|»BITONB IN NYASSALAND SOUTH EAST AFRICA. Livingstonia, Lake Nyaua, last Centra Africa, Karonga, 26th Feb., 1889. Gentlemen,—' At the urgent request of a friend in Africa, I bave been persuaded to write you regarding one of the Waterbury Watches, which 1 wear every day, ani can recommend for time-keeping ability. It has been in Africa for three years, travelled from London to Zanzibar, from Zanzibar to Lake Tanganyika, from Lake Tanganyika to Lake Nyassa. It has been twice under water in African rivers, had at least two falls, and been severely handled by many natives, many of whom look upon it as something marvellous. Once it was taken down when the spring leaped from the case, giving ns all a fright, and lay some yards off, a giant thing of many feet in length. In the fights we have had at Nyasta with the Arabs it has been with me in several engtgements. Notwithstanding all, it keeps good time, and is not rivalled by valuable watches. For wear and tear and time-keeping in a rough country like Africa, I think there is nothing better. Believe me, gentlemen, most respectfully yours, DAVID KBWE CBOSS, M.8.C.H., Ordained Missionary, Livingstonia. THB WATEBBUBY WATCH CO. P. B. —The watch is one of your humblest, —D.X.C.
Wanted, &c. WANTBD— 4 men f or<tussocking. Apply 8 o'clock on Saturday, to Mitchell, White 4 Co. a 26 ELSIE GOLD MINING COMPANY, NOKOMAI. Wanted underground alluvial Miners. Wages £210s per week. None but competent men need appiy. ALFBED E. CONLIFFE & CO. a 24 ' " Nokomai. NEW ZBALAND GOVERNMENT LIFE INSUBANCB DEPARTMENT. This Department has a vacancy for the services of a gentleman as TBAVELLING AGENT. To gentlemen possessing influence and energy this offers a good opportunity for lucrative employment. Addrisb, THB BEBIDENT AGENT, a 24 Invercargill. Meetings. QOUTHLAND BUGBY FOOTBALL UNION The Annnal General Meeting of the above Union will be held in the Prince of Wales Hotel on Friday, 26th inst, at 8 p.m. sharp. Delegates please note. GEO. JOHNSTON, a 23 Acting Seoretary. NOTICE. A PUBLIO MEBTING will be held in the Hall, Wallacetown, on TUESDAY, the 29th inst, at 7.30 p.m, Business:— To consider the Small Birds Question. a 24 JAMES BRUNTON. Sporting nriNTOH JOCKEY CLUB WINTEB RACB MEETING WlLIi BB HELD OR SATUBDAY, 2iTH MAY, 1890. President— Mr Andrew Liddell. Vice-President — Mr James McArthur. Treasurer — Mr C. D. Moore. Judge— Mr John Tennant, Starter — Mr John Mitchell. Clerk of Course— Mr Thos. Lambert. Olerk of Scales— Mr Bobert Wilson. Timekeeper — Mr James Hunter. Handicapper— Mr George Dowse. PROGRAMME. 1. HURDLE BACE HANDICAP, of 20 soys. Distance two mileß 2. MAIDEN PLATE, of 15 soys. Distance one mile and a quarter 3. BIRTHDAY HANDICAP, of 25 soys. Distance one mile and a half 4. TIME TBOT, of 15 soys. Distance two miles 6. FLYING HINDICAP, of 16 soys. Distance one mile 6. WINTON DISTRICT HANDICAP, of 20 soys. Distance one mile aud a quarter 7. SELLING BACE HANDICAP, of 20 bovb. Distance one mile aud a half 8. CONSOLATION HANDICAP, of 10 soys Distance one mile Nominations for all handicaps, close on 26th April Weights declared on 10th May Acceptances and Maiden Plate entries olose on 17th May No qualification fee charged For full particulars see posters, ' J^MES WILSON, •8 tfewitsry,
Page 3 Advertisements Column 1
Southland Times, Issue 11439, 25 April 1890, Page 3
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