Sporting I SOUTHLAND RACING OLUB AUTUMN MEETING To be held on tho RACECOURSE, MYROSS BUSH, ON WEDNESDAY, 30th APRIL, 1890 PROGRAMMENOVEL RACE of 25 soya, 1£ mile AUTUMN HANDICAP of 40 soya, 1£ mile BTEEPLEOHASE of 274 80V s, about 2 mileß PLYING HANDICAP of 17A soya, f mile HANDICAP TIME IROT of 25 bovb, 8 miles HALP-HOLiDAY HANDICAP of 27£ soys, 1 mile CONSOLATION HANDICAP of 12* aovs, once round the c uree Acceptances close at 8 o'clock p.m on Friday. 25th April. For particulars see posters. RICHARD CLARK, m 27 Secretary S R.C Amusements. f>RI TANNIA RINK TONIGHT. TO- .sIGHT. Fro n 7.30 till 10. Ladies cordially invited. OITY BAND IN ATTENDANCE. a 25 rp HB A T R E ROYAL WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, 80xh April, and Ist Mat. Direct from the Dunedin Exhibition. THE GREAT AND~*WORLD-RENOWNED BAIRNSFATHER FAMILT, SCOTCH v6CALis*rs, will appear in their MAGNIFICENT KNTERT AIK MENT on the above dates. Admission— 3s, 2s, »nd ls. Box Plan at Mra Moir's. Doors open 7:80, commence 8 o'clock. ROBT. ELBTON, Business Manager. Pnblic Notices. Q T. JOH N'S GUILD The drawing for the QUILT will take place on Monday, 28th inst, at 4 p.m. in Ramsay's Hall. E BASBTIAN, a 26 Hon. Secretary. WE are Cash Purchasers of PRIME DAIRY OR GRAIN FED PIGS, at highest live aud dressed weight prices. THOS. QUINN <fc CO., alB Belfast Factory, Conon St. TO BPORTSMEN— Just received, per mail steamer, a small consignment of S.B and D.B Breech and Muzzle-loading Gnns . These are of very sup mor quality, and are specially made to order. Appiy immediately to the AMEBICAN CARRIAGE FACTORY. a 23 ÜBE THE " CINGALESE " BRAND OF CEYLON TEA. „ b 24 DO YOU LIRE BAUCF,? If so letmeoal your attention to the WORCESTER BAUCE, manufactured by W. GAWNE & CO whioh ia ezcellent. One great advantage in its favour is that it ia sold for less than half the Erice of the older varieties. Agent for avercargill, H. HAWSON. j2 "ROBERT McNAB, BARRISTER and SOLICITOR, Templb Chambebs, ESK STREET. f 5 NOTICE is hereby given that au application haa teen made by John Livingstone to transfer hie interest in D.P. section 7, block IV, Mok reta District, to James Templeton of Menzies Ferry, farmer, and the proposed transfer w.ll be heard and determined at a meeting of the Land Board, to be beld at Invercargill, on Wednesday, 4th June, 1890. JOHN SPENCE, Commissioner of Crown Lands. Crown Lands Office, Inveroargill, 24th April, 1890. a 25 OF SOLICITOR'S BUSINESS I have this day disposed of my business as a Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of New Zealand to John Rankine Cowan, Banister and Solicitor and can recommend him favourably to those clients who have favoured me with their business dnring the past fifteen years. Dated at Invercargill, this fifteenth day of April, 1890. LAWRENCE E. READE, Office No. 2 Australian Mutual Provident Society's Buildings, Esk Btreet. Referring to the above I am prepared to carry on the above business in the Ohambsrs recently occupied by Mr Reade. al6 JOHN R. COWAN. NOTICE. T OOK OUTI LOOK OUT!! FINDLAY AND COMPANY, DRAPERS AND CLOTHIERS, WILL OPEN AT WINTON ON TOESDA^, APRIL 22nd, Next door to McLeod's btore, with a Large Stock of Drapery and Clothing, &c AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES A large assortment of MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS— VEBY CHEAP. ' INSPECTIUN INVITED. FINDLAY ANF COMPANY. By buying a parcel atF. aud Co.'s you will cave 20 per cent. a2l DO YOU FEEL AS if you had Lumbago , Rheumatism in every bone, a bilious attack, aad a cold in the head combined, TEAT'S LA GEIPPE, THE REMEDY IS JONES' HONEY PECTORAL. If you have not this " Compound Sensation," take Jones' Honey Sectoral, and you will not. Is 6d AND 2s 6d PER BOTTLE. al ABEY VALLEY COAL MINES. BRUNNER, COAL PIT AND WALLSEND, WEST COAST, The undersigned have always a supply of tho abeve Coals on hand which are confidently recommended for all uses coals are put to. We specially draw attention to these coals as most economical for steam purposes. Proprietors of threshing mills and all other steam powers would do well to give these coals a trill. BRUNNER NUTS ALWAYS ON HAND. Apply to NICHOL BROS., AGENTS GREY VALLEY COAL COMPANY LIMITED. a2a
Page 3 Advertisements Column 2
Southland Times, Issue 11439, 25 April 1890, Page 3
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