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Properties For Sale. C. W. BROWN'S SOUTHLAND PROPERTYREGISTER PROPERTIES FOR SALE, &o. City oi Inveroargill KMIST-RBD NO. 12A...8ection 11, block 57, corner of Leet and Doon street ; fenced and planted. Probably the beat aitt in town for a residence. Prioe, £800. _asy terms 12 n .Bections 6 and 6, block 19, Annan street. Each £70. Good residence sites I2...Bections l&and 20, block 60, Earn street, Invercargill. Price, £70 each 12..,500ti0n 2, blook 6, Annan ?tr«et, InvercargilL Good residence site or yard for railway conveniences. Price, £126 17...Soction 18, block 6, laddel street, with two dwelling houses erected thereon. Price, £460 ; easy terms 17...8e0ti0n 16, blook 20, Clyde street. Good building site. Price, £160. Deposit required, £25 ; balance may remain for 6 yean at 7 per cent. 6_«Pection 16, block 16, Tweed street, InvercargUl. Quarter-acre ; fenced and planted with Irses. Thiß section bas cost with improvements nearly £260, and will now be sold for £160. As a building Bite it can be highly recommended. £100 can remain on mortgage, and easy terms for the balance will be given 9...Secfcionu 20 and 21, block 26 Crinan street, Invercargill, containing half an acre. Section 20 ii an educational lease expiring 20th September, 1890, bnfrrenewable for a further term of 14 years ; present rental 20s per annum. Section 21 is a freehold, and the two will be sold for £100. £25 cash ; balance as may be arranged M...6ection 18. bleok 25, Earn street, on which twa cottagps of four rooms each are erected, together with carpenter's shop and outbuildings. Leasehold— •boot three years to ran— at 21s per annum. Will be acrid at a reasonable price 85...Seotion 6, block 24, Earn street, with 6roomed dwelling house erected thereon. Leasehold will be sold at very low price and upon easy terms. 70.. .Seven-roomed house, Don street, with every convenience. Leasehold, 14 years to run, at an annual rental of £6 10s. Price, £276 71,,,8ection 16, Block 50, Earn street, with Broomed building thereon ; £80 for the lot ; easy terms. 67... Quarter-acre, leasehold, with 8-roomed dwelling house, Tweed street. Price, £66. Easy turns. 20...80ee and Woodbine Cottages, Yarrow street, i acre, with gardens. A good investment for a working man. Price for ths two cottages and land, £310. Easy terms. Dipton Flat I... Sections 6 and 6, Dipton Flat Estate, containing about 180 acres superior land, fenced on three sides; price £3 per acre. Terms— £6o cash ; balance by instalments bearing 7 pu cent interest. Avenal. *89... 5ma1l Cottage and £ acre. Seasonable price and easy terms Seaward Bush Township S..J3ection 30, block 2, Seaward Busb, containing 6 acres. Frontage to Maoquarie street, unimproved. Price, £70. A deposit of £10 only required ; balance by instalments bearing 7 per cent, interest 86...Sections 14 and 15, block 1, Seaward Bush, containing 9a 3r 16p, unimproved land Woodlands 34...8eveial choice Building aites, will bs sold on very easy terms. Clinton (North Invercaygill) 44...8ecti0n 5, block 3, Clinton, with very comfortable five-roomed dwelling house erected thereon. Can be highly recommended, a comfortable home. Price, £160. Easy terms 12o...S«ctions 12, 13, and 14, blook 4, Clinton. Each £60 Gladstone 128...2 Acres, excellent residence sits. Cheap, easy terms 68...Sections 6 and 6, Block 6, Gladstone, containing one acre with six-roomed dwelling houac erected thereon. Ground in high state of cultivation. Price, £500. 20-...& Acre, with four- roomed dwelling house erected thereon. Price, £200; very easy terms Kilbroney 6S...Beotion I Block l v Kilbroney, containing lr. 3p: Price, £I_. Mill Road. 52a... A Good Farm for sale or lease, about 160 acres, fenced and improved East Inveroargill, 72« N Half-acre, MoMasters' Estate, 4J chains frontage to Gala street and Biles Boad. Aa a site for a private residence this section is unsurpassed in Invercargill or suburbs Wallaoetown Jl...Btction 9, block 1L Watt asetown, quarteracre. Section 8 Block 12, WaUacetown, quarter-acre. Price, £7 10s each. Township of Winton 45...Bections 7 _ 16, bleok 4, Winton. Prioe £150. U...Section 8, block 19. Prioe, £26. 18...8eotion 18, bleok 17, Winton, containing one rood. Prioe £12, J4...Bection 6, blook 28, Town of Winton. auarter-aore with dwelling house erected aereon. No reasonable offer will be nfuasd for this property. Oampbelltown If ...Section 11, block 18, Campbelltown, containing one rood. One of the beet sites for reflidtnee in Campbelltown, situated just above Captain Tyson's house . Price £100 ; easy terms. S2...Part of Section 3, Blook I, Campbelltown Hundred, containing 196 a 2r 82p, with frontagts to Bluff Harbour (near Pilot Station) and Foveaux Straits. Frontages to Bluff Harbour suitable for cuttiag up and tha balance would make a first-class farm. Good timber. 83.. .Tw0 •xoollent building sites, $-acre each, on the road to Pilot Station, and very short distance from the wharf. Price £100 each. 84.»Blook of S acres, immediately at the bock - of above, suitable for large restdence. Woodend. 78...200 Acres Improved Land, with comfortable dwelling-house and good farm buildings ; 2 miles from Woodend Bailway station. Price, £5 per acre. Town of Gore 18...Seotion 11, block 15, Gore, containing one rood. Price £25. B6...Allotments &os-. 12 and 18, of subdivision of (section 64 blook 16, Gore, containing 88 perches each. High and dry, northern aspect. Splendid position for i welling. Price £11 each. Morton Mains Dlstriot 14.0.600 acres improved land, Morton Mains District, Will be sold vary cheap for cash,] or terms can be arranged- required. Dipton, 1...A first class block of wheat-growing land near Diptou New River Hundred 60.. .316 Acres unimproved land. Will ba soli at a reasonable price. Lothian Distriot 14A...A First-class Farm. Low prioe. Easy Terms Forest Hill Distriot 19...5e0ti0ns 29^256, 257,258, Forest Hill District, containing 196 acres, near Forest Hill Tramway. Price £2 per acre : Terms, 6e per acre cash ; balance aa may be arranged Mabel 42...Sections 3 and 7a, block 5. Mabtl, contain* ing 177 a lr 19p improved land, No reasonable offer refused Mitohelltown, North Inveroargill 43,..8ections 6 4 6, and 7, block 1, Mitchelltown, with four-roomed cottage erected thereon. Price, £130 North Island. 86.. .Several splendid blocks of land in the Taranaki District for lease at pricea ranging from la per acre for rental, and 10s for purchase. Also Properties at Inglewood, Clifton, North Otautau, Appleby, Powelltown, Wyndham, and Mataura, particulars of which can be ascertained upon application. * Hew Advertisements,
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Southland Times, Issue 11438, 24 April 1890, Page 1
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1,037Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Southland Times, Issue 11438, 24 April 1890, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Southland Times, Issue 11438, 24 April 1890, Page 1
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