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\ LEGAL OPINION "An opinion emnnating from the Law Office of Meß-r? Srogdill and Daniels, of this city, is entitled to iha highest rpupeet and fonfi(ieuce. To question nucb is to invite unfavourable criiiei«m nf one'e discern eot or experience, or bun ; and to adopt it is to gain in ko< >• iedge *i!<i profit. John A Daniels, K«q , of tba abov:-n*med firm, give* the following ac his opinion of an article, widely known in our midnt : < Home time since I was nt tacked with pain and Might B*ellinfjin and below one nf my kneejnnts, which wag the result of an inflammation of the ;j*rio»teum of the nkinbone uear it* head. A few applications of St. Jacobs Oil quieted tie pain and relieved the inflammation, to that I became very comfortable. 1 regard it as a valuable medicine.'" — The La Crosi (Wii.) Chronicle.
Writing under date of February Bth, 1889 Mr Walter Hoger, L ; ncolo, Neb., says : " I fmt commence ' carrying it (the Waterbury) as ■ joke, and ou'- of vexaiion on account of the bad behaviour of a valuable watch I had long carried. The Wat«rbury proved such a remarkable timekeeper that I have carried it almost constantly since, and now wbea it hat stoppid I ferl at tbongh I had lost a friend.
Wanted, &c WANTED— 4 men fortnssocking. Apply 3 o'clock on Saturday, to Mitchall, White A Co. a 26 WANTED to purchase Buggy, Gig, or light Trap. AppJy, stating price, to 11 Gash," Times Office. a 26 JUST LANDED — Bipe Bananas, JSweet Oranges, freih from the Islands. Bipe Fears at Mrs Webster's, Dee street a 26 npEH SHILLINGS REWARD :— LoBt in Spey JL Street, lady's ring Finder will receive the above reward by returning it to Frank A. Steans, American Tobacco Depot. a 26 MoLEOD A C — Monster extraordinary bargains in Men's new Colonial Miits, only 298 6d, 35s ; Waterproof Overcoats, 19a 6d, 365 ; Colonial Tweed Overcoats, 29s 6d and 37s ; Boys' and Youths' Suits at half-price. Exceptional bargains in new Dress Goods from 3}d ; new Dress Tweeds, Is 8d per yard ; Homespun, 4Jd ; Flannels, 10£ d ; Serges, 9£d, ll}i ; Skirting, lljd, Shirting, 4£d, 7Jd : Quilts, 2s lid ; Blankets, 7s 9d ; Coloured Bed Quilts. Exceptional bargains in Ladies' Ulsters, only 8s lid, lOs 6d, 168 6d ; Trimmed Hats at ha'fprice ; Velveteen and black and coloured, Is 3d per yard and 2s fid. Large lot of Job Dress and General Drapery at h»lf-coet pricta, only at MoLEOD & CO., Dee and Don Btreeta. a 26 BOARD OF EDUCATION Applications, with testimonials, from Teachers competent to fill the following vacancies, will be received at this office up to Tuesday, the 29th inst :— 1. Caroline— New School 2. Flints Bush— New School. Salary, in each case, according to average attendance. Farther particulars on application at this office. JOHN HEILL, Secretary. Education Office, 18th April, 1890. al9 NEW ZBALAND GOVERNMENT LIFE INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. This Department faas a vacancy for the services of a gentleman as TRAVELLING AGENT. To gentlemen possessing influence and enerpy this offers a good opportunity for lucrative employment. Addbesb, THB RESIDENT AGENT, a 24 Invercargill. SOUTHLAND TIMES Readers accustomed to procuring their copy of this journal from Agents in Tay street, are informed that they can now b« had at the A.I Gash (Jroosry, eorn«r of Trt and Kelvin street Chnrches. A LL SAINTS, GLADSTONE TO-MORROW. HAKVEBT THANKSGIVING. H.C. 8.30 a.m. 11 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. The REV. J. EVANS will officiate as above; also at the Bluff, 3 p.m. a 26 THE REV. J. P. CHAPMAN, OF FIJI, Will preach in the WESLEY AN CHURCH, Leet street, on SUNDAY, April 27th. Morning at 11 a.m ; Evening at 6.30 p.m. And on MONDAY EVENING, at 7.30 o'clock, deliver his Popular Lecture on "MISSIONARY LIFE IN FIJI."c Illustrated by Curiosities and Hinging in th Fij'an Language. Collection on behalf of the Foreign Mission. a 26 Railway Notices. VTEW ZEALAND RAILWAYS ALTERATIONS IN TIMETABLE, INVERCARGILL SECTION. On and after Thursday, Ist May ; the train now leaving Invercargill for Dunedin at 10 25 a m will be accelerated, leaving Inveroargill at 11.40 am, Gore 1.50 pm, arriving at Dunedin 7.6 pm. The 8 loam train Danediu to Invercargill will leave at 8 10 a m and will be accelerated, arriving Invercargill at 3.50 p m. The 6.40 a m train from Invercargill to Gore will leave at 7.30 am and will be accelerated, arriving at Gore 10.45 am. There will be a branch connection from Edendale to Wyßdham in connection wi'h this train. The 9,26 am. from Edendale to Clinton and 2.16 p m Cm ton to Gore on Tuesday's and Saturday's will not tu-i. The 3.65 p m train from Gore will leave at 3 30 p m arriving Inveroargill at 6.45 p m. The 6am from Clinton to Invercargill will be slightly altered at intermediate efcattona (see posters) and will arrive at Inveroargill 10.40 ' m. A good* train with passenger carriage attached will leave Gore daily at 11.15 a m for Balclutha. A goods train with passenger carriage attached will leave BaloJutha daily at 4.35 p m for Gore, aniving at 8 40 p m. A daily train will leave Wyndham at 12.26 p m for Edendale connecting wit h expresß train to Dunedio. The Extension from Wyndham to Glenham will be opened on Ist May. Trains leave Gleaham for Edendale at 7 45 a m and Edendale for Glenham at 6.5 p m daily The 10 45 a m from Invercargill to Mokotua will leave at 10 50 a m and the 12 noon train fom Mokotua for Invercargill will leave at 12.6 pm. The 7.3o 'am train on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) from Kingston to Gore via Waimea line will leave Kingston at 8.45 am, arriving at Gore 1.30 p m and will connect with expres? to Dunedin. This train will leave Lumsden for Gore daily at 11.5 a m instead of 10.5 a m as at present. The 2.65 p m on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from Go c to Kingston will leave Gore at 2.5 p mon arrival of express front Dunedin, arriving at Kingston at 6.50 p m The 4.5 pm Inveroargill to Riverton and Orepuki, which now runs on Saturdays only, will run daily and the 5.0 p m daily (Saturdays excepted) Invercargill to Riverton. and Orepnki will not run. The G 30 am Nightcaps to Riverton will run dsuly, Fridays exiepted. The 2.0 p m Nightcaps to Riverton will run on Fridays only. Th* 6.15 pm (Saturdays only) Riverton to Nightcaps will run da'ly, Wednesdays excepted. The 6.10 p m Riverton to Nightcaps on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays will not run. For the intermediate times and stopping places see posters. BY OBDER. District Traffic Manager's Office, iBWoMgUI, ?sth April, iB3Q, ap߀
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Southland Times, Issue 11440, 26 April 1890, Page 3
Word Count
1,131Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Southland Times, Issue 11440, 26 April 1890, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Southland Times, Issue 11440, 26 April 1890, Page 3
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