Meetings. NOTICE. APUBLIO MEETING will be held in th( Hall, Wallacetown, on TUESDAY, th« 29th inst, at 7.30 p.m. Business: — To consider the Sm*ll Bird* Question. a 24 JAMES BRUNTON. SOUTHLAND BOARD OF EDUCATION The usual monthly Meeting of the Education Board will be held in its Boom, the Orescent, on Friday, th • 2nd day of May, 1890, at eleven o'clock a.m. JOHN NEILL, Secretary. Education Office, Inveroargill, 26th April, 1890 a2ft O DUTHLAND COLLBGIATE CLASS Intending students are requested to meet in the Boys' High School on Friday and Saturday, the 2nd and 3rd proximo, at the times fixed herenndar, to arrange with, th < lecturers the hours for the various elates and for the purpose of being enrol'd : - FRIDAY— Latin and Jmior Mathematics at 8 p m., and Senior Mathematics and French at 8 30 p m. Science students to leave their names and addresses at e<ther of those hours. SATURDAY— Principles aud Pradiceof Teaching, and Applied Matheni .tics at 11.30 a.m., and English at 12 noon. Fall info r raation of \v-?rk to be done may be had on application to the secretary. ROBERT MoNAB, Bon. Sec. InvercargiH, 26th Ap il, 1890. a 26 Amusements. rjiHBATRE ROYAL WEDNESDAY AND TBUttSDAY, 30ih Apbil, and ibt May. Direct from the Dunedin Exhibition. THE GREAT AND WORLD-RENOWHED BAIRNSFATHER FAMILY, SCOTCH VOCALISTS, will appear in their MAGNIFICENT ENTERTAINMENT on the above dates. Admission— 3s, 2s, and Is. Box Plan at Mrs Moir's. Doors open 7.30, commence 8 o'clock. ROBT. ELSTON, Business M*nager. Sporting southland racing club autumn"~meeting To be held on tho BAOBCOTJRBE, MYROSS BUSH, ON WEDNESDAY, 30th APRIL, 1890 PROGRAMME— NOVEL BAOE of 25 soys, 1* mile AUTUMN HANDICAP of 40 sovb, 1$ mile STEEPLECHASE of 274 soys, about 2 miles FLYING HANDICAP of 17£ soys, f mile HANDICAP TIME 'I ROT of 25 soys, 3 miles HALF- HOLIDAY HANDICAP of 27£ sovb, 1 mile CONSOLATION HANDICAP of 12i soys, once round the crmrße Acceptances close at 8 o'clock p.m on Friday, 25th April. For particulars see posters. RICHARD CLARK, m 27 Secretary B.R.C. SOUTHLAND RACING CLUB THB ACCEPTANCES. The following are the acceptances for the Autumn Meeting of the Bouthland Racing Club to be held on Wednesday next. NOVEL BAOE HANDICAP. Streamlet Black Jack Barb wire No Shennanikin Token Little Tom The Lad Nor' Westtr Annie Laurie AUTUMN HANDICAP. Modeste Victory Vaultreos Parvula Jealousy STEEPLECHASE HANDICAP. Hanger Kiwi Aparima Wardrobe FLYING HANDICAP. Vanlttess Heartburn Token Matamata May morn 3 MILE HANDICAP TROT. Banshee Tommy Envy Minnie Waxy Nelly Nelly No. I Caberfeidh Onarlie Oreti HALF HOLIDAY HANDICAP. Vaultrees Jealousy Modeste Token Victory Matamata Farvula Lena TTT INT O N JOOKEY CLUB WINTJRR BACK MEETING Will be held on SATURDAY, 24th MAY, 1890. President— Mr Andrew Liddell. Vice-President — Mr James Me Arthur. Treasurer — Mr C. D. Moore. Judge— Mr John Tennant. Starter— Mr John Mitchell. Clerk of Course — Mr Thos. Lambert. Clerk of Scales— Mr Robert WilBon. Timekeeper — Mr Jamei Hunter. Handioapper— Mr George Dowse. PROGRAMME. 1. HURDLE RACE HANDICAP, of 20 soys. Distance two miles 2. MAIDEN PLATE, of 15 sovb. Distance one mile and a quarter 3. BIRTHDAY HANDICAP, of 26 boys. Distance one mile and a ha If 4. TIME TROT, of 15 soys. Distance two miles 6. FLYING HiNDICAP, of 16 soys. Distance one mile 6. WINTON DISTRICT HANDICAP, of 20 soys. Distance one mile and a quarter 7. SELLING RACE HANDICAP, of 20 boys. Distance one mile and a half 8. CONSOLATION HANDICAP, of 10 soys Distance one mile Nominations for all handicaps, olose on 26th April Weights declared on 10th May Acceptances and Maiden Plate entries olose on 17th May No qualification fee charged For full particulars see posters. JAMES WILSON, a3 Secretary. Public Motices p«REY VALLEY COAL MINES BRUNNEB, COAL PIT HEATH, AND WALLSEND, WEST COAST, The undersigned have always a supply of th< above Co»ls on hand which are confidently re commended for all uses coals are put to. We specially draw attention to these coals ai most economical for steam purposes. Proprietors of threshing mills and all othft steam powers would do well to give these coal atrul. BRUNNER NUTS ALWAYS ON HAND. Apply to NICHOL BROS., AGENTS GREY VALLEY COAL COMPAQ i LIMITED. &2
Page 3 Advertisements Column 2
Southland Times, Issue 11440, 26 April 1890, Page 3
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