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Public Notices TTNITED MARINE INSURANOB CO, The undersigned haa been appointed Agent in Invercargill for tke above, ard is prepared to accept marine risks at current rates. a2l R. F. OUTHBERTBON. WELLS^ CORN, SEED, HAY & STRAW MERCHANT Hasan's Buildings, DBE STREET, INVERCARGILL. For Sale at lowest prices for CASH and special quotations for large quantities :— Hay, Straw, Oaten Chaff, Bed Chaff, Oats, Wheat, Barley, Groats, Peas, Maize Ac. Flour Wheatmeal, Oatmeal, Pearl Barley, Bran, Lineeed, Potatoes, Turnips. Lentils and Haricot Beans for cooking. All kinda of Bird seed, Olovers, Turnips and GraßS Seeds. Agent for Nimmo and Blair's, Farm and Garden Seeds ; also for Whyte A Co., Dnnedin. Food Specialist. Cash purchaser of above mentioned commodities ; also second hand bags. All communications may be addressed a 4 J. M. WELLS, Dee Street; A. M. & CO. NEW WINTEE GOODS INCLUDING Ladies' Plush Jackets and Dolmans, Cloth and Jersey Jackets, Ladies Ulsters and Bainproof Cloaks, Girls' Ulsters, all sizes, and a large variety Misses Reefer Jackets, Ac, ko. ALSO,— NEW DRBSS GOODS is BORDBRED ROBES, FBENOH SEBGES and MELTONS SPEGKLBD TWEEDS SNOWFLAKB CHECKS COSTUME CLOTH, <feo., Ac. FURS ! FURS ! FURS ! FURS A. MAIS & CO:, DRAPERS AJND CLOTHIERS, DBE STREET, W N>XT THB SOUTHLAKD CLUB. Jgt I HAVE decided to sell the following of my properties, particulars off which, Price, Terms, dec, can be obtained from Mr D. L. Matheson, merchant, Dee street ; or from Mr C. Broad at my office, Tyne street. A. TAPPER. Sections 10 and 11, Block 67, Gala street, i-acre freehold, with substantially built brick honse of 10 roone, scullery and bathroom erected thereon. Hot and cold water and gas throughout Ground well laid out. Section 9, Block 67, Gala street, i-acro free - hold, on which is erected stable and coach houße. Section 8, Block 67, Gala street, J-acre leasehold, with substantially built house of 9 rooms, scullery, and bathroom. Hot and cold water and gas throughout. Ground rent, L 6 per annum. Section 7, Block 14, Tyne street, £-acre freehold — 5-roomed house and 5 workshops. Use of siding. Section 7, Block 60, Leet street, £>acre leasebold, with two 6 -roomed cottages, nearly new. Ground rent, L 6 per annum. Section 9, block 17, Annan street, leasehold ; 5-roomed cottage. Ground rent, L 2 6s p«r annum. Section 17, Block 14, Eye street, £-acre freehold. Cottage of 6 rooms. Section 18. Block 14, Eje stre«t, £ acre freehold. Cottage of 6 rooms. Part of Section 9, Block 7, Invercargill Hundred (Rimn, upper) ; about 120 acres ; fenced. Two cottages thtreon. Freehold. Section 90, Block 2, Seaward Bueh Township. Four acres, freehold Section 17 Block 22, Invetcargill Hundred, near Seaward Bash Township ; about 25 acres. a 23 Wilson, Tame and Co SATUBDAY, 26th APRIL, 1890. At 8 o'clockSALE RACING PRIVILEGES. WILSON, TAINE AND CO. will sell at their rooms, Dee street, as above, the Privileges in connection with the Invercargill Racing Club Baces to be held on April 80th— No. I— Publican's Booth No. 2 — Refreshment Booth and Temperance Drinks No. B— The Gates No.4— The Privileges of selling Race Cards, all ready printed. Particulars on application to the Acotioneera. a 24 Thomas Green WYNDHAM STOCK SALE. THURBDAY, 24th APRIL, 1890, rpHOMAS GREEN (in conjunction with 1 I W Raymond) will sell by auction at Wyndham on the above date— 1 AA A CROSSBRED EWES, 2 to 8- tooth /»AA CROSSBBED WETHBBB, 2-tooth KA A MERINO EWES fiAA CRO3SBRED LAMBS ENTRIES INVITED. a 22 X.Z. fjoan and M.k. Co> MORTGAGEE'S SALE. SATURDAY the 3rd day of MAY, 189*), 12 o'clock Boon. Under conduct of the Registrar of the Supreme Court of New Zealand, at Invercargill, by order of the Mortgagees. THE NEW ZEALAND LOAN k MERCANTILE AGENCY CO. Ltd., have received instructions to sell by auction at their rooms in the Crescent, Invercargill, on the day and at the time abovementioned, the following property viz. — . Part of section 14 Block 11, town of Invercargill, containing 12 one-tenth poles more or less with brick shop thereon. Tho above property will ba offered for sale under the provisions of The Land Transfer Act, 1885, and in exercise of the powers conferred by Memorandum of Mortgage. No, 5869. For fu/ther particulars apply to Thh ATJCTIONEEaS. Or to MAODOHALD & RUSSELL, a 4 Solicitors, Invercargill. OATS, WE have at present large orders on hand and are prepared to buy OATS at FULL MARKET VALUE. THE NEW ZEALAND LOAN & MERCANTILE AGENCY COMPANY LD., Crescent. JOHN TUBNBULL, m 26 Manager. A. A. ffiiacGibbon ARCH. A. MaoGIBBOJST AUCTIONEER, •BTOOK, WOOL, GRAIN, AND GENERA* COMMISSION AGENT, MATAUBA AND GORK AGBST NSW ZEALAND INSURANCE * COMPANY. Stock Sales oonductoi at Mstaura, Gow f and Wyndham, Liberal Cash Advances made '.on Stock, Wool If-LQiASS H3& QITXAT.SD.ji
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Southland Times, Issue 11438, 24 April 1890, Page 3
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781Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Southland Times, Issue 11438, 24 April 1890, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Southland Times, Issue 11438, 24 April 1890, Page 3
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