be dejirablf ft VibUib, d!
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Southland Times, Issue 11440, 26 April 1890, Page 3
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879Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Southland Times, Issue 11440, 26 April 1890, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Southland Times, Issue 11440, 26 April 1890, Page 3
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