William Todd. THURSDAY & FBIDAY, 24th & 26th APRIL At 11 o'clock a.m. IMPORTANT TRADE SALB OF DRAPE EY WILLIAM TODD Trill sell by auction on the premises, Toy street, as above— THE ENTIBE STOCK IN TRADE OF GENERAL DBAPKBY OF P. M. PETERS, Jvmoß. MEN'S k BOYS' BKADY-MADE CLOTHING LADIES' DRESSES, PIECE GOODS FLANNELS, HOSIEBY, HABEBDASHERY, BILKS, COTTONS, GLASS CASES, 60, Ac. IN TRADE LOTS ONLY. The attention of tho trade is respectfully in- \ vited to this Unreserved Clearing Out Bale: ! On view on Wednesday, from 10 ajn, Bale starts each day punctually at 11 a.m. a2l SATURDAY JSVENING, 26TH APRIL, At half past seven. WILLIAM TODD will sell by public auction in Exchange, Lease (12 years to run, £3 10s per annum) of * section 9, block 42, Eye street, sear the Caledonian Grounds, on which ia erected a very comfortable 4 -ROOMED COTTAGS, Stable <tc n at present in this occupation of Mr Harrington The fitcumstances surrounding this property ranters it necessary to be sold and will go a. gift oa almost any term*. »24 FOB PRIVATE SALB Agricultural Land 160 acres, fenced, half in splendid English grass, 12 miles from Invercargill. Metal road to door. Price, £8 per acre. Apply at once to a& WILLIAM TODD. Mitchell, White and Co jyriTc;H;EiLL, w»hit;b and go Dm stbbkt, next McGregor's Stablet. AUCTIONEERS, LAND, STOCK AND STATIOH AGENTS. WOOL AND GRAIN BBOKBBS AKD VALUATOBS. HOBS eTa L E S— Begular Sales' on Saturdays in tha Grttaira Yards, at 11 a.m. SHEEPSKINS, HlDis, TALLOW, *O. Begular Sales at our Bsome every Monday and., at the Wallacetown Crossing Slaughter Yards as required. STOOK~SALBB Fortnightly, at tha Invercargill Sale Yards, and Monthly at the various Country centres, datet of which will be duly advertised. CASH ADVANCES made on WooL Grain Bkins, Ac., placed in our hands for Absolute Bale • STOCK BALEWAIRIO. WEDNESDAY, 30TH APRIL. At 1 p.m. T^rrOHELL, WHITB & CO. will nell by I.?X auction, as abovePresent Entries about— f* A A CBOSSBBBD EWEB OAA DO LAMBS -j O BOMNEY MARSH BAMS Q A HEAD PURE AYRSHIRE CATTLE O\J (cown, heifers and bulls a 22 SHEEP SALE, WINTON. THURSDAY, Ist MAY, 1890, At 1 o'clock. . MITCHELL, WHITE k CO. will sell by auction,ao above— 1000 CBOSSBRED L AMBS PA A DO MERINO EWBB rAA BREBDINGEWES WYNDHAM STOCK SALE. THURSDAY, 24TH APRIL, At 11am. MITCHBLL, WHITE & CO. will sell by auction on above date, on account of .- Mr D. K. Mcßao— 1000 CROSSBaBD WETHBBS~a good ' 1 D ° EWEB> oflE tnßßock « Other cu ries are now invited. all E. B. Williams [A OASD.J * " r> B, WILLIAMS AND G^O BTOCK AND STATION AGBJMI AJTB U-BIIBBAIi BBOKBBS. Don street. Premises lately occupied by the Britisn and Atw Zealand Mortgage and Agency Company). Farms, Town Sections, Wool, Grain, and Babbit Skins sold on commission. T^m negotiated, et etc. Liberal cash advance! made en anytuJng Bent in for absolute sale. R. R. WILLIAMB AHD CO WAIR IO, STOCK SALE. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 80IH. "D B. WILLIAMS & OOj Entries to daU-» nX A BREBDIHG BWES 36() LAMBS DA FAT SHEEP (freezers) OV all F. St Canning P t S. CA OI TH~Q ' AUCTIONEBR AND VALUATOR, MERSEY STREET, GOBK. SALES of Bheopekinß, Wool, Babbitekinn Hides, Tallow, 4c, held every MONDAY, at 2 p.m at the Gore Auction Mart, Gore. SALBS of Stock every alternate TUESDAY at the Gore Corporation Yards. • ' SALES of Horses every alternate SATUBDAY at Milnt's Farmers' Arms Stablea, Wyndham ' . Entries received by Mr John Milne for Wynd ham horse anloE « H Carswell and Go. XT CARSWKLL AND CO., AUOTIONEBBS, LAND, STOCK AND STATION AGENTS, WOOL AND GRAIN BROKERS The Orescent, lavercargill. AUOTIOITsALES : ] SKINS, Hides, Wool, Btvbbitskinß, Tallow, 6o« at Creanent Stores, every Monday. BTOOK at Wallacetown Crossing every alter* - nate Tuesday. LIBEJRAL CAB 3 ADVANCES MADE asainst Frozen Meat, WooL Grain, and all kinds of Produca placed tin theirhanda Sa^lonaou" 701^ Shi P»^ *;: AGENCIES: S * i Om i te** BBAPEBS ABfD ?S?HACH^E^ BD AOBICUt^ CoL stbambbl! loN COn LTD " D ™W THOMAB' CABBOLISBD SHXSP DIP^ - HA.BTIE & TYHDALL'BnJNG.WOBPI CBBB. *• , .. ■■■•"■;• x;
Page 3 Advertisements Column 6
Southland Times, Issue 11438, 24 April 1890, Page 3
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