Public Notices DOBEBT F. CUTHBEBTSON Accountant, Land, Finance, awd General Aohht. Agent for— The Guardian Fire Assurance Co. ; The United Marine Insurance Co. ; The Public Trust Offiot. DO YOU LIKR SAUCE ? If so let me eal your atteation to the WORCESTER SAUCE, manufactured by W. QAWNB <fe CO which is excellent. One great advantage in its favour ia that it is sold for less than naif the price of tha older varieties. - Aeent for lavercargiU, H. HAWBON. j2 T EVERETT o • BEQ-8 to state that he has taken ovar the KAITANOATA COAL DBPOT. Liddell streat, and that ht mil continue to supply coal m hitherto: AJso — NEWCASTLE, COALBBOOKDALB, OBEY AND NIGHTCAPS COAL. All kinds of Firewood, Lime, Straw and Chaff always on hand. Orders may be left at the Depot, Liddell street) or at his shop, Spey street LOWBBT PRICES. Carting doce on the shortest notice. al6 Q BE G G aITd CO. AlMgic Sellers, 21, PRINCEB STREET, DUNEDIN. SIX FIRST-CLASS AWARDS AT THH NEW ZEALAND AND SOUTH SBAS EXHIBITION, 1889-90. EXHIBITION Everybody is Buying It MODEL Everybody is Buying It PIANO Everybody ia Buying It £38 NET. Everybody is Buying It EXHIBITION Everybody is Buying It MODEL Everybody is Buying It PIANO Everybody is Buying It £38 NBT. Everybody ia Buying It t9* The Exhibition Model Piano can be seen and tried in Inveroargill, at the premises of our Local Agents, MESSRS \YES\EY BROS., who ara in a position to give intending purchasers every information. ml 9 COUGH OHCB TRIED ALWAYB USED. AS SAFE AS IT IS CERTAIN. BOMItfGTON'S PEUTORAL OXYMBL OF OABRAGEEN OR IBI^Ef MOAi*, Will Cure any kind of Cough or Cold, recent of chronic, Influenza, Loae of Voice, Sore Lungs, Anthma, Hoarseness, Tickling of the Throat, Bronchitis, Incipients, Consumption, and all similiar camplaints. IT 19 GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION; It is endorsed by Vocalists and Public Speakers ;it clears the Throat, Removes all Huekinesa and othar causes that lead to lots of Voice. SOLD EVERY WHERE. Wholesale at Drug Warehouses, ma BONEDUST. TO BUYERS, AGRICULTURISTS &c, &o. PURE BONEDUST COARSE OR FINE. COT EQUAL QUALITIES, 4$ Better than any Other Mare ! NO SECOND SORTS. APPLY TO THE SYDNEY SOAP AND CANDLE CO., Limited, 837 KENT STREET, SYDNEY. ml WINTON. The Southland Times and Weekly Times may be obtained, immediately after arrival of the first train for tha day from InvwoargiU, of Mr Thomas McWilliam, merchant, who will also receive orders and advertisements, A special runner attends the downward trains promptly on their arrival at tto Wlfttoß ptotfena,
Page 3 Advertisements Column 4
Southland Times, Issue 11438, 24 April 1890, Page 3
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