Drapers and Clothiers. A STEP FORWARD. JMeng "uit*, Youths' Suits, Boys' Suits, Manufactured by Ourselves on the Premises, and carefully cut and better trimmed than ordinary Ready-mades ; in fact, Al Articles at MODERATE PRICES. 270TE PAETICTJLAELYThat if we have nothiug made up tbat you care for, you can select Tweeds for either your own or your Boys' Garments, and we will make you up Stock Sizes to fit at the <&~ ORP ' READY-MADE PRICES. SUITS Cut specially to measure and finished in the Best Style by competent workmen at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. Bring your Orders to the EXHIBITION — you will not only save your money, but help to find employment for the workers of the town ; both desirable objects. TERMS-HURT PROMPT CASH. THOMSON AND BEATTIE.
Public Notices I THE GOOD OLD-FASHIONED STONE \ MADE FLOUR. The most WHOLESOME, most NUTRITIOUS, SWEETEBT, CHEAPEST, and BEST. ASK FOR THE " MILLSTONE " BRAND. Kept by all the Grocers and nsod by aU the . Bakers. al TIMES Readers aeouatomed to procuring tbeir copy of this journal from Agouts in Tay street, are informed tbat they can now be bad at the A.l Gush Grocery, conwr of Tat anr! KnWin etreet QMELLIE BROTHERS (LIMrTED), B U|R N S I D E, Are Cash Purchasers of OLD HORSE SHOES AND SCRAP IRON. alB T U|S T PUBLISHED THE NEW ZEALAND FAMILY HERB DOCTOR, A Book on the Botanic Eclectio System of Medicines, containing the latest discoveries in Medinide anrt rturgcry. Also a description of the Herbs, Roots, Burks nnd Seeds. &c„ employed in Ihe Botanic practice Bt JAMES F. NEIL, M.D., U.S.A. Price, 5s ; to bt had at Neil's Botanic Dispensary, Tay street, Invercargill. j25 W'OIICB OF REMOVAL R. C. HI ILL fiR, BASKBTMAKBR, Begs toi announce to his numerous customers that he has removed to the SHOP UNDER THE THEATRE KOYAL where he is prepared to execute ordera On the Shortest Notice, A FULL SUPPLY ALWAYS ON HAND. tar COCNTRY ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. m2l OUSINESS NOTICE The undersigned have much pleasure in notifying to the public of InvercargUl and Southland that they have taken over the old established Grocery and Wine and Spirit Business, lately carried on by Messrs J. Stock & Co., and trust by strict attention to the requirements of customers, to merit a share of support. W. SHBFFIBLD & CO., TAY STREET, INVERCARGILL ml 4 JONES' CORN C URE > C URES FACT. m 22 DIPHTHERIA. How to get rid of this dread disease is the question ef the day. -pOBERTSON'S~~GARGAREON ■*-" used in its full strength is a CBBTAII CC»« FOR DIPHTHERIA. And if taken diluted as directed in pamphlet, the GARGAREON will act as a scire preventive against an attack. «T ROBERTSON'S OERTAIN CURES Jgl Should be in every household. Note— Jurors (awards, N. Z. and South Beas Exhibition, Dunedin, 1890. Collection of Household Remedies, comprising Gargareon, Entera Pulvis, Pectoraline, Unguentum, and Magnetised Oil, William Robertson, Woodlands, First Class Award. gold Retail by Chemists aud Storekeepers, and Wholesale by Walter Guthrie & 00. Ltd., Whittingham Bros, aud Instone, and WILLIAM ROBERTSON, al9 Woodlands and Duuedin. Q.RAND CLEARING SALE OF Ironmongery, China, Glass, &c «^ FOR ONE MONTH. J» HALL & CO. Are compelled to remove from the premises they now occupy to others more snitable for the present depressed state of trade. Tbey will therefore offer to the Public the whole of their LARGE STOCK AT COST PRICES, AND IN SOME CASES AT LESS. This is a grand opportunity for getting CHEAP IRONMONGERY, GLASS, CHINA, GENERAL HARDWARE GOODS, PAPERHANGING, GUNS, BRUSHWARE, &c. XT Don't forget it iB the early bird that gets the best of it. Nr.TB — Aa onr stock of ammunition, powder, <fee, is low, there will be no reduction in these lines. SALE COMMENCES On MONDAY, the 7th APEIL, and continues for ONE MONTH ONLY. Notk thb Adbjiss— HALL AND CO., IRONMONGERS, "THE CORNER," Dbh ano Esk Strset', IkvsbqargiiiZV ag
Page 3 Advertisements Column 3
Southland Times, Issue 11439, 25 April 1890, Page 3
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